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Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni might sound like Utah mom baby names, but they’re not the kind of names you would write if you were writing a fictional story. . A big rule with naming fictional characters is that “Readers must be able to pronounce them, differentiate them, remember them, and keep them straight.” . Having 3 different characters in the Book of Mormon right next to each other with similar sounding names doesn’t fit the bill for fiction, but it’s right at home in ancient Egyptian naming practice. . In fact, famous biblical scholar William Albright was surprised “that there are two Egyptian names, Paanch[i] and Pahor(an) which appear together in the Book of Mormon in close connection with a reference to the original language as being ‘Reformed Egyptian.’” . The prefix pa- is extremely common in Egyptian names, and each of these names, Pahoran, Paanchi, and Pacumeni can be broken down into ancient Egyptian meanings. . Some ancient Canaanite letters in the 14th century bc frequently mention an Egyptian official named Paḫura, the cuneiform rendering of the Egyptian name pꜢ-ḫr-ꜣn (paheran) or pꜢ-ḫꜣry (pahari). The name means “the Syrian” or “the Hurrian.” . Paanchi has been connected with an ancient Egyptian name Pianchi, which possibly means “the living one” . Pacumeni has been compared to the Egyptian Pakamen meaning “the blind man.” . These names and the narrative in Helaman 1 are arguably more true to life and consistent with the ancient Egyptian origins of the Book of Mormon than any fiction writer in 1829 could have hoped. . To learn more, read KnoWhy 574 at Scripture Central. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #bookofmormon #bookofmormonevidence #archaeology #egyptianarchaeology
·4d ago The Latter-day Saints prophet David O. McKay once taught that if people understood this one thing about the temple, it would be the greatest spiritual motivation of their lives. . He said that there are few people, even temple workers, who understand the full meaning and power of the endowment. But if they did, it would make all the difference. . There’s a reason that ancient temples were either built on mountains or built to BE a mountain. It’s the same reason we refer to the temples in our day as the Mountain of the Lord. . President McKay taught that “Seen for what it is, it (the endowment) is the step-by-step ascent into the eternal presence.” . The temple is our tutorial for returning to the presence of God in heaven by spiritually ascending step by step through a process of making covenants and becoming more holy. . The oldest temples were built to mimic this process, by stepping up from room to room. In the Salt Lake Temple, it’s first the creation room, then step up to the garden of Eden room, then go upstairs to the world room, then step up to the terrestrial room, and finally enter into the symbolic presence of God in the Celestial Room. . In a lot of temples today, we no longer ascend from room to room but we still try to represent this upwards progression symbolically using other visual elements. . Knowing that God wants me to become like him and ascend into His presence to dwell forever helps me understand why he gives me certain commandments and gives me the motivation to persevere through life’s challenges. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #ldstemples #mormontemples #ldsendowment
·6d ago The Latter-day Saint initiatory ceremony is a royal and priestly coronation ceremony. God’s greatest goal is for us to return to His presence and become like Him. This is articulated in the temple as becoming a King or a Queen, and Priest or a Priestess in God’s kingdom, and the initiatory ceremony prepares us or initiates us for that royal and sacred future. . In the initiatory ceremony, we are symbolically washed similar to how ancient Israelite priests were washed to spiritually cleanse and prepare them for service. . We are also anointed with consecrated olive oil, just like priests were anointed to set them apart for their holy calling. Just as King David and Solomon were anointed, kings and queens for centuries have included anointing rituals as part of their coronation ceremonies. . We are then clothed, by being authorized to wear the holy temple garment. Israelite priests had simple white underclothing, as well as a white tunic as part of their clothing. The simple, white anointing gown worn at modern coronation ceremonies is reminiscent of this ancient tradition. . Finally, we are given a new name to represent our renewed identity as covenant disciples of Jesus Christ. Abram became Abraham when he made a covenant with God. Kings and Queens will often take upon themselves new regnal names when ascending to the throne, just like Princess Alexandrina Victoria became Queen Victoria when she ascended to the throne. . All of these elements of the initiatory are rooted in ancient royal and priestly traditions to help symbolize how we can one day become King and Queens, Priests and Priestesses in God’s kingdom. . Art by @hiilanifinearts @messages.ofchrist . #lds #prolds #ldstemples #ldsinitiatory #ldsendowment #mormontemples #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
