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Here’s a breakdown of our training guides so you can easily choose which ones you need: 1. The Bunny Bible: This is the foundational guide recommended for all bunnies. It covers exercises for grooming, picking up, recall, and socialization. It’s the 101 guide with something for everyone, and each exercise can be performed at varying intensities—from easy to challenging. 2. The Pickup Artist: If your bunny still struggles with being picked up after completing the Bunny Bible, this guide includes 25 micro-steps that gently expose your bunny to the pickup process. It also helps identify which part of the process your bunny dislikes. 3. Walk This Way: This guide is for safely teaching your bunny to walk on a leash. However, your bunny should already be well-socialized, comfortable outdoors, easy to pick up, and able to recall before starting this guide. 4. The Bunny Environment Guide: For bunnies that are particularly scared or traumatized, this guide helps you create a more comfortable space for them. It covers how to clean their enclosure and litter box in a non-threatening way, and how to make your presence less stressful for a nervous bunny. There are also free guides and quizzes you can download to support your training journey!
Found the sweet spot.
·1d ago
Bunny mode ACTIVATED!
·1d ago
Baby bunny PJ is starring in his very first family video! What you’re looking at is four generations of carefully bred and trained Holland Lops. As a dedicated Holland Lop breeder, I’ve worked to ensure my rabbits are not only beautiful but also well-socialized and trusting. I have no fear with PJ being around his father, Picasso, and no concerns about Monet and Picasso being together—there’s no aggression, just a family of loving, well-mannered bunnies. This is PJ’s first big adventure outside the nest, and we’re so excited to watch him explore!
·1d ago
Bunnies! At ten days old, the ears begin to unseal and they can start to hear.
·2d ago
·2d ago
PJ is eight days old today and still can’t hear or see yet. I took him in the car with me for the first time while picking up one of the kids from school. This was PJ’s first time being away from Monet.
·4d ago
Exercise 3: Making Friends – Bunny Bible 2.0 Get the other 53 bunny training exercises in the Bunny Bible 2.0, a complete guide with 54 progressive exercises designed to build trust, confidence, and training skills with your bunny. Each exercise builds on the previous ones, gradually increasing in difficulty and preparing your bunny for more advanced training. What This Exercise Does: 🐰 Helps prevent your bunny from retreating when you approach. 🐰 Ensures your bunny stays put if you need to rush to them in a dangerous situation (e.g., a loose dog or unsafe environment). 🐰 Prepares them for training by teaching them to stay relaxed when you approach. Training Tips: ✅ Train for 10 minutes a day for the best results. ✅ Consistency is key—training every day at the same time helps your bunny learn faster and feel more secure. Get the Bunny Bible 2.0 for $30 here: 📌 📌 Or visit the TapLink in the bio to find all of our training resources!
·4d ago
Is PJ already a snuggle bunny?
·4d ago
If PJ (Picasso Junior) is a girl she will move to Texas. If PJ is a boy, he will be looking for his forever home.
·4d ago
Picasso Jr.
·6d ago
Don’t buy a bunny for Easter! Oh, how delightfully predictable. Every year, like clockwork, the internet is flooded with warnings: “Don’t buy a bunny for Easter!” And yet, those same people clutch their fluffy little rabbits in carefully curated posts, basking in the glow of their own well-intended wisdom. Let’s be honest—no amount of research, no checklist, no hours spent scouring forums will ever truly prepare you for the experience of owning a bunny. Why? Because bunnies, much like children, are wonderfully, chaotically individual. You can read every book, watch every video, and still find yourself staring at your rabbit one day, utterly bewildered, thinking, Well, that wasn’t in the manual. So, I don’t particularly care when you got your bunny, or why you got your bunny. What I care about is what you do next. Because at the end of the day, it’s not about perfect preparation—it’s about commitment. If you’re ready to love that bunny, to learn, to grow, to give them the best life possible, then congratulations—you belong here. Hi, I’m Amber. I’m an animal trainer specializing in bunnies, and I’m here to help. Stick around. Ask questions. Learn. Let’s make the world better—one well-loved bunny at a time.
·6d ago
I’m so proud of Picasso’s recall.
·6d ago
I set out to write children’s books about rabbits—not to teach everyone how to train them! I was just training my rabbits to make appearances at social events and book signings… but somehow, I ended up teaching you how to train yours too!
·6d ago
Struggling to pick up your bunny? The Pick-Up Artist is designed to help you troubleshoot every challenge and perfect your technique so you can handle your rabbit as effortlessly as I do. Many people get stuck as they move into the harder exercises, but don’t worry—I’ve got you! Here are three mini steps to help with Exercise 15: Leapfrog. You can download them now—just check the link in my bio for access!
·6d ago
·6d ago