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I felt like I had to share this with you because I didn’t want the rumors to continue spreading 🥹 Nic and I mutually decided to end our relationship. It really wasn’t an easy decision but we both realized that we have our own struggles and mental health challenges that we need to work on first. Please don’t make any assumptions about what happened - it really hurts me to read these negative comments about him, especially when they couldn’t be further from the truth :( I still think he’s the coolest guy I’ve ever met! I will always have love for him and I truly wish him nothing but the best with all my heart. It was a beautiful relationship and I will be forever grateful for it! You guys are a big part of my life, which is why I didn’t want to leave you in the dark. But I really hope you can understand that I need some more time to process everything 🫶🏻 thank you for always supporting me, I love you!
·3d ago