LEGO Letters and Numbers
Here is an activity that targets fine motor skills as well as number and letter recognition and counting and spelling.
It’s an easy prep activity that requires minimal materials.
So give it a try and let the building and learning begin!
#myoccupationisplay #occupationaltherapyforkids #otpeds #pedsot #learning #learningactivities #numberrecognition #counting #letterrecognition #spelling #finemotor #finemotorskills #finemotoractivity #lego #legolearning #buildingblocks #kindergarten #kindergartenactivities #kidsactivities #kidslearningfun #kidslearning #learningthroughplay #playingandlearning
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Wikki Stix Activities Have Wikki Stix as part of your fine motor toolbox but need more activity ideas? 🧰 Check out this video to give you some inspiration and add it to your activity rotation. 💡 Follow myoccupationisplay for more kids crafts and activities. 👍🏼
·1d ago Caterpillar ACTIVITIES Looking for bug themed activities? I’ve got you covered with these simple and low-prep caterpillar activities. Save this video or share with other parents, therapists, or teachers! #finemotor #caterpillar #bugtheme
·3d ago Easter Craft Here is a cute craft idea to work on drawing and cutting skills. ✍️✂️ Draw a chick and then draw an egg for the chick to hatch out of. Feel free to decorate the egg and pick a different pattern to cut along as well. I chose a zig zag but a curved or straight line can be used as well. Happy Saturday! 🐣 #myoccupationisplay #eastercraft #craftsforkids #finemotorskills #finemotoractivity #creativeplay #finemotorcoordination #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #pediatricotresources #pediatricotideas #fingerstrength #handeyecoordination #visualcoordinationskills #bilateralcoordination #craftideasforkids #springcrafts #homeactivities #homeschool #schoolbasedot #schooloccupationaltherapist #funandfunction #functionalplay #kidsdevelopment #scissorskillsactivity #scissorskills✂️ #simpleplayideas #simplecrafts #lowprepactivities #activitiesforkids #cuttingskills
·3-1Finger isolation and strengthening activity Lead buttons to a target to create a caterpillar. Simple set up that only requires five materials (marker, paper, sheet protector, painter’s tape and buttons). Save this one and add it to your fine motor activity collection! #myoccupationisplay #fingerisolation #finemotoractivity #fingerstrength #caterpillar
·2-27Flower Fun Add these flower themed activities to your activity rotation. Low prep and simple set-ups that will allow kids to have fun while developing those fine motor skills. Not recommended for kids who are mouthing objects. #myoccupationisplay #finemotoractivities #finemotorplay #floweractivities
·2-26Caterpillar Activity 🐛 Here is a simple fine motor activity that uses playdough and buttons to create a caterpillar. Simply draw a face and then place paper in a sheet protector. Roll and flatten playdough to make the caterpillar’s body and then place and press buttons on top. Make short or long caterpillars. Not recommended kids who are mouthing objects. Enjoy! #myoccupationisplay #finemotoractivity #pediatricot
·2-25Playdough Flowers 🌸🌻🌼 Target hand strengthening and drawing in this fun flower activity. Use paper, markers, a sheet protector, playdough, buttons and playdough tools to create flowers. Such a simple way to work on fine motor skills while having fun. Not recommended for kids who are mouthing. Enjoy! #myoccupationisplay #playdough #finemotorskills #finemotoractivity #drawing
·2-24Easter Egg Puzzle Activity This activity takes a little more prep time but is definitely worth it. It targets visual motor coordination, spatial awareness, fine motor skills, attention and problem solving just to name a few. I used Word to create an egg. This activity can easily be graded as you can choose how many pieces you want and the type of lines. Print out the egg on different coloured paper as well print a template to use and laminate for more durability. Cut out the eggs and pieces. I then used popsicle sticks to create different colour combinations. Let the fun begin by forming eggs by following the different colour combinations. Use the template and organize pieces to make it a bit easier or feel free to not use the template and mix pieces up to make it more challenging. Enjoy! 🥚 #myoccupationisplay #colours #color #matching #kindergartenactivities #prekactivities #sequence #patterns #matching #pediatricot #pediatricotresources #schoolbasedot #occupationaltherapyforkids #popsiclesticks #finemotor #finemotoractivity #visualmotorcoordination #funtoday #kidsactivities #kidsactivitiesathome #visualmotor #visualmotorskills #otpediatrics #funandfunction #learningthroughplay #playandlearn #kids #crayola #visualmotorintegration #bilateralcoordination #coordination
