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I love the energy of self development on a galactic level study focus groups. My passion level will sky rocket in a conversation like this. Yes!!!!
When I finally get my miniature tea cup yorkie or a cute little bundle of joy like this one here. My next puppy is going to become my best friend. I am going to love and spoil my little puppy like it's a human. Lots of loves, hugs and constant spoiling. I will have a doggy stroller for our walks. oh my goodness. I would be the happiest woman alive and everything we do. we will do it together and I will make my puppy my little partner in crime. he or she will have cute little clothes and outfits. shoes. ahhhhhhh. I can't. it's too precious and wholesome. Sourced Video Credit: @The_hayeks #fyp
·13h ago
1. I am not the one. 2. I am not the one. 3. I am not the one. Do unto me what you wish to have done to you.
·1d ago
·1d ago
Back story of video: Tianjin, China on August 12, 2015, I just wanted to give you bunker reading toilet material so you know whats going to happen to you for harming children. I am just respectfully providing warning. The Bible strongly condemns the killing of innocent children and warns of severe consequences for such actions. Here are some key verses that address this issue: 1. God's Hatred for the Shedding of Innocent Blood Proverbs 6:16-17 (ESV) "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood." God explicitly declares that shedding innocent blood is detestable to Him. 2. God's Judgment on Those Who Harm Children Matthew 18:6 (ESV) "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." Jesus strongly warns that harming children, whether physically or spiritually, brings severe judgment. 3. God's Wrath Against Child Sacrifice In ancient times, some people sacrificed children to idols like Molech, which God explicitly condemned: Leviticus 20:2-3 (ESV) "Say to the people of Israel, ‘Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. I myself will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given one of his children to Molech, to make my sanctuary unclean and to profane my holy name.’" This verse demonstrates God's extreme disapproval of harming or sacrificing children. 4. Punishment for the Wicked Psalm 106:37-38 (ESV) "They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons; they poured out innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan, and the land was polluted with blood." God sees the killing of children as a grievous sin that defiles the land and brings His judgment. 5. Final Judgment for Evildoers Revelation 21:8 (ESV) "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Those who commit such evil acts will face divine justice in the afterlife. Conclusion The Bible is clear: harming innocent children is one of the most serious sins in God's eyes, bringing severe consequences both in this life and in eternity. God calls for justice and holds accountable those who commit such acts. #United #States leaders looks like your going to be faced with serious divine judgement when you pass. Right off the swinging bat, I see here, Why your so scared to pass away. Psttt.... psttt..... Even if you did live forever or found a way too.... Even if you tried to take a portal to a different dimension, Do you think that you would happily survive the sun turning into a red giant in approximately 5 billions years from now? May I remind you...... "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea." I can promise you, bunker or no bunker, you only have 5 billion years left and your fate will be inevitable, The earth will burn up to temperatures making earth uninhabitable and you are not safe on the other side when you are begging for d34th. Here let me remind you of somthing..... 1 billion years from now: The Sun will gradually become brighter, increasing Earth's temperature and making it uninhabitable. 5 billion years from now: The Sun will expand into a red giant, engulfing Mercury, Venus, and possibly Earth. 7-8 billion years from now: The Sun will shed its outer layers, creating a planetary nebula, and its core will collapse into a white dwarf. Toodles. Sourced Video Credit: @shunti 1
·2d ago
Wow. The disrespect is very dark tetrad apparent and evident here. Wow. I definitely saw all the psychological dark tetrad abuse function mechanics here. I can point it out second by second, body language by body language and tone of voice, frequency, energy analyzing and pattern recognition. The B slaps to this poor man's face was absolutely down right disrespectful and completely dishonorable entirely and I will never forget it. Never seen anything like it. Never. Never seen anything like it. If the vibes were physical. You would see 4d0lf h¡7l3r in the dudes body with the red tie. Now I see exactly what's going on behind closed doors. I see it. 100%. I definitely could not dismiss it. This video is evidence. There ego shouldn't of leaked this. Thank you for your dark tetrad confirmation. I'll keep it in mind this truth bomb drip.