·3-1The Latter-day Saint temple endowment is a ritual drama. Understanding this can help reframe why the Creation and Fall of Adam and Eve is presented a little differently in the temple and what it’s actually trying to do, because it’s NOT trying to be a scientific history of the world. . A ritual drama is a dramatic retelling of a narrative or story. But instead of being performed as a movie or a stage play, it’s performed as a ceremony. So it invites your participation in the story. . The sacrament of the Lord’s supper is a kind of ritual drama. Each Sunday we are singing songs and praying prayers narrating the sacrifice of Jesus Christ’s body and blood. . Then we participate in the story by eating the bread and water, symbolically taking that sacrifice into ourselves and inviting ourselves into that story. . There’s evidence that in certain periods of the Jerusalem temple on certain feast days, the ancient Israelite priests would recite the biblical account of creation while they offered sacrifice. To help them become part of that story and connect them. . The endowment is a ritual drama that retells the story of Creation, The Fall of Adam and Eve, and the need for an Atonement. . We are invited into the story by putting ourselves in the figurative shoes of Adam and Eve and making sacred covenants throughout this ceremony. . And no, this isn’t a commentary on the historicity of creation or Fall. I believe God literally created the earth and he made covenants with Adam and Eve. . But the endowment is not so much about historical narrative as it is about being transformative. . Its purpose in telling the story is so that you can learn that just like Adam and Eve, you are a literal child of a loving God, YOU have the potential to return to Him some day, and YOU have the divine nature to become like him someday. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschrist #ldstemples #mormontemples #symbolism #adamandeve #ldsendowment
·2-25The idea that Joseph Smith found ancient gold plates in a stone box is not so far-fetched when you realize there are ancient examples of this very practice. . In 1926, archaeologists in Hamadan discovered an inscription of Darius on gold and silver plates stored in a stone box just like the Book of Mormon. . Just a few years later, 2 more sets of gold and silver plates were found in stone boxes in the foundations of the Persian palace at Persepolis. These plates were carefully deposited in the building foundations as a way to preserve and certify these official documents. . As a religious example, the Ark of the Covenant not only held the tablets of the commandments, but according to Deuteronomy it also contained Moses’s writings, to preserve and reverence them as sacred and important documents. . To learn more read evidence article 112 in the ScripturePlus app in Joseph Smith—History 1:51. . #goldplates #dariusthegreat #ancientpersia #persepolis #archaeology #ancientneareast #josephsmith #bookofmormon #arkofthecovenant #bookofmormonevidence #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
·2-19Joseph Smith said that this cow was a sun. And if that sounds ridiculous, like some critics thought, Joseph Smith’s identification of this figure in the Book of Abraham is actually correct. . This figure comes from an Egyptian type of document called a hypocephalus and when we study other examples of this kind of document, the cow figure is often labeled as the "the great cow who bore the sun” which Egyptologists typically associate with the goddess Hathor. . When Hathor is depicted as a cow or a woman with cow horns, she usually bears the sun disk between [her] horns.” But that is not the case here which makes it even more remarkable that Joseph would think the sun was somehow associated with this figure. . She is frequently identified in Egyptian texts as the mother and guardian of the sun disc as it is reborn each morning. She’s sometimes identified as both the consort and daughter of Re the sun God. . Now by the time of the Joseph Smith Papyri hundreds of years later, she was being identified by some ancient Egyptians as the sun itself and a fiery solar deity. . Such as in this inscription which calls Hathor, “Female Sun, Mistress of Suns” (ỉnḏ ḥr.t rˁyt ḥnwt n(.t) rˁw). . So when Joseph Smith indicated that this cow “is said by the Egyptians to be the Sun.” He was right. . You can learn more in Abraham 1:12 of the ScripturePlus app. . #hathor #josephsmith #josephsmithpapyri #bookofabraham #prolds #lds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
