Replying to @Jessica Weaver TOP 3 of 2024! Number 2!
This girl sure knows how to keep us on our toes!
Did ya laugh? Smile? Snorted? That’s your cue to follow! 💗
#funnymoms #countdowntonewyear #constipationrelief #kidssaythefunniestthings #prankgonewrong #prankfail #funnyprank #thekristalondon #viralvideos2024
Monkeyshine-JP - Lt FitzGibbons Men
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One minute, your children think you’re the best thing next to chocolate… and the next minute, they look at you like you’re an alien! #funnymoms #millenialmoms #parentinghumor
·4d ago My children caught on at a young age, that Mommy is VERY dramatic with a DARK sense of humour. Apparently, I passed that on to them 😬 😂 On a more serious note - I haven’t got my biopsy results back yet. BUT, my ultrasound was bumped up to next Monday! Woo hoo! #darkhumour #funnymoms #genalpha #genetics
·5d ago And people wonder why my favourite hobby is editing 😂 I could do HOURS of bloopers! On Saturday, the kids and I worked on something for our favourite brand: Mydoh! Whenever the kids are involved, chaos ensues! You may see a 30 second video, but that 30 second video took ALLLLLL day to capture. I deserve a vacation after this one! 😂 #mydoh #kidsbelike #funnymom #adhdfamily #laughteristhebestmedicine
·6d ago Replying to @userqkfda4hd0t If it’s not pink, I don’t want it! #teampink #teamfrank
·2-28Replying to @Veronique 🇨🇦 In my defence, those are fresh biopsy boo boos under those bandages! Did my children laugh at me? Yes. Am I aware I’m a baby? Also yes. Will I ever consent to biopsy’s again… 😬 Ask me next week. #adultish #laughteristhebestmedicine
·2-27I’m just throwing out it there… but anxiety is a real 🏖️ Will it be cancer? What if I hit someone and not notice? What if someone steals all my money? What if 2012 comes true?! Ahhh anxiety! #anxietybelike #anxiety
·2-26Replying to @Aušra 🇨🇦🏴🇱🇹 I proudly hold the title for “biggest wuss of all times”. Also, I’m incredibly grateful to have found Platinum Medicine . They definitely caught on quick that I am NOT adult enough, and are taking great care of me 😉 But seriously… stay tuned for the upcoming video of my husband and I attending to change my bandages. One of us WILL drop! • #a#adultishf#funnymomentslaughteristhebestmedicine
·2-26Replying to @The Krista London This week, I found out I have the CDKN2A gene mutation, which puts my risk of developing melanoma, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer as high as 78%. And honestly? It feels like a death sentence. I KNOW I’m lucky to have this information. It’s life-saving information. Early detection gives me the best fighting chance, and I’m grateful for that. But knowing doesn’t make it any less terrifying. The idea of constant monitoring; MRIs, endoscopic ultrasounds, skin checks, every six months for the rest of my life is so overwhelming. I hate going to the dentist, for crying out loud. How am I supposed to face this?! If you’ve been putting off your health checks, please, please don’t wait. You never think it’ll happen to you… until it does. Thank you for holding space for me while I navigate this. I don’t have all the words yet, but I know I don’t want to walk this path alone. And I feel very alone right now. #H#HealthJourneyG#GeneticTestingC#CDKN2AC#CancerPreventionOneDayAtATime
·2-25This week, my life shifted in a big way. I was originally sent for genetic testing to check for the BRCA mutation and when the results came back negative, I felt a huge wave of relief. But that relief didn’t last long. The labs noticed some red flags and decided to dig deeper. That’s when they found the CDKN2A gene mutation. It’s rare, and it comes with an (up to) 78% increased risk of several cancers. I’m still trying to process it, still trying to make sense of what this means for my future and for my family’s future. My children have a 50% chance of having this. I know I’m not sick right now. But this diagnosis means a lifetime of constant medical appointments, of always wondering “what if.” It’s terrifying. And the weight of that fear is so heavy. This week alone includes a punch biopsy, ultrasound. MRI next! But I know this: Knowledge is power. As painful as this is, I’m grateful to know. Because now I can start the fight ahead of the war. I can take steps to protect myself and stay ahead of whatever may come. If you’ve been putting off your health checks, please, I’m begging you, don’t wait. You never think it’ll happen to you… until it does. Early detection can save your life. Thank you for holding space for me as I go through this. Your love and support means more than I can ever put into words. And to the lady who unfollowed me over this: I’m sorry for whatever hell you’re currently walking through. 