·2-22Playdough Flowers Save this activity to try this spring. Simply use a button and playdough to create a beautiful flower. Target hand strengthening and dexterity skills by rolling, flattening, and pinching playdough. Enjoy! 🌻 #myoccupationisplay #playdoh #finemotorfriday
·2-22Pre-Printing Feed the Frogs Activity Here is an activity that I created myself to target pre-printing skills in a fun way! Lead each fly to the frog by following the different paths using a pencil, crayon, marker, etc. Each path targets different strokes which are seen in printing allowing kids to work on their grasp and control using a writing medium. Change up the activity by incorporating a paper clip and their own fly or place worksheets in a sheet protector and use dry erase markers. This free activity can be found by clicking the link in my bio and includes three worksheets that are ready to be downloaded from my store! Enjoy! #myoccupationisplay #occupationaltherapyforkids #finemotor #finemotoractivity #preprinting #prewritingpatterns #prewritingpractice #tptfreebie #prek #kindergarten #prewritingstrokes #frog #feedthefrog #freeprintables #pencilgrasp #pencilcontrol #copying #learningisfun #paperandpencil #learning #finemotorskillactivity #finemotorskills
·2-20Bunny Bottom Craft 🐰 Here is a simple craft that creates the backside of a bunny. Use a toilet paper roll, pom pom, q-tip, paint and a cotton ball. Use the toilet paper roll for the body, pom pom for the head and the q-tip to create the ears. Finish off by using glue to place the tail. Cute, simple and perfect to add for your Easter activity ideas! Not recommended for kids who are mouthing. Ensure adult supervision is provided when completing. #myoccupationisplay #springactivities #easteractivities #bunnycraft #rabbitcraft #craftsforkids #simplecrafts
·2-19Colourful Arch Activity Here is a fun way to work on fine motor skills while matching colours. Use a placemat or sheet protector and pinch off small pieces of play dough. Then grab beads, two of the same colour, and press them into the play dough. Then use pipe cleaner that match the beads and connect the matching colours together. Use colours to create a rainbow or use any colours that you have to create a colourful arch. Once created you could use to engage in pretend play such as driving a car through. Enjoy! #finemotor #finemotoractivity #myoccupationisplay #finemotorplay #schoolbasedot #pediatricotresources #pediatricotideas #pediatricot #occupationaltherapyforkids #otforkids #kidsactivities #funactivities #funandfunction #rainbow #rainbowfun #beads #playdough #playdoughfun #playdoughactivities #pipecleaners #playtime #playtoday #athomeactivities #homeactivities #easyactivities #simpleplay #simpleplayideas #fun #playathomemama #matchingcolors
·2-17Birthday Cake Activity 🎂 Don’t wait for a birthday to give this activity a try! Target fine motor and oral motor skills by decorating and blowing out candles. Have an adult assemble the cake by using cardboard pieces and make small slits in the cardboard to create a three-tier cake. Use clothespins and pom poms for the candles and to light up each candle. Not recommended for kids who are mouthing. Feel free to even sing happy birthday! Enjoy! #myoccupationisplay #finemotoractivity #birthdaycakeactivity #birthdayactivity #oralmotorskills #oralmotor #otpediatrics #occupationaltherapyforkids #creativeplay #funplay #bilateralcoordination
·2-16Fine Motor Busy Board Use cardboard to create a DIY fine motor busy board. Use items such as rubber bands, pom poms, buttons, pipe cleaners, beads, clothespins, and string to target fine motor skills. Once completed, assemble again and this activity can be done over and over again to target so many skills. Not recommended for kids who are mouthing. Feel free to message me with a busy board you created! Enjoy! #myoccupationisplay #finemotorskills #finemotorbusyboard #simpleplay #finemotoractivity #inexpensiveplayideas #finemotorplay #bilateralcoordination #pincergraap #handstrength #fingerstrength #coordiantion #visualcoordination #otpeds #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapist #creativeplay
·2-15Hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day! I had so much fun coming up with these heart themed activities this week. Hopefully you gave some a try or can save them to use for next year! All the best from myoccupationisplay!
·2-15Pom Pom Hearts Use tongs to pick up and transfer pom poms to place inside a pipe cleaner heart. This is a great way to target midline crossing, bilateral coordination, visual coordination and hand strengthening. Not recommended for kids who are mouthing. #myoccupationisplay #valentinesday #heartactivities #valentinesdayactivities #kidsactivities #pedsot #finemotoractivity