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One of my favorite tools for growing thick, full, eyebrows is minoxidil. Not only does it work very well, it doesn’t have some of the issues that other brow growth serums do.

@Oks Reviews thank you for sharing your experience!

#browgrowth #browgrowthserum #minoxidil #minoxidilresult #eyebrowspecialist


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Red bumps on the back of the arms are most commonly caused by a condition called keratosis pilaris. In this condition, little plugs of keratin get stuck underneath the top layer of the skin. Glycolic acid can help to exfoliate the top of these which will smooth the skin and treat this condition. #keratosispilaris #keratosispilaristreatment #bumpyskin #smoothskin #smoothskinhacks
·17h ago
stitch with @Chiara💛 Your phone camera does NOT get an accurate representation of what you really look like. The camera causes especially bad distortion around the central face, particularly the nose. If you want a more accurate picture, take one with the back camera further away or use a mirror. #frontcamera #facezoom #facedistortion #whatyoureallylooklike #frontcamerazoom
·1d ago
stitch with @kwanlymitk Smile lines or nasolabial lines are one of the most misunderstood cosmetic concerns. Even though you’ll notice a line at the fold, the issue actually comes from the skin above it. So to get a natural looking result, the key is to focus on lifting those tissues instead of filling the line. #smilelines #nasolabialfolds #smileline #faceliftingchallenge #facetightening
·2d ago
stitch with @Ashley Masseter Botox can be a great way to slim the face but if it’s not injected deep enough into the muscle it can cause this issue of the deep part of the muscle bulging through. This can be avoided but can also be corrected with a deeper injection. #masseterbotox #masseterinjection #botoxcheck #botoxcheck #faceslimming
·3d ago
stitch with @Roadto50 If you’re noticing wrinkles on your under eyes as you age, you should know that this is a common result of aging. With volume loss around the eyes, the thin skin around your eyes can look especially wrinkly. While under eye filler can help in few select cases, the best treatment for most people to tighten that skin is to use an ablative laser. #undereyewrinkles #undereyecreasing #undereyebags #eyewrinkles #undereyes
·4d ago
stitch with @Dorothy This is a trick going around to use lash glue to secure your bangs down so they don’t blow away with the wind or as you move. These adhesives have similar ingredients to super glue and will hold your hair down but they’ll damage it as well. This shouldn’t be done repeatedly but it’s best to trim off damaged ends if it’s done. #bangshack #lashglue #lashgluepen #hairstylingtips #bangshairstyle
·5d ago
stitch with @Elsa Getting creams and other skincare products on your back can be a big inconvenience if you don’t have someone to help you out. Some great hacks for doing it include this oven mitt method, using a spatula, and getting a specific back applicator. #skincarehacks #bodyskincare #tanningcream #skincaretricks #backcream
·6d ago
Skincare in your 40s should be focused on a few key ideas: building new collagen, protecting the collagen you have, and restoring and retaining moisture. As we age, our skin starts to lose collagen as well as the barrier lipids that help our skin to stay hydrated. Retinoids can help to build new collagen while Vitamin C and sunscreen can protect the collagen that you already have. Emollient moisturizers help to restore the skin barrier. #40sskincare #skincare40s #agingskin #agingskincare #agingskincareproducts
·1w ago
stitch with @ETERNAL MUSE @Zhenya Spitsyna Heatless curls are a fantastic way of getting curls and volume into your hair without damaging the cuticle. The main issue with them for certain hair types is how long they last. One way to make them last longer without any heat is to use a curl defining product before wrapping the hair around the rod. #heatlesscurls #heatlesscurlrod #heatlesshair #curlinghair #haircurlingtutorial
stitch with @Lexi Hidalgo Lip stains can be a great way to add extra color to your lips. If you want to step it up even further, using a darker color on the border like you would with lip liner can have a similar effect on your lip definition to using lip filler since it will accentuate the white roll. #lipstain #lipstainhack #liplinerstain #lipdefinition #lipplumper
stitch with @Alessandro St. Ives Apricot Scrub and other exfoliating scrubs may help to smooth the surface of your skin. The problem with these is that it is very difficult to balance enough exfoliation with protecting your skin barrier. Chemical exfoliants such as the AHAs glycolic acid, lactic acid, or glycolic acid, allow you to smooth bumpy skin in a much more controlled way. #apricotscrub #exfoliatingscrub #alphahydroxyacid #glycolicacid #smoothskin
stitch with @Alexandra Retinoids like tretinoin can have a tough adjustment period but for most people it is ABSOLUTELY worth it. There’s no other ingredients that are SO effective at treating SO MANY skin concerns. #tretinoin #retinoltips #tretinoinpurge #retinoid #retina
These white bumps under the eyes are often confused for whiteheads or acne. But these are actually milia. They are small cysts filled with keratin. They can be treated with retinoids and/or manually extracted. #whitebumpsaroundeyes #whiteheads #whitehead #milia #miliatreatment
stitch with @Alondra Humphrey Wearing certain hairstyles repeatedly can eventually lead to PERMANENT hair loss. I’ve seen many patients who have thin hair, especially around their temples, from tight hairstyles growing up. BUT there are also ways to avoid this AND still wear your hair in the style that you want to. The key is to avoid tension on the root of the hair. #cornrows #braidstyle #braidedhair #hairthinning #safehairstyle
Crushed aspirin mixed with apple cider vinegar and applied into the scalp can be a very effective treatment for dandruff and scalp psoriasis. The mixture can also help to remove sebum from the scalp. Aspirin works like salicylic acid and can remove buildup of scale and reduce inflammation. The apple cider vinegar can also help to remove scale while also acting as an antimicrobial. #scalppsoriasis #dandruff #scalpcare #naturalpsoriasistreatment #dandrufftreatment
stitch with @zoreandtomek There is no better way to get natural looking curls into your hair without damaging it than using heatless curls. This trades in some extra time for avoiding the damage that comes with heat or chemical methods. Heatless curls can work with your hair wrapped around any soft object! #heatlesscurlsovernight #hairtutorial #heatlesscurls #heatlesshair #curlinghair