💡 What is the CDKN2A mutation? It’s a rare genetic mutation that significantly increases the risk of developing melanoma, pancreatic cancer, and, in some cases, other cancers. It’s one of the strongest known genetic risk factors for these cancers. Which means ongoing monitoring and early detection are crucial. #HealthJourney #GeneticTesting #CDKN2A #CancerPrevention #StayStrong #OneDayAtATime
·2-24I’m really just trying to grasp the reality of what happened today. I’m so tired, but I’m so full of fear that I can’t turn my brain off. Originally, I was tested for the BRCA mutation. I tested negative for that. But after noting some red flags, the lab requested additional genetic testing. I got those results this week. These results have changed my entire future. I know I should be grateful to have this knowledge so I can plan. So I can take precautions. But instead, I feel like I was just given a sentence. I feel like I’m just waiting for the inevitable now…. This upcoming week is full of medical appointments for me. And if you know anyone about me, that in itself is my nightmare. Going to the dentist is terrifying enough! First up, a punch biopsy. (Hopefully with a side of a strongggg numbing med) Stay tuned… this could be one hell of a ride. (Sorry, my dark humour is coming out strong tonight) • #genemutation #CDKN2A #laughteristhebestmedicine
·2-23Replying to @Sam Taylor In my area, MOST people have 4-6 car driveways. If you park on the road during a snowstorm… just know, I’m judging you. Like, do you want your car to be buried until spring? Do you enjoy making the snowplow driver’s job impossible? Or is this just a strategic move to make the rest of us suffer while we try to squeeze by like we’re in an obstacle course?? Winter is hard enough - move your car, Chad!!!! If your driveway is tiny, I’m not judging you too much 😉 #W#WinterStrugglesM#MoveYourCarS#SnowstormSurvivalW#WhyAreYouLikeThisi#ihatesnowontarioweather
·2-20Replying to @🇺🇸 Idk Random? I used to love snow days. Now? I wake up, see 30+ cm of fresh snow, and immediately start calculating how much ibuprofen I have in my house. Shoveling isn’t just a chore anymore… it’s a high-stakes game of survival. I lift with my knees, take breaks, pace myself… and still somehow end up clutching my back like I just went ten rounds with a heavyweight champ. 20-year-old me? Out in the snow for hours, living my best life. 36-year-old me? Sneezes too hard and pulls a muscle. If anyone needs me, I’ll be inside, drinking tea, watching the snow pile up, and acting like it’s not my problem. #Win#WinterStrugglesi#AgingLikeFineWinet#gettingoldsuckst#ontarioweathero#Snowpocalypsedermillenial
·2-18There’s enough white stuff to last a lifetime! Pleassssse no more!!!!!! #nomoresnow #ontarioweather
·2-16Replying to @Steven Spohn My parent was told their results would be back in 8 weeks. This was back in November. I know I can’t trust them to be honest with their results. So, I did the test on my own. I did have to pay, but it was significantly less because it’s from a study here in Ontario. Fingers crossed the results come back negative 🤞 What is the BRCA gene mutation? The BRCA1 and BRCA2 are genes in the human body that act as tumor suppressors. When you have the BRCA mutation, your risk of Cancer can raise as high as 85%! So… cross your fingers for me 💗 #BRCA #storytime
·2-14I think it’s safe to say that my husband will be taking over my CRA account going forward 😂 😆 😬 This whole “we will never email or call you” is bologna! They ALWAYS call and email me. And I ALWAYS think they’re full of it! When will I learn 😬 😭 #prankcalls #prankgonewrong #funnymoms #millenialmoms #storytime
·2-13Before @Mydoh, keeping track of chores and allowances was a struggle. But now? Chores are getting done, financial milestones are being celebrated, and there’s way less stress in our home! With Mydoh, I can: ✔ Set tasks & assign a dollar value ✔ Automate payments on pay day ✔ Give a savings boost to help my kids reach their goals Watching them build smart money habits is priceless. 💗 Ready to make saving FUN for your kids? Sign up Mydoh today with no monthly fee! #Ad #Mydoh #IGotMydoh #SmartMoneyMoves #ParentingWin