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in the beginning of this I was back in the hospital after anterior spinal fusion surgery. I had returned with a 10oz blood clot that was designed to yet again take me out but instead was yet another thing I survived by the grace of GOD. I was spiritually, mentally and emotionally drained. I was alone and terrified with the exception of my father and kids in which he was taking care of alone. my dad is my hero. this was the hardest time of my life and yet my boyfriend of 4 years who pretended to be such a good man was literally our using his time to cheat on me but in turn cheated himself right out of the opportunity to be with me and while GOD was saving me he was also removing him from my life by showing me exactly who he really was. 💔 I survived death because I'm protected and I survived him because I'm stronger than that bs. 💪 💯 I don't want no one in my corner that is showing fake love period just in case yall still confused. I'm a warrior, some call me wonder woman my son calls me iron woman Because of my metal heart valve but I'm a fighter for sure. everything that was designed to destroy me I've battled and won 🏆 in stronger than ever today and me and my babies are taken care of without him always have been. I simply chose him to enjoy this life with us when he showed nothing to me that says he was worth it at all. my heart is pure and my actions even more so. 💓 I am a better person, mother, friend and daughter and one day I'll find someone worthy of sharing that with. but for now in love myself and that's all I need. #wonderwoman #healingoutloud #singlelife🤘🏻 #fyp #narcissisticabuserecovery #imstillalive #lovingmyselfmoreeveryday #warrior
·2023-1-20the absolute best recipe i found for these @miranda_stayclassy I've learned so much from this app 😍 thank you so much for sharing your life and your recipes with us. this will be something we will pass around in my family for sure. I've never made muffins from scratch until you went viral with all of the Hannah drama and I found your page. then started making your recipes 😋 you are amazing and stay with a beautiful heart no batter what you're going through 😍❤️💯
·1-20sometimes the pain isn't worth sacrificing for so letting go is the only option. sacrificing self worth for ppl who can't even respect the sacrificing you've done to stay with them bc you love them. the only good thing about any of that is the fact that you end up discovering who you really are in the end and who I am today i absolutely love ❤️. #running #lettinggo #breakingtraumabonds traumabond #discoveringself #proudofwhoiam
·1-17he just walked up randomly and whispered "moon ima kill you IN YOUR DREAMS" this is what yall leave me with tt 🤣😂😕 I'm shookesth and terrified haha
·1-162024 was challenging to say the least but I Refuse to allow 2025 to be even a 1/4 of what I've battled through. this will be the year of true freedom. letting go of it all and pushing forward ✨️ 🙏 💪 🙌
·1-15#goodbye2024 my BEST and WORST year so far. I've cried I've laughed I've grown and above all I've definitely elevated ❤️💯 i have respect for 2024 but it's a love hate type of thing. I'm ready 2025 I think lol let's gooooo
·2024-12-31so petty i just wanna help and i can't bc I've clicked ppl that are at their limit 🙃 it's so dumb atp they've changed the crap 100x for no reason like dang tt #purpletickets
·2024-12-30Replying to @jenniferburkhart738 plz do research before just saying no they don't. my sister was a nurse and made too much to get wic so I already knew this that's why I said yes they do. hope this helps