Who says persistance doesnt pay off? Legit this might have been one of the hardest midset interruptions, and thankfully bro loved the fit @Bxactiv
Black friday sale is going crazy with all our tiktok shop fits 40-50% off!
Hello if youve reached this far plz read 👇🏽
(This is a skit. I asked this bodybuilder beforehand, and he was happy to be apart of it 😂 End of the day its content that brings yall to the tiktok lives so i can better explain my brand and reach an audience i never thought id reach. If 10,000 people see and 1% like the clothes then 100 new people see the brand..)
#tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #aesthetics #gymbro #workout #smallbrand #fitness #fittok #entrepreneur #bodybuilder #viral #onlineshop #localbiz #cbum #arnold #lifting
original sound - Paul Pearcey
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Whatr the odds this happened to me again 😭 petition for people to have water jugs or helimix around am i right? Glad bro was chill, so we hooked him up! @Bxactiv New latman collab shirts are fire too right? (Least obvious custom) #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #aesthetics #gymbro #workout #smallbrand #fitness #fittok #entrepreneur #bodybuilder #viral #onlineshop #localbiz #cbum #arnold #lifting #gymhumor #skit #comedy
·2024-12-13Not only did he not know the, @LATMAN but he didnt even want the shirt 😭 I mean under the circumstances i dont blame him 😭 His response to really made me think… a shirt wont always fix the problem, but he was nice for what its worth… LATMAN COLLAB IS ALMOST SOLD OUT! Grow some wings and fly with us! @Bxactiv . . . (This is a skit for yall entertainment, he actually bought 2. What a guy 🫱🏽🫲🏼) . . #tik#tiktokk#tiktokshopk#tiktokadsr#foryoup#fypm#gymm#gymfitd#bodybuildinga#dealsfordaysm#gymbror#workouttman #fit#fitnesst#fittokd#bodybuilderr#viralk#tiktokshoppingi#skitsu#cbumn#arnoldf#liftingn#funnym#comedymhumor
·2024-12-21IM SO GLAD BRO WAS JOKING CUZ I WAS TRIGGERED 😭 Thankfully both of them liked the fit! @Bxactiv LAST OVERSIZED TEE ALERT YALL WE ALMOST SOLD OUT IN LESS THAN 24HRS. Thank you guys, thank you tiktok. . . (This was the most effort put into a skit absolutely insane 😭) #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #fail #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·1-18That round house kick was well deserved 😭 @scottykfitness I may own a brand, but I love supporting friends.. anything gymshark use his cxde: Scotty or scotty10 I can’t fkn remember. On my end the sweatpants I am currently wearing in the video are $10! I don’t know what sizes we have left but these are the last of them! @Bxactiv . . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #fail #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·4d ago How was I supposed to even see that there 😭 Not even sure if bro was mad or not but I’m glad he liked his new crewneck 🫱🏽🫲🏼 @Bxactiv What would yall do if I was at your gym? 😭 . . . . (Staged, bros a friend and wanted to be in a video) . . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #fail #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·2-18At this point I had to make the best out of the WORST situation. Bro was mad at first but seemed chill after I glazed him up a little and got him a new fit 💪🏽 The rest of the hoodies I’m wearing and the Crewnecks he got are on tiktok shop, and discounted! @Bxactiv . . . (Staged for your entertainment, bro was excited to get a fit, and agreed to be in the video) . . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #fail #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·2-6We BARELY managed to get some stock on TikTok! Hoodies and Crewnecks available now. TikTok is doing a small flash sale, grab a fit while we have your size! @Bxactiv #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #hoodies #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting
·2-1FINALLY WE HAVE OVERSIZED TEES! You guys. I’m so sorry, the cost alone to get these air shipped, the quality of the product was so expensive that these are quiet literally the most expensive shirt I’ve ever made.. still discounting it for ANYONE ON TIKTOK! LETS GO! @Bxactiv I’m so happy to finally have these but limited to 267 pieces! Grab one before we sell out as always!
