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What it looks like one day on our Sonus from the perspective of performers was shown to us by Duo Bersići from the music school Blagoje Bersa Zagreb!✨ #sonus #music

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[Otvorene prijave❗️ | Applications open❗️] Link: 🇭🇷Međunarodni glazbeni festival Sonus održava se i ove godine od 9. do 11. svibnja u Križevcima! Prijavi se do 13. travnja! 🇬🇧The International Music Festival Sonus is happening again this year from May 9 to 11 in Križevci! Apply by April 13! ------------- #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus ‐-------- @Grad Križevci
Naš najbolji duo sa The Voicea je s nama u Križevcima! Poslušajte što imaju za reći o našem gradu i festivalu. @Martin Kosovec i Marko Vukić❤️🔛🔝
Pitali smo naš kvintet iz Nizozemske par pitanja o sonusu! UT Kwintet #sonus #music
„Atmosfera je super, evo vidite i sad kaj se događa. Dođite svi i sutra!” Riječi su našeg člana žirija Igora Kudeljnjaka 😊🎶 #sonus #music
🌟 ŠTEFAN ĐURKOVIĆ 🎤🌟 🇭🇷 Nakon spektakularnog koncerta Festivalskog orkestra Sonus i dodjele nagrada natjecateljima na Ljetnoj pozornici pokraj Kozmološkog centra Križevci nastupit će Štefan Đurković i bend. Ne propustite odličnu zabavu te dođite na Koncerte pod zvijezdama s početkom u 20 sati. Vidimo se na Sonusu! 🇬🇧 After the spectacular concert of the Sonus Festival Orchestra and the award ceremony for the competitors at the Open Stage next to the Križevci Cosmological Center, Štefan Đurković and his band will perform. Don't miss out on the great entertainment and come to the Concerts Under the Stars starting at 8 p.m. See you at Sonus! ‐---------- #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus ----------- @stefan.durkovic
Vidimo se u 20 sati na Trgu Sv. Florijana 16 - iza gradske knjižnice na parkiralištu😁!
Počeli smo s natjecanjem!!😁 Dobili ste mali sneak peak kakav je to osjećaj biti izvođač:)
🌟MARTIN KOSOVEC🎤🌟 🇭🇷 Talentirani osamnaestogodišnji Martin, pobjednik četvrte sezone emisije The Voice Hrvatska, oduševit će nas pjesmama Sjaj u tami i Fly me to the Moon. Martin će izvesti i svoju novu pjesmu Maštarija u orkestralnom aranžmanu svoga oca Mladena te će nastupiti i u duetu s Markom Vukićem izvodeći pjesmu Let the Sunshine in. 🇬🇧 Talented eighteen-year-old Martin, winner of the fourth season of The Voice Croatia, will dazzle us with the songs "Sjaj u tami" (Shine in the Dark) and "Fly Me to the Moon." Martin will also perform his new song "Maštarija" (Daydream) in an orchestral arrangement by his father Mladen, and he will perform in a duet with Marko Vukić, singing "Let the Sunshine In." ------------ #chamberensamble #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus ------------ @martinslant
🌟MARKO VUKIĆ🌟 🇭🇷 Natjecatelj ovogodišnje izdanja showa The Voice Hrvatska, zajedno s našim Festivalskim orkestrom izvest će hitove "We Will Rock You" i "Live and Let Die". Ne propustite njihov nastup! Također, zajedno s pobjednikom četvrte sezone, Martinom Kosovcem, izvest će pjesmu "Let the Sunshine In". 🇬🇧 Contestant of this year's edition of The Voice Croatia, will perform hits "We Will Rock You" and "Live and Let Die" with our Festival Orchestra. Don't miss their performance! Additionally, together with the winner of the fourth season, Martin Kosovac, they will perform the song "Let the Sunshine In" ------------ #chamberensamble #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus
⏰RASPORED FESTIVALA | FESTIVAL SCHEDULE ⏰ 🇭🇷 Pogledajte što vas sve očekuje na MGF Sonus! Svi događaji su otvoreni za publiku s besplatnim ulazom. Vidimo se na Sonusu!🥳 🇬🇧 Check out what awaits you at IMF Sonus! All events are open to the public and free. See you at Sonus! 🥳 ------------- #chamberensamble #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus -------------
Meet Fran Brleković - a virtuoso on the tambura whose passion for music encompasses jazz, folklore, and classical music. On Sunday, April 28th at 8 p.m., you can enjoy his performance of Antonio Vivaldi's "Winter," arranged for tambura, featuring a solo tamburitza. Additionally, Fran stands out with his original compositions and arrangements of well-known melodies in various musical styles. Don't miss his performance with the Festival Orchestra, as well as the performance by Ethno Blues Classical. ------------- #chamberensamble #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus
Festivalskom orkestru pridružit će se i mlade nade Dječjeg zbora Glazbene škole Alberta Štrige Križevci. Uz ovakve mlade glazbenike Sonus i križevačka glazba imaju budućnost! Dođite ih podržati na Koncert pod zvijezdama u subotu 28.4. U 20 sati! #mgf_sonus #orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus
The Križevci-Zagreb band Flaner will shake up Križevci with their alternative rock sound on Saturday, April 27th, at 8 p.m. at the Summer Stage beside the Križevci Cosmological Center. 🤩 Come and listen to some great Križevci noise! ------------- #chamberensamble #mgf_sonus#orchestra #festival #sonus #chambermusic #orchestramusicfestival #krizevci #chambermusicfestival #music #competition #imf_sonus #fyp #foryoupage -------------
🇭🇷 Ethno Blues Classical virtuozni je trio koji će otvoriti Sonus na Ljetnoj pozornici pored Kozmološkog centra Križevci u subotu, 27. 4. u 20h. Ne propustite nastup Frana Brlekovića na bisernici, Karla Ivančića na klaviru i Juraja Majstorovića na gitari koji izvode neke od najzahtjevnijih obrada hitova klasične, jazz, filmske i popularne glazbe. Ne propustite ovu glazbenu poslasticu i vidimo se na Sonusu! 🇬🇧 Ethno Blues Classical virtuoso trio will open Sonus at the Summer Stage next to the Cosmological Center in Križevci on Saturday, April 27th, at 8 p.m. Don't miss the performance by Fran Brleković on the tamburitza, Karlo Ivančić on the piano, and Juraj Majstorović on the guitar, presenting some of the most demanding arrangements of classical, jazz, film, and popular music hits. Don't miss this musical delight, and we look forward to seeing you at Sonus! #fyp #music #sonus #trio #guitar #piano #tamburitza