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EXTREMELY RARE, ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME VIDEO! Spores of the Chaga fruiting body, Inonotus obliquus, perhaps captured on video for the first time in EVER IN HISTORY by @mandiequark and our very special guest, Chaga student and expert Ben @taigamushrooms joined also by our friends Kyle from Ohio Mushroom DNA Lab and @Alan Rockefeller

This is just a teaser, stay tuned to Mycena Media for more epic footage of the rare and elusive Chaga fruiting body! #chaga #spore #spores #mushtok #mycology #mycotok #fruitingbody


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Join Brandon from I See Fungi as we delve into the fascinating world of the Beefsteak Fungus, also known as Fistulina hepatica. This remarkable mushroom, often mistaken for a slab of raw meat, offers a unique glimpse into the diversity of the fungal kingdom. Here some of the most intriguing aspects of this species are covered, from its meaty appearance to using it in creative ways in the kitchen. Beefsteak jerky! Have you ever found a Beefsteak mushroom? Like and follow @mycenamedia and @iseefungi for more fascinating mycological content!
Here we are taking a detailed look at Bondarzewia berkeleyi, also known as Berkeley's Polypore or the Stump Blossom. This hardy polypore is a parasite on hardwood trees in eastern North America, known colloquially as a butt rot. Butt rot fungi target tree roots and decay the heartwood in the bottom portion of the tree, weakening the root system. Because of their parasitic nature, Bondarzewia berkeleyi will typically fruit at the base of older living trees, or on the stumps of dead hardwoods. Key identification features for Berkeley's include its nearly-white shade in young specimens, producing concentric zones of color from creamy tan to pale yellow as it matures. In this video, the ecological role of Berkeley's Polypore, its similarities and differences compared to the Black-Staining Polypore (Meripilus sumstinei), and its culinary value are highlighted. Our videos are intended for foragers, mycology enthusiasts, and anyone interested in learning more about collecting mushrooms from the wild. Follow and @wildwisebotanicals for more great mycology content!
Hericium coralloides, commonly known as the Bear's Head Tooth mushroom is an edible species closely related to Hericium erinaceus the Lion's Mane. Hericium coralloides is a primary decomposer meaning that it is involved in the initial stages of tree decay, and this mushroom is particularly fond of hardwoods like tan oak. Interestingly, Hericium coralloides is part of the Russulales order, indicating a distant relation to Russula mushrooms. In this video Alan shows the mushroom and explains it’s features, including vertical teeth to increase the surface area for more efficient spore production. is noted for its medicinal properties similar to Hericium erinaceus, with potential benefits of neuron regeneration and immunomodulation. This mushroom is ideal for mycology enthusiasts, particularly those interested in the health benefits of mushrooms.
Ophiocordyceps australis has a unique life strategy, this fungus is a parasite on ants. Fungi have evolved to occupy a wide variety of ecologically important niches, such as this mutualistic relationship with insects. Fungal parasites that manipulate the behavior of insect hosts are particularly intriguing. Our work entails capturing photographs of these remarkable fungi, for humanity to cherish, before the ecosystems that house them are destroyed. Encounters with tiny fungi like this Ophiocordyceps underscores the importance of sustainable exploration. By respecting the rainforest, we can remind everyone that fragile ecosystems are important to conserve. The Ecuadorian Amazon is the perfect place to witness the intricate dance between organisms, such as this one between insect and fungus. Tickets are half gone, but some are still available if you want to join us March 26th – April 2nd on our rainforest foray series event in Ecuador. We accept people of all backgrounds and experience levels on this trip, so if you are a beginner and you want to come explore, don’t hesitate to reach out. DM us if you are interested in attending or have any questions about this experience of a lifetime!! #mycotok #cordyceps
Identifying P. cubensis can be tricky, so Mycena Media and Brandon from @iseefungi are here to help you recognize this species. It has a dark purplish spore print, yellow to brown center, and it will turn blue when touched or bruised. This mushroom prefers to pop up in meadows with enriched soils, such as cow fields in the southern US, where this video was filmed. As these mushrooms mature, you'll notice their caps flatten out, which is typical of this species. A partial veil is another important identification characteristic, noticeably hanging beneath the cap. However, it's crucial to remember that this species has look-alikes, so paying attention to every detail is essential for accurate identification.
Sour gummy candy made from mushrooms?! We made faux sour gummies using a mushroom! They got a thumbs up from our resident food critic. That's right, edible jelly fungi are excellent when made into "gummies of the woods"! The process is super simple and fun! The finished product – spot-on as a sour gummy! One of the jelly fungi, the Amber Jelly Roll (Exidia crenata) is an extremely common saprobic fungus that grows on smaller diameter, hardwood sticks here in the Midwest. We have seen people make gummy candy with fungi that have a similar texture so we thought we'd give it a shot. Glad we did! They turned out delightful and are very close in texture and flavor to the candy we all know. We harvested several of them from our woods and cleaned them up really well. Then we boiled them for ten minutes in sugar syrup and lemon juice. Then we drained the water and put them in the dehydrator at 115 degrees overnight. The next morning, we rolled them in sour sugar and voila - Mushroom Sour Gummies! #mycotok #mushroom
Leucocoprinus species with metabolic droplets looking like a magical fairy land found in Pastaza, Ecuador!! This video features photography by @Alan Rockefeller and Rachel Bujalski Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!!! #ecuador #mycology #amazon #rainforest
The dangers of mistaking the toxic Gallerina marginata for edible mushrooms like enoki, brick caps, and honey mushrooms during winter foraging. The Deadly Gallerina is identified by its brown cap, rusty brown spore print, and an occasional brown ring on the stipe. It grows on decaying wood, either alone or in clusters. Key differences from look-alikes include spore print colors: enoki (white), honey mushrooms (cream), and brick caps (purplish brown). The video emphasizes the importance of correct identification, as honey mushrooms grow near dying trees, unlike the others. Viewers are cautioned against consuming any mushroom unless absolutely certain of its type, due to the potential risks associated with the Deadly Gallerina.
Explore the fascinating Phlebia incarnata, a pink, fan-shaped mushroom, with Savanna. This video offers insights into its growth on decaying wood, ecological role, and striking appearance. A must-watch for nature enthusiasts!
@Alan Rockefeller points out two different Cotylidia species that can be found in the Ecuadorian Amazon. If you want to come to Ecuador with us this year, regardless of your experience level with mycology, send us a DM!! Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!! #ecuador #mycology #amazon #rainforest
Mycena researchers found a wicked cool Ophiocordyceps melolonthae in Ecuador last year, with narration and unearthing by @Alan Rockefeller and photography by @mandiequark We are leading a trip to Ecuador again this year, and you can come too!! DM us for details! Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!! #mycology #ecuador #cordyceps #ophiocordyceps
Rooster of the Woods!! Or the Black-staining Polypore, Meripilus sumstinei with Mike from @WildWise Botanicals Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!! #mycology #mushtok
Panaeolus cyanescens out in the good old cow fields with Brandon @Iseefungi Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!! #mycology #cows
Fluorescent Dyers Polypore, Phaeolus schweinitzii with @Alan Rockefeller Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!! #mycology #fluorescent #uv
Cauliflower Mushroom Creator Collab!! Like and Follow Mycena Media for more daily Mycology content!!