Mad Cow Disease brought Britain to its knees in the 1990s. So what actually happened? Part 2 and 3 to come!! #madcow #madcowdisease #bse #epidemic #prion #priondisease #ukhistory #historytime #historytok #scicomm #sciencecommunication #sciencetiktok #sciencetok
Sounds like a mystery music box - Yohei
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If you were in Squid Game, you could use science to your advantage... For example in the glass bridge game from Season 1. Refs: ARCCA, 2023, 'The Glass Bridge from Squid Game' The American Ceramic Society, 2021, 'Video: The science of Squid Game—tempered versus regular glass' #squidgame #glasssteppingstones #sciencefacts #creatorsearchinsights
·1-16With the Australia-India test cricket kicking off again today, here's a spicy bit of science... #testcricket #jaspritbumrah #indiacricket #humananatomy #humanbody
·1-2Do you hate spicy food? Maybe your mind could have something to do with it... Refs: Luo et al., 2024, ‘The expectations humans have of a pleasurable sensation asymmetrically shape neuronal responses and subjective experiences to hot sauce’ Wilson, 2024, ‘Is Spicy Food 'Hot' Because We Expect It to Be?’ #sciencefacts #spicyfood #neuroscience #psychology
·2024-10-24Do you ever call people, or yourself, hysterical? The word may mean more than you think… This is Hysteria, a new series about the barriers young women face navigating a health system designed for men, by men. New eps dropping every weekday. Developed with support from Screen Australia Produced, written and directed by Maddie Massy Produced by Margie Bryant Produced by Henry Zwartz Edited by Tejas Bhat Featuring Ulrika Lobo #w#womenshealthm#medicalmisogynyhysteria#creatorsearchinsights
·8h ago Have you ever experienced medical gaslighting? This is Hysteria, a new series about the barriers young women face navigating a health system designed for men, by men. New eps dropping every weekday. Developed with support from Screen Australia Produced, written and directed by Maddie Massy Produced by Margie Bryant Produced by Henry Zwartz Edited by Tejas Bhat Featuring Zahra McDonald (@Zarzi Rarzi ⭐️ ), Steph Briese (@STEPH BRIESE ) and Josie Gleeson #womenshealth #medicalmisogyny #hysteria#creatorsearchinsights
·1d ago My new online series, Hysteria, is almost here! Hysteria is a new online series about the barriers young women face navigating a health system designed for men, by men. Starting Monday March 10th, new eps dropping here every weekday at 7am AEDT. Developed with support from Screen Australia Produced, written and directed by Maddie Massy Produced by Margie Bryant Produced by Henry Zwartz Edited by Tejas Bhat #womenshealth #hysteria #femalehysteria #medicalmisogyny
·4d ago Women with endometriosis are often on the receiving end of medical advice that can be inaccurate, dangerous and downright insulting. Why is this the case and what can we do about it? Stay tuned for my upcoming series Hysteria, about the barriers women face in a health system designed by men, for men. Episodes start dropping here on March 10th! Refs: Sirohi et al., 2023, ‘Patient experiences of being advised by a healthcare professional to get pregnant to manage or treat endometriosis: a cross-sectional study’ Wisbey, 2023, ‘‘Pregnancy cures endometriosis’ myth persists’ #fertility #reproductivehealth #womenshealth #endometriosis #STEM
·5d ago Unfortunately the medical research field has a long way to go when it comes to respecting, listening to and serving women. Why is this the case and what can we do about it? Stay tuned for my upcoming series Hysteria, about the barriers women face in a health system designed by men, for men. Episodes start dropping here on March 10th! Refs: Jackson, 2020, ‘‘Disgusting’ study rating attractiveness of women with endometriosis retracted by medical journal’ Vercellini et al., 2013, ‘Attractiveness of women with rectovaginal endometriosis: a case-control study’ #medicalmisogyny #womenshealth #endometriosis #STEM
·1w ago If you’ve been watching the Formula 1 pre-season testing in Bahrain, you may have noticed something strange about the cars... Why are they covered in fluoro paint and scaffolding? Refs: Leporati, 2024, ‘How wind-tunnel testing can make or break an F1 season’ Formula 1, 2023, ‘From aero rakes to flow-vis: 5 key terms you need to know for F1 pre-season testing’ #f1 #formula1 #tech #engineering #sciencefacts
·2-28What do you think about Protoclone? People are both amazed and creeped out by this humanoid robot, developed by Clone Robotics. Protoclone moves using artificial muscles and bones, which mimic the human body. Refs: Edwards, 2025, ‘Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling’ Clone Robotics, 2024, ‘Clone’ #protoclone #robotics #uncannyvalley #sciencefacts #tech
·2-27Have you had your appendix out? This organ was previously thought to be useless, but may have important functions for gut health... Refs: Rogers, 2014, ‘7 Vestigial Features of the Human Body’ Yap et al., 2024, ‘Beyond a vestigial organ: effects of the appendix on gut microbiome and colorectal cancer’ #sciencefacts #humanevolution #humanbody #guthealth #creatorsearchinsights
·2-23Newborn babies will automatically grasp things that are placed in their hand... But why? There may be an evolutionary reason. Refs: Anekar & Bordoni, 2020, ‘Palmar Grasp Reflex’ Vox, 2016, 'Proof of evolution that you can find on your body' #sciencefacts #humanevolution #humananatomy #humanbody#creatorsearchinsights
·2-21Is it possible to surgically split someone's mind in two, like in the show Severance? Refs: Elward & Ford, 2025, ‘Severance: the real cognitive neuroscience behind the Apple TV+ show’s ‘severance procedure’ Schechter & Bayne, 2021, ‘Consciousness after split-brain surgery: The recent challenge to the classical picture’ Volz & Gazzaniga, 2017, ‘Interaction in isolation: 50 years of insights from split-brain research’ #severance #neuroscience #brainscience #sciencefacts #creatorsearchinsights
·2-16Severance fans, the elevator that causes the switch from innie to outie reminds me of a real psychology phenomenon... It's called the 'doorway effect'. Refs: Radvansky et al., 2011, ‘Walking through doorways causes forgetting: Further explorations’ Brenner & Zacks, 2011, ‘Why Walking through a Doorway Makes You Forget’ #severance #psychology #sciencefacts #neuroscience #creatorsearchinsights
·2-11Severance fans, let's talk about the reintegration procedure... Is it based on science? There are lots of interesting details I noticed in this scene (warning: S2E3 spoilers!). Refs: Black Dog Institute, 2025, ‘What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment for depression? Explained’ RHAP: We Know Scripted TV, 2025, ‘Severance Season 2 Episode 3 Brain Talk’ Hillier, 2023, ‘Alpha, beta, theta: what are brain states and brain waves? And can we control them?’ Nayak & Anilkumar, 2023, ‘EEG Normal Waveforms’ Maas, 2022, ‘Apple’s ‘Severance’ Neurosurgery Consultant Says We’re ‘Not Far Off’ From Its Terrifying Technology’ #severance #neuroscience #sciencefacts #brain #humanbody #creatorsearchinsights
·2-9Did you know that we all have a tail during embryonic development? This is likely to be an evolutionary leftover from when our animal ancestors had tails. Refs: Horvath, 2016, ‘Why don’t humans have tails?’ Xia et al., 2024, ‘On the genetic basis of tail-loss evolution in humans and apes’ #sciencefacts #humanbody #humanevolution #humananatomy #creatorsearchinsights