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#duet with @userlfj2d5w5ui #nohate #ftm #lgbt #ftmoftiktok #transoftiktok #selfmademan #lovenothate #loveislove #ftmtrans #ftmpride #lgbtpride
My 1st video, nervous to post so please be kind. #1stvideo. #Ftm #transgender #lgbt. #selfmade #selfmademan. #selfmademale #GenderXpression #lgbt🌈
PLEASE, PLEASE.... I BEG YOU IF YOU ARE 45 OR OVER TO GET YOUR #COLONOSCOPY DONE CAUSE IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE.... I DIDN'T HEED MY DOCTORS WARNING TO GET MY SCOPE DONE AND NOW I'M FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE DUE TO #COLORECTAL CANCER & COMPLICATIONS DUE TO THE CANCER. REMEMBER: LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST EACH DAY CAUSE TOMORROW IS NEVER PROMISED & DON'T LET ANYONE OR ANYTHING STOP YOU FROM ACHIEVING YOUR DREAMS. DON'T LET ANYONE CONTROL YOUR LIFE CAUSE YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE THAT CONTROLS YOUR LIFE. TREAT PPL HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED WITH LOVE & RESPECT UNLESS THEY GIVE YOU REASON NOT TO SHOW THEM ANY RESPECT OR LOVE. AND, ONE LAST THING "KNOW YOUR WORTH. MUCH LOVE & RESPECT, COLL♥️🧡💛💚💙💜 #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice   #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #knowyourworth #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #lgbtq #lgbtq + #lgbtqia #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove #lgbt2025 #lgbtq2025 #plussizefashion2025 #3plusstoryxcalendar2025d3 # #lgbtqia2025 #lgbtplus2025
·4d ago
Yellow car reminds me of @ZZTop red car. My 1st & late wife was actually in multiple videos for #ZZTOP & this was one of the songs she did. Hope everyone is having a blessed day. Much love, Coll❤️ #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice   #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #zztop #friendsshowingfriendslove @ZZ Top
·6d ago
03.03. is my birthday and the last 2 years I have spent my birthdays in the hospital so I'm a bit excited that today I'm not in the hospital & I'm blessed that after 2yrs battling cancer & complications from it I'm still here giving this horrible disease hell cause I'm a fighter. Let the 3rd year come on so I can keep kicking cancer's bloody arse. My wife Kris @Devilishly has surprised me with 2nd row "Cirque du Soleil Echo" tickets for March 8th that she bought over a year ago. Kris just knew I wasn't going anywhere and I'd give cancer hell.  No body can say I'm not a fighter & I will survive this horrible disease.... Much love, Coll❤️ #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #happybirthday #2025 #happybirthdaytome   #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice  #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove
It's my birthday weekend (Monday 03.03is my bday) so Galveston here I come. Remember live each day to the fullest cause tomorrow is never promised.... Please go get you scopes done cause it could save your life. I didn't take my doctors seriously, and now I'm battling colorectal cancer & complications from it. Learn from my mistake. Much love, Coll♥️ #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #happybirthday #2025 #happybirthdaytome   #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice  #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove
HAPPY MARDI GRAS! #mardigras2025 #mardigras #Collisious #collsbesties #genderxpression #cancersucks #screwcancer #cancerwarrior #cancerfighter @Devilishly @Aurelia Domingues Ra
Look at that face... Have mercy hope I don't end up looking like that.. #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice   #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove
#thirsttrap #collisious #collsbesties #GenderXpression #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #friendsshowingfriendslove
Fuck up one of these and you've lost all 3. No 2nd chances period. I can be loyal to you for life however the 2nd you disrespect ppl I love or me and you have lost me.. #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice   #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove #CapCut
#collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice   #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove #CapCut
UPDATE: UNFORTUNATELY, I FIND MYSELF BACK IN THE HOSPITAL DUE TO FEVERS AS HIGH AS 102.9. THE DOCTORS ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR THE INFECTION. THE DOCTORS HAVE ALSO PUT ME ON A HEART MONITOR DUE TO MY HEART BEAT BOTTOMING OUT. YOUR CONTINUED POSITIVE THOUGHTS & VIBES ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. THANK YOU... MUCH LOVE, COLL♥️ #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice  #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove
DYING MAN'S LAST WISH TO SPEND THE WEEKEND WITH A SLOT, GIRAFFE, RING TAIL LEMARS AND SWIM WITH OTTERS. #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice  #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove
UPDATE.... LAST TIME I MADE AN UPDATE I HAD TOLD YOU THAT DOCTORS WHERE RECOMMENDING HOSPICE. WELL, THE ONLY REASON THEY RECOMMENDED HOSPICE CAUSE THEY DIDN'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO WITH ME SINCE NO SURGEON WILL TOUCH ME SINCE I'M SUCK A HIGH RISK. EVEN THO EVENTUALLY I WILL HAVE TO GO INTO HOSPICE THIS IS NOT THE TIME. I AM STILL ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR OTHER TREATMENTS HOWEVER I AM IN PALLIATIVE CARE WHICH IS 1 STEP DOWN FROM HOSPICE. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT KEEP ME IN THE THOUGHTS, PRAYERS AND POSITIVE THOUGHTS. REMEMBER, PLEASE I BEG YOU GO GET YOUR SCOPES DONE CAUSE IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE. I DIDN'T TAKE MY DOCTORS SERIOUSLY ENOUGH NOW I'M FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE. THANK YOU... MUCH LOVE, COLL♥️ #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice   #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove
THANK YOU TO MY WIFE KRIS ( @Devilishly ) FOR MY SURPRISE VALENTINE'S DAY GIFT. MY DYING WISH IS TO HOLD & PLAY WITH A SLOTH. KRIS HAS STARTED A GOFUNDME TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. SO, IF YOU CAN HELP IN ANY WAY EVEN IF ITS SHARING, REPOSTING OR DUETING THE FUNDRAISER IT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. YOU CAN FIND THE FUNDRAISER VIDEO 5 VIDEO DOWN FROM THIS VIDEO. ALSO, HERE IS THE LINK I WANT TO GIVE A SHOUT OUT TO @The Reptarium FOR THE AMAZING GOOD THEY DO TO TEACH PPL ABOUT THE REPTILES. PLEASE GO FOLLOW THEM. THANK YOU.... MUCH LOVE & HAPPY VALENTINE'S, COLL♥️ #collisious #collsbesties #canttouchthis #GenderXpression #palliativecarepatient #hospice #cancerwarrior #rectalcancer #coloncancer #colorectalcancer #cancerfighter #ileostomybag #transpride #rightsforall #colorectalcancerawareness #ftmwithcancer #lgbt #ftm #ftmfightingcancer #lgbtpride #cancersucks #fuckcancer #fyp #ftmwithcancer #foryoupage #FAP #AFAP #cancer #samerightsforall #equalrights #smartass #smartarse #friendsshowingfriendslove #thereptarium