·1-17I swear some of the stuff I come up with 😭 Thankfully, bro is a gentle giant and only looked mad, but we hooked him up with both shorts AND a new drink 🫱🏽🫲🏼 Yall think I did good this time? Shorts are on a massive sale cuz idk if tiktok will be here or not so I want everyone to rock something on the way out.. I hope to see yall on other platforms too #massfollowing (This was a skit for yall to laugh at me 😂) . . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #fail #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·1-14Dude sent that thing FLYING 😭 I take part of the blame so I hooked him up with some tech shorts… even tho he wouldn’t even try them on 😂 Depending on how the Supreme Court rules tiktok in favor or not… I’m putting ALL 2024 product on the biggest discount. So go check it out on tiktok shop. @Bxactiv . . #tik#tiktokk#tiktokshopk#tiktokadsr#foryoup#fypm#gymm#gymfitd#bodybuildinga#dealsfordaysm#gymbror#workoutit#fitnesst#fittokd#bodybuilderr#viralk#tiktokshoppingi#skitsu#cbumn#arnoldf#liftingn#funnym#comedymhumor
·1-11I thought I was the good guy today but of course this always happens to me 😭 Wasn’t my fault at first this time 😂 @Bxactiv Bro was super chill tho and loved the fit..🫱🏽🫲🏼 @Raw Nutrition can I get unlimited energy drinks so I can get these guys new ones 😭 Shorts and joggers are like the only thing we have left and there’s a HUGE sale on TikTok shop. Once they’re gone they’re gone! . (I mean.. is this a skit?) . . (Prob) . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #pumpcover #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·1-8Starting 2025 new so everything from 2024 we are discounting! Excited to bring out new products for the new year, but we want to give everyone an opportunity to get some amazing fits at an amazing price on TikTok shop! Grab a fit and let me know in the comments what you copped so I can thank you! . . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #aesthetics #gymbro #workout #smallbrand #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #localbiz #cbum #arnold #lifting #tiktokmademebuyit #gymwear #sale
·1-6Bruh 😭 i don’t even know what happened here, or if bro was mad or not, or if he liked the shorts… he was a hard read but I hooked him up anyways… @Bxactiv Huge discount on all shorts on TikTok shop as we are getting new fits for the new year! For once I didn’t cause the spill. So that’s good! @GHOST® Energy hook me up so I can give all these people some new drinks if this happens again 😭 ( or a sponsorship idk) . . (Yall if you think this is real, then you must not have read the captions lol) ily tho. Fr fr . . #tik#tiktokk#tiktokshopk#tiktokadsr#foryoup#fypm#gymm#gymfitd#bodybuildinga#dealsfordaysm#gymbror#workoutkethisviral #fit#fitnesst#fittokd#bodybuilderr#viralk#tiktokshoppingi#skitsu#cbumn#arnoldf#liftingn#funnym#comedymhumor
·1-3At least I didn’t spill this time 😭 This big back bodybuilder was so nice. Honestly they all are… glad he liked the fit. I wish I could keep more stock unfortunately the only items we have left are the joggers I’m rockin @Bxactiv . . (Skit) #t#tiktokt#tiktokshopt#tiktokadsf#foryouf#fypg#gymg#gymfitb#bodybuildingd#dealsfordaysg#gymbrow#workout2025 #f#fitnessf#fittokb#bodybuilderv#viralt#tiktokshoppings#skitsc#cbuma#arnoldl#liftingf#funnyc#comedygymhumor
·2024-12-31This girl was so nice even tho I spilled her drink 😭 tried my best not to mess anything up, so I guess yall can say I’m doing better 👍🏽 I hope she sees this, I still owe her a drink 😭 @Bxactiv I can’t believe we sold 390 of 400 latman shirts in almost every size. Yall are amazing.. @LATMAN how’d I do on the fake run this time? If you ever see me in the gym, you can spill my drink I go to @Jacked Culture (Skit) #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokviral #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #fail #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #comedy #gymhumor
·2024-12-26LIMITED EDITION LATMAN OVERSIZE COLLAB IS LIVE! WE ALWAYS SELL OUT SO GRAB SOME WHILE WE HAVE THEM! Make sure yall select the right color!!@Bxactiv @LATMAN . . #tiktok #tiktokshop #tiktokads #foryou #fyp #gym #gymfit #bodybuilding #dealsfordays #gymbro #workout #december #fitness #fittok #bodybuilder #viral #tiktokshopping #skits #cbum #arnold #lifting #funny #latman