·2-17The Salt Lake Temple open house will have the longest open house in history because this Temple is here to fulfill prophecy. . President Nelson just announced that the Salt Lake temple renovation will finally be complete, with an open house for the temple from April 2027 to October 2027---lasting six months from general conference to general conference. . Before this, the longest temple open house was less than 3 months. . I think the reason the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is having such a long open house is connected to ancient scripture. . See, Temple square already draws around 5 million visitors per year, on par with the Statue of Liberty or the Grand Canyon. . The Salt Lake Temple, with its ornate neo-Gothic design, is one of the most iconic and mysterious symbols of the faith. . Curiosity about Latter-day Saint temple rituals is massive—imagine how many will come when they can finally see for themselves what happens inside. And don't forget the millions of members that will want to see it, I know I'll be first in line to sign up for a tour. . Apostle D. Todd Christofferson predicted this will be "days never to be forgotten"—part of a decade-long series of events bringing increased attention to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. . Isaiah prophesied that when the mountain of the Lord’s house is established in the tops of the mountains, all nations shall flow unto it. With all that's happening with the Salt Lake Temple, I believe we’re about to see the nations flowing in record numbers. . To learn more, read this article in the Church News. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #churchnews #saltlakecity #ldstemples #mormontemples
·2-15The Church has released 15 New Hymns for home and family, and you know what that means: time to learn where each of these hymns came from! . “Close as a Quiet Prayer” This is a song that Sally DeFord actually wrote for one of her grandsons. Sally DeFord is a really popular LDS composer. In writing this hymn, she wanted all children to know that Heavenly Father will always hear their prayers, help them, and love them. . “Come, Hear the Word the Lord Has Spoken” This hymn was composed by another LDS composer, Frans Heijdemann from the Netherlands. He worked on the Dutch hymnbook and the Dutch children’s songbook, and he wrote this hymn to remind us to rejoice because Jesus has opened the heavens again and He's going to come back one day. . “Faith in Every Footstep” “Faith in Every Footstep” is a CLASSIC song from the 90s. It was composed by K. Newell Dayley to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Latter-day Saint pioneers entering the Salt Lake Valley and was first printed in Church magazines in 1997. The inspiration came for this hymn when his son was preparing to serve a full-time mission, and as they were studying and memorizing scriptures together, the words and music came to him. . “Holy Places” In 2019, Sherrie Manwill Boren felt inspired to create this hymn. The main focus of this hymn is on recognizing and creating holy places. Sherrie Boren then found that her hymn was particularly meaningful just 1 year later during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when our conventional holy places (like ward buildings and temples) were closed down, and we all had to learn more about creating holy places where we were. . “I Can’t Count Them All” Lina Sandell-Berg is one of Sweden’s most beloved hymn writers. When looking at a children’s book illustration of a boy struggling with a math problem, she realized that there are some things that we just can’t quantify, like the endless evidence of God’s goodness all around us. Swedish organist Albert Lindström set her lyrics to music, and the hymn has been in the Church’s Swedish hymnbook since 1993. . “I Have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ” Janice Kapp Perry is a well-known LDS composer of lots of children’s songs. In 2007, she wrote “I Have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ” for a Primary sacrament meeting presentation. She wanted it to be like a short, simple testimony of Jesus Christ that children could resonate with, and I find that very powerful. . “I Know That My Savior Loves Me” This is one of my FAVORITE children’s hymns. It was first published in the “Friend” magazine in 2002 by Tami J. Creamer and Derena A. Bell as they were inspired by the story in the Book of Mormon where the Savior blessed each of the little children at the temple after His resurrection (3 Nephi 17:21). They wanted the primary children to know that even if they don’t physically see Jesus, they can still know that He loves them. . “Let Easter Anthems Ring” In 1868, Anglican organist & choirmaster of St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle composed this hymn’s beautiful melody and called it “Diademata,” after the many crowns or diadems on Christ’s head per Revelation 19:12. In 2011, Larry A. Hiller wrote new text for this original melody, and the new hymn was published in the April 2012 Ensign under the name “Rise Up, Ye Saints, Rejoice.” The hymn focuses on the joy that Christ’s Atonement and Resurrection bring. . All these hymns are now available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Korean, and Tagalog. Mandarin and Japanese will become available later this year. . To learn more, check out this article at the Church Newsroom. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #sacredmusic #churchnews