·2d ago
I don't brush rawness under the rug. I want results in my life so I learned very strongly to silently study people around me and there stagnating habits in life. I also learned by testing there motivation drive. Will this person infront of me take strong willful action to meet there goals or are they a talker and trap house entity life style? Are they a broken promise or are they an integrity raw spirit? Recieve people for exactly who they choose to show up as. Energy is very imtentional. Your either chaos or peace. You either are or you are not. There is no half assing. There is no morally correct way to manipulate. You are either a business pyramid scheme or energy manipulator. Pick your poison. Pick your ailments. Pick your solutions. Pick your choices wisely. Pick your demonstrations wisely. Learn to say No if you are uncertain of behavioral patterns that hosts the blame game. Always remember. Theres infinite choices to be made. Why did said person choose what they chose and were they smart and clever enough to consider the vices they were building there existence off of? Were they careful selecting a baby momma? Did they carelessly merge there soul with someone? What were the conditions of the parents when they conceived together and how do they show up for eachother now? Why are they here? What's there motives? Where can you see said person if they keep there behaviors up in 10 - 20 years? When you run into them, What environments do you always meet them in? How supportive is there family? Is there family members leeching off others passively? perhaps eachother mindlessly? Do they all live together in a house like a undisciplined colony of bad decision makers? Do they put people down passively? How do they talk about there baby mommas and baby daddy's? How do they keep showing up everytime there timeline existence pops up? How do they treat you repeatedly when you come around and what always seems to be the triggering factor for the chaos they bring? Sourced Video Credit: @alstein216new
·2d ago
Rats like to be around other rats. They like to pro create with other rats. They like to handle there child like rats. They like to gnaw on things that do not belong to them. They like to eat and do drugs in secret. They Trespass secret. They mooch off of others in secret. There kids are used as pawns. There kids are used In citizenship schemes. There wild wild wicked ways toward the innocent is like c#@k roaches living under your fridge. You tell them there not welcome in your life and there like leeches on social media that don't know when to go back to there own dimension. There own frequency. there own finely tuned life catering to there ghetto virtues. There trash cans smell like p¡ss water. There kids are traumatized. There kids get tugged back and forth in a broken family dynamic. The kid probably has multiple if not atleast 1 sibling with a parent not there's. It's like a vicious wild ant farm. Pretty messy if you ask me. 5 million dollars for a gold card when America has a c!@k roach and rat infestation system problem and it's only there to birth life to the push pull Dynamics of the system. Just be careful. if you decide to hook up with a random. Be careful. You never know if you let one of them into your life even if as a friend. They might accidently bring a c!@k roach from there kitchen over if they bring a snow white pie over for a friendly meet and greet to hang out. I let the trap house Queens and Kings do there stanky leg on them c!#ker roaches breeding grounds. Apartment living where the streets smell like they haven't had a sewage cleanse in generations. You can smell the filth energy from the las vegas streets side walks. Anyway, Stay high vibratiomal. folks. Even if that means you have nobody. I would rather have only 1 or 2 people in my life then 50 snakes in my grass. Take a Pennsylvania Lowes acre sitting mobility mower and mow the mf snakes out because they love to reproduce with there kind and before you know it. They made roach babies with your karmic roach friends you didn't even know yet were roach bound. It's getting real out here yall. These roach clips that latch on like a leech are not playing. They bringing babies into this world just to damage them with there toxic life styles and then there gonna set there offspring out into the world at 18 and there gonna join the ranks but worst in there parents foot steps because the only people to guide them for a fighting chance is themselves. Donald Trump would rather focus on a 5 million dollar gold card then fixing the united states and now your roach babies need a bullet proof vest because this pandemic of roach energy breeding is getting out of hand and destroying divine unions and causing for people like myself to out right disown every single person that demonstrates these virtues and just keeps on living a life In those virtues that enables the wicked. I mean what more could anyone do? Humanity was warned to grow up with morals. respect, accountability and responsibility. Now the kids are just mimicking what they saw and the ones fighting for a fair chance are the ones having to leave there family and friends behind because they fell to deep especially if they had mistake kids that the father is not wanting to be with the mother or there on and off constantly. All bad. Nothing but trauma. Not a good situation for step parenting. The toxicity is burnt all the way up. Parents harming eachother. They were even compatible to begin with and now they created a human off of a sinful life style and then wonder why bad things happen in there family. Let the circus do what they do best but stay out of it. Stay away from them because they will bring you down as well in life. Once I got rid of all the karmics in my life, my life got so much better. At bare minimum, choose being alone and self develop rather then being complacent with leeches of a quality life. This was a very harsh post but it is what it is.
·3d ago
Sourced Video Credit: @Scalp Bar in Las Vegas. 😉
·3d ago
Sourced Video Credit: @user8381934158452 #fyp
·3d ago
Sourced Video Credit: @angelo_is_petty #fyp
·3d ago
Sourced Video Credit: @_kitty_mommy
·3d ago