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Print-On-Demand with Printify is where it’s at! If you’re looking for a new side hustle foir the new year, , you’re in luck! 🌞

PS: Getting started is totally free 👀

@Printify #SideHustle


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College is expensive… BUT only if you don’t try this! ⤵️ There are a couple main expenses you have to worry about during college. Housing, Tuition, Food, Supplies. Let’s tackle them one by one. 1. Housing There’s not too much we can do about this other than commuting or becoming an RA (residential assistant). Most 1st and 2nd year are required to dorm so these expenses are likely fixed until you are able to move in with roomates. If you can/want to, consider commuting from home, becoming an RA (you get meals and housing compensated) or going to community for 2 years then transferring. If you’re not dorming, spend alot of time looking into housing, as early as possible. the best deals always go away the quickest. also make sure to take a pic of the house before you move in, and live with as many roomates as possible 2. Tuition Depends on what school youre going to but this is the worst expense by far. but you can do a couple things. Apply for scholarships, there are thousands of dollars that are allocated to scholarships that are never even applied for. take the time and apply to as many as possible. In HS, take as many AP classes or dual enrollment classes at your local community class. You can also take college courses during college over the summer/winter in community college. these classes will be alot cheaper and easier too. Only available mostly for GE’s. 3. Food Unless you have a meal plan, learn to cook. If you eat out everyday, which it is extremely easy to do in college, you will burn through cash. make your own coffee, cook your own food. try not to snack a ton and don’t waste money on expensive shots. 4. Supplies This video is mainly about the supplies. abuse student discounts, never pay full price for textbooks, and always look for used supplies on FB marketplace. LMK if im missing anything! #college #school #university #savemoney #money
Why Microsoft Looses Money Everytime they Sell Their Xbox 🎮 - #xbox #business #microsoft #money #capitalist #personalfinance #moneytok #personalfinance #fintok #learnfromme
How To Invest Your First $1,000 (ft my sister) 💰 The earlier you invest, the faster you will build your wealth. By helping my sister start investing this early, I am not only setting up her future but securing it. By the time she is 18, she will know how to multiple her money, have that growth/long term mindset, but also have experience with the stock market. If you haven’t invested yet, use this as a blueprint. It’s only scary before you actually do it!/ Invest, Invest, Invest!!!! #investing #invest #stockmarket #stocks #personalfinance #money #wealth #wealthmindset #rich #millionaire #moneytok #personalfinance #fintok #learnfromme
·2d ago
Sometimes, It’s MORE Expensive Being Cheap  😅 Welcome to episode #1 of 20 Money Lessons I Learned In my 20’s. Currently, im in the top 1% of my age, but it didn’t start out like that. I was broke, had a terrible relationship with money, and had 0 clue what I was doing. Over the past half decade, I have dedicated every day to learning this confusing world of money. I’ve had some successes, but made alot of mistakes along the way. This is just episode 1. Be sure to follow for the next :) Comment down something you’re NOT willing to cheap out on  👇 #lessons #lessonseries #money #personalfinance #savemoney #welath #wealthmindset #millionaire
·6d ago
I’m in the top 1%, But I Have Nothing In My Bank Account 💰 I’m in the 1% of my age group (24). But i rarely keep anything in my checkings. I have 3 automations that move my money. 1. To make passive income 2. To grow my wealth 3. To pay off my bills Money sitting, is money losing! Check the link in bio and I’ll teach you how to set these up! #money #personalfinance #savemoney #millionaire #mindset
·1w ago
The Harsh Truth About Money….. 💸 It doesn’t matter if you are making 6-figures, if you are not saving your money and don’t have these financial systems in place, you will never be free. There are MILLIONAIRES who still live paycheck to paycheck, because they think that “making money” is all that it takes to become rich. It isn’t. Don’t worry, I’ll teach you feb 27th exactly how to save like the rich, and automate it so you can focus on other more important things in life. Link in bio to join my free 5-day $1,000 savings bootcamp. We will go over all the systems, automations and mindsets to save $1,000 in just 5 days. See you in there! #saving #saving #money #personalfinance #finance #savemoney #wealth #millionaire
Saving Money Is Hard… Only if You’re Lazy! 💰 Saving money is not the easiest, especially if you do not have the right systems and frameworks in place. Without these key concepts and automations, you will be running around, penny pinching every single purchase and your whole life will be miserable. Lazier, actually the better. If you want to learn this exact framework…. Link in bio to join my free 5-day $1,000 savings bootcamp. We will go over all the systems, automations and mindsets tos ave $1,000 in just 5 days. See you in there! #saving #saving #money #personalfinance #finance #savemoney #wealth #millionaire #mon#moneytokr#personalfinancen#fintokarnfromme
How To Turn 12 PTO Days Into 45 Vacation Days 🏝️ Figuring out what to do with your PTO days is a hassle. Especially if you get so little. Here how to make the most out of it and turn 12 into 45 vacation days! Have you ever tried this? #pto #vacation #boss #corporate #job