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You MUST Recognise This To Become A Profitable Trader 🔥 You cannot cheat the journey. You can try to lie online or fake how it’s going to friends and family but your PnL is the ultimate accountability. You have to understand it will be a long journey and mastery isn’t something that happens quickly. Study edge, study those who are playing the big game and replicate. Watch this episode now using the link in our bio or on YouTube just search - Words of Rizdom Luke Belmar, Traveling Trader, Alex Temiz & David Hale 🚨
·2d ago #stitch with @LULAC how to tell the difference between a judicial warrant and an “ICE warrant.” #lawyersoftiktok #lawyertok #icecream
·3-6Glorilla really shoot her shot to Duke #kai #fyp #dukedennis #fanum #glorilla