·2-15The church’s substantial financial resources today are a relatively new phenomenon that partly arose out of some hard lessons learned in our history with poverty and financial instability. . The early church had a lot of financial hardship for a lot of reasons, including government persecution, that’s contributed to our mindset around finances today. But as recently as the 1963, things were not looking good for the church financially. . In the late 1950s, church membership was booming, and to keep up with that pace, the church led an aggressive building program to provide meetinghouses and temples to accommodate the growing membership. . But that led to significant financial strain. In 1962 the church spent $32 million more than it received and those losses mounted further in 1963. . It was at this point that the Church called N. Eldon Tanner to the First Presidency and had him reform church finances. He really tightened the belt and enforced strict policies of saving and investing, in addition to controlling budgets. . Which you can see in the construction of the Church Office Building. They were in the middle of building what is now the COB when Elder Tanner put an abrupt halt on construction for 5 years until they could get their budgets under control. This building was finally completed in 1972. . Elder Tanner would go on to serve in the First Presidency for the next 20 years and 3 other prophets to entrench the Church in responsible financial practices that it continues today. . Today the church does not spend more than it takes in, and it sets aside funds to save and invest towards the future. . To learn more, read this article in the Deseret News or this chapter at the Religious Studies Center. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschrist #latterdaysaints #ldschurchhistory #ldschurchfinances #ensignpeak #neldontanner
·2-12If Joseph Smith fabricated the Book of Mormon, he would have needed to remember and keep straight hundreds of sequentially consistent dates throughout its more than 500 pages. This would have been especially difficult during the record’s multiple flashbacks or when its three separate calendar systems overlap. . To better understand what I’m talking about, we’re going to have to break down the timeline. . Mosiah 29:46 says that the 1st year of the reign of the judges coincided with the 509th year from the time that Lehi and his family left Jerusalem. Much later, in Third Nephi 1, Nephi reports that the 91st year of the reign of the judges has passed away and that it has been six hundred years since Lehi left Jerusalem. This means that these 2 moments in time must have happened about 91 years apart, and the math definitely checks out, even after 199 pages of Book of Mormon translation! . Then 3 Nephi 1:15 introduces a third calendar system, which tracks time elapsed since the sign of Christ’s birth. In 3 Nephi 2:5-7, Mormon tells us that 9 more years have passed and gives us a new set of dates for all 3 calendars. Once again, all the dates line up, as you can see in this table. . With many more examples like this, it would have been insane for Joseph Smith to have kept all this straight, especially since, according to witnesses, he wasn’t relying on any notes to help his memory. It genuinely seems more plausible to me that these were in fact all actual dates that were written down in real, ancient records. . And if you want to read about even more examples of accurate chronology in the Book of Mormon, check out evidence #240 at . #lds #prolds #bookofmormon #churchofjesuschrist #josephsmith #goldplates #comefollowme
·2-10I personally think that the easiest way to elevate your scripture study doesn't require commentaries, notebooks, study guides, or anything extra, and is a really simple practice that my own mom instilled in me as a teenager that made all the difference in my own studies. . And that is to practice asking questions. And it does take practice. . The most inspiring discoveries I have made in my own personal study have happened because I intentionally cultivated curiosity in what I was reading by forcing myeslf to think of questions. . When I practice asking these questions, the rest comes easy because finding answers to those questions then becomes an exciting path to discovery. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #scripturestudy #biblestudy
·1-29This is your reminder that if you've ever been reading hte Doctrine and Covenants and wondering where is this taking place? When is this happening? Who is this about? . I have a trick that I use all the time. Go to the ScripturePlus app to the section in the Doctrine & Covenants that you're studying, go down to the study panel, and under the tab "Historical Settings," you have all the information right there. . It tells you at a glance when this is taking place, who this is about, and most impressively, where this is taking place. And if you tap on that, it can take you to a ton of information about that location, including 360 tours of the site. . There are so many underrated tools and resources in this app for enhancing your scripture study. So, if you want to have the best Come Follow Me study you've ever had, download the ScripturePlus app. . @scripture.central . #lds #prolds #comefollowme #churchhistory #gospelstudy #biblestudy
