Boys stink and have cooties. I’m okay with being the only boy buying them flowers for a little longer. #girldad #girldadtiktok #girldadproblems #dadlife #flowers #icanbuymyselfflowers #parenting #dadsoftiktok #fatherhood
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
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When you’ve been married for 21 years and they’re still the one you want to slow dance in the kitchen with ❤️ Lincoln had to join in too 🥰 #wheregraceguideswellgo #growoldwithme #hekeepsmewildikeephimsafe
·2d ago Something so incredible about just sitting on the lift with your son talking about life and love and dreams and Jesus. Jude goes off to basic training in a few weeks and then has a short 2 day break before starting Pre-BUDS and then straight into BUDS. So he’s been asking for us to find some time to go hit the slopes one more time before he takes off. So, so glad we had the opportunity to this week over at Ober in Gatlinburg! So dang proud of this kid. Well, man. 😭 #FatherSon #DadTime #NavySeal
·4d ago Jude recently got his Navy contract and official departure date (in April!! 😭) and he decided to go ahead and cut off all of his hair that he’s been growing out the past couple years as he gears up to leave for Navy bootcamp soon! We also had a meeting with his recruiter to talk through what to expect over these next few months as he makes his way through bootcamp and graduation and then starts his service. There have been lots of tears in our home lately as we prepare for it all. It’s truly such a strange sensation to feel simultaneously so proud and so heartbroken. Did we mention he qualified for Navy Seals?! 🎉 So thankful for the time we still have with him before he heads off this Spring! You can see the full vlog of this day now up on YouTube! ❤️
·2-20This year I wanted to surprise Amanda with something a little extra special for Valentine’s Day, so I booked us a room at the magical historic train station turned luxury hotel - @The Union Station Nashville early in the day to set up the room with rose petals everywhere, her favorite chocolates, and a few other little touches to make sure she knew how much I love her. This is our 24th Valentine’s Day together and I adore this woman and the joy that she brings to my life more than ever. You are such a gift to me, Amanda, and I am so beyond blessed to get to call you my wife. I couldn’t imagine life without you. ❤️ If you can find a truly good wife, she is worth more than precious gems! - Proverbs 31:10
·2-16It’s been almost 2 weeks since this sweet moment saying goodbye to Penny as she stayed behind in China. We are so thankful for this opportunity for her and for her amazing foster families who raised her until she was 12. They truly do feel like an extension of our family now as well. We know you’re having an amazing time, Penny, but we are certainly counting down the days until you arrive home next month. ❤️
·2-13Our teens LOVE mystery, crime, true detective, who-dunnit games. Getting the clues and figuring out how to crack the case. We can spend hours playing over and over!! And so partnering with @Goliath Games, we found Unsolved Case Files: Sandra Ivey and it’s been such a blast for game night, or in this case - GAME DAY while we are snowed in! Makes it so fun to connect without the screens and devices, though it can get a heated sometimes. Which makes it super handy that there is also a solo mode when one of us is feeling some quiet down time. It’s available at Target, so you should definitely get it for your crew! SO FUN! #GoliathPartner #UnsolvedCaseFiles
·2-12While we were in China last week, we stayed in the Nanning Marriott hotel where we met Penny for the first time almost 8 years ago! It was her 12th birthday and the kids all played chase and hide-go-seek in the atrium before we all ate dim sum together and gave her her birthday presents we had brought for her. It was truly such a beautiful moment and memory, even though she was scared out of her mind and really didn’t know what to think about a massive American family like ours - let alone joining us as our daughter! She said that I was so silly and making jokes all the time that it really helped kinda bring her walls down. She was so shy but she humored me to take a funny pic with me and when we got to the hotel she said, “Dad, we should recreate this pic!” I struggled to get the face right, but she nailed it, down to the dollop of ice cream on her lip. 😂 #Classic So thankful we got to have this time together and just remember and see how far we have come!
·2-11These are the little moments that are not so little to me, especially as we prepare for Jude to head into the navy in the coming months. He’s been pretty sore from his training and asked us to use the massage gun on him, which Ethan was delighted to do. :) Life feels so bittersweet these days, witnessing our kids growing older and preparing to leave the nest. It makes my heart swell with joy and pride as we see the ways the Lord is preparing them for more independence and yet as a mama it breaks my heart as well. I never realized that as much as the younger years were hard work, it’d be so much harder to let them go when they’re older. 💔🙏🏼💞
·2-6Married life is me always telling him “You need to get gas-you’re almost out” and he replies “I’m fine- I’ve got 20 more miles... I didn’t say “I told you so” but I did take a video for proof when I brought him the gas can 😂🤣😏 Love you @Stephen Miller | REALTOR® 💞 Sorry I just had to post this 🤣😘 Which spouse are you? Drive til it’s empty or make sure you never get too low? 😉