"These 3 words will help you take your power back!
Hear more on the #melrobbinspodcast 🎧 “4 Important Life Lessons I Learned the Hard Way (So That You Don’t Have To)” 🔗 in bio
#melrobbins #changeyourlife #mindset #createabetterlife #takecontrol #motivation #lifelessons #takebackyourpower #powerful #confidence #podcast #podcastepisode "
original sound - Mel Robbins
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Stop wasting energy on trying to get other people to meet YOUR expectations. Instead, try using the “Let Them Theory.” 💥 Listen now on the #melrobbinspodcast!! “The “Let Them Theory”: A Life Changing Mindset Hack That 15 Million People Can’t Stop Talking About” 🔗 in bio #melrobbins #letthemtheory #letgo #lettinggo #podcast #podcastepisode
·2023-5-29Episode 40 | STOP hitting the snooze button! ⏰ You know that you should get up when your #alarm rings, BUT did you know that there are science-backed reasons why the #snoozebutton is RUINING your day?! Yup. That’s right. You might think you’re doing yourself a favor by getting a few extra minutes of #sleep but by hitting your snooze button, you put your body into a state of “sleep inertia.” That’s why you feel so groggy when you do finally get up! Wouldn’t you rather start your morning feeling like a million bucks?! On tonight’s episode of the #melrobbinspodcast, I’m sharing what I call my “Million Dollar Morning Routine.” It includes 5️⃣ simple but essential components to get your day started RIGHT. Not only does this #morningroutine make me feel like a #millionbucks for the rest of my day, but it also creates a level of discipline in my life that helps me make millions of dollars too. Listen now 👉 “A Toolkit for Creating the Perfect Morning Routine” Available everywhere you listen to podcasts 🔗 in bio. Drop a ⏰ if this has inspired you to commit to NOT hitting the snooze button tomorrow morning! #melrobbins #changeyourlife #mindset #createabetterlife #takecontrol #motivation #morning #success #money #morningperson #motivationmonday #melrobbinspodcast #podcastclips #podcastsforwomen #podcaster
·2023-2-13Here’s how to interrupt worry: use my #5SecondRule and these 6️⃣ magic words to stop your anxiety in its tracks. #melrobbins #letstalkmentalhealth #anxiety #worry #advice #mindset #tiptok #learnontiktok #westicktogether
·2022-8-12The old me felt deeply guilty when someone was disappointed. But The Let Them Theory changed everything. I can let them be upset and let me feel a little sad—without making their emotions my responsibility. If I change my plans just to please them, I make them the villain. But if I choose based on my values, I take full ownership of my life. That’s real freedom. Thank you @Jay Shetty for having me on this episode of @On Purpose Podcast! #melrobbins #letthemtheory #boundaries #ownyourdecisions
·26m ago That pit in your stomach before a big decision? It’s not just fear—it’s a sign you’re making a hard choice that might upset someone but is also pulling you toward what you know is right for you. In this episode, we’re breaking down what makes a relationship strong and the red flags that signal it might not last. If you’re questioning whether someone is “the one” or wondering if it’s time to walk away, this episode will give you the clarity you need. Watch the full episode on YouTube 🎧 “5 Signs of an Incompatible Relationship & 3 Signs You’ve Found “The One.”
·1d ago