·1-27There's only one scripture that shows up in all 4 standard works so you have to know it's important. This scripture, though small, sets the stakes for the entire Plan of Salvation. . Malachi 4:5-6 comes from the Bible, but it's quoted by Jesus in the Book of Mormon, it's quoted by the angel Moroni in the Pearl of Great Price and it shows up in section 2 of the Doctrine and Covenants. . It's says, "He [the prophet] shall plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers. If it were not so, the whole earth would be utterly wasted at his coming." . So even though Latter-day Saints often think of family history with this scripture, the vision is far more expansive than finding names on family search. . Heaven and life in the Celestial Kingdom is an eternal life dwelling with God. It's a relationship. We forge that sacred relationship through temple ordinances ratified by God's priesthood power. . The restoration was not complete until the sealing and highest temple ordinances were instituted because it is these ordinances that forge eternal bonds to each other, but most importantly to God. . We need our ancestors because it is through forging a welding link through all generations that we connect ourselves back to God and our ancestors need us to forge these links in the temple. If it weren't for this process, the entire Plan of Salvation would never achieve its goal. . And that's one reason why the temple is so important to me. It's not just busy work. I believe the ordinances of the temple have real power to order and form heaven. It's how I connect myself with God in an intimate, eternal relationship and how I connect my loved ones as well. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #familyhistory #geneology #doctrineandcovenants
·1-24Brigham Young did not order the Mountain Meadows Unaliving, I want to show you some evidence that a lot of people online don’t bring up. When Brigham Young first heard the news of the event during a meeting, he was so horrified he stopped the meeting, left his office and spent the day in solitude, grieving. At one point he said, “If there were Mormons guilty in that act, it was one of the most dastardly things that ever occurred, and let them be brought to justice.” At another point, he said, “My disposition is such that, had I known anything about it, I would have gone to that camp and fought the Indians and white men who took part in the perpetration of the massacre to the end, rather than such a deed should have been committed.” In the aftermath, he repeatedly offered assistance in the investigation to the federal investigators. When he discovered Isaac Haight and John D. Lee’s roles in the unaliving he had them both excommunicated and said some very strong things about what he thought of their behavior. So Brigham Young did not order, approved, or condone the attack, he was deeply saddened when it happened, and as more information came to light he excommunicated the main perpetrators. This event was awful. It never should have happened. These men committed this abhorrent act of violence by going against the instruction of church leaders and contrary to teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Latter-day Saints adhere to the biblical commandment to turn the other cheek, to love their enemies. Their own scripture teaches that in the face of persecution they should “renounce war and proclaim peace” (Doctrine and Covenants 98:16). About this very event, one of the church’s top leaders President Henry B. Eyring said: “What was done here long ago by members of our Church represents a terrible and inexcusable departure from Christian teaching and conduct.” To learn more, read this article, KnoWhy 633 at Scripture Central. #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #churchhistory #brighamyoung #mormonhistory
·1-23The Horrifying True Story Behind American Primeval: Mountain Meadows Unaliving Explained . This is the tragic and real story of what happened at the Mountain Meadows Unaliving in 1857, where a Mormon militia (Latter-day Saints) attacked a wagon train and ended over 100 people, leaving only 17 small children alive. This event is highly fictionalized in the Netflix show American Primeval, but here is what actually happened. . For more history on the Mountain Meadows Unaliving, read KnoWhy #633 at Scripture Central. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #churchhistory #brighamyoung
·1-22Learning about differences in the accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision can feel jarring and even contradictory, but the same could be said of well established biblical events such as Paul the apostle seeing God on the road to Damascus, or the resurrection of Jesus Christ. . All of these have multiple accounts across Scripture, each one emphasizing different details and aspects of the experience depending on the intended audience and purpose of each account. . Each of the several first-hand and second-hand accounts of the First Vision adds to fleshing out our understanding of this sacred event, making it actually one of the best-documented theophanies in history. . To learn more, watch this video on the @Scripture Central YouTube channel. . #lds #prolds #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints #churchhistory #josephsmith