day in the life of a marketing manager living in los angeles 👩🏻💻✨
first vlog back from the bay area and it feels so good. I was in the bay for about 2.5 weeks and I felt alot of different things.
first, i am so grateful to have the friends that i have. my friends from home are truly the most selfless people - they inspire me to be a better person. because of them, my standards of deep meaningful relationships are very high. sometimes I wonder if anyone else could get me the way that they do.
second, i am so lucky for my family. although they drive me crazy, although I wasn’t raised comfortably, although I was such a brat growing up, i am so thankful to have a family that pours love onto me even with all my flaws. i’m so lucky to have two healthy parents that I can treat out to fancy dinners, share laughter, and be goofy around. I am so grateful to be able to speak korean, to communicate with no problem.
Third, the importance of moving out of your hometown. this might be subjective but i come from an extremely small town where everyone knows each other. growing up, i didn’t know “marketing” was a thing - everyone was a doctor or pharmacist, professional golf players were as creative as it got. if I didnt attend college outside of home, if I didn’t decide to move out, i dont know if i’d be where i’m at today. the world is such a big place, don’t let your hometown be your only world. growth happens when you’re uncomfortable.
I could write pages about my reflections but i’ll stop here with a question: are you comfortable?
If your answer is yes, that’s great! however, I challenge you to think of things that make you uncomfortable. do the things that make you uncomfortable. I’m working on this myself. there is growth in every opportunity. even when you feel like you’re in the worst possible position, there is growth.
If you read all of this, thanks for being here. I know my mom and dad are probably going to watch and read my caption so 엄마, 아빠 밥 많이 챙겨 드세요 💖.
Be kind. You never know what people are going through. xx
#dayinmylife #marketingmanager #workvlog #asmr #wfh #dayinthelife
original sound - ellen
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day in the life of a marketing manager living in los angeles, ca 🎀💻 lately, i’ve been thinking a lot about my future, which feels strange because i’ve always been a live-in-the-moment type of person. when it comes to my personal life, i struggle with seeing the long game. i’ve always just enjoyed life as it unfolds, which can be both good and bad. growing up, i thought i’d be engaged by 27, have kids before 30, and have it all figured out by now. but here i am—nowhere near that—and still figuring myself out. my upbringing shaped a lot of who i am today. both of my parents are immigrants who struggled with english, so i learned korean to communicate with them, even though my korean isn’t perfect. i still remember sitting in my dad’s office as a kid, trying to make sense of tax returns in english and translating them into korean. conversational korean? sure, i can do that. legal tax terms korean? absolutely not. growing up hyper-independent taught me a lot of things, though some of those lessons are bittersweet. for example, i learned to never depend on anyone for anything. while that’s a useful skill, it’s also isolating. i struggle to rely on friends or even family because i feel like asking for help is a burden. this mindset bleeds into relationships too. but when i do find someone who makes me feel safe, i start letting myself depend on them in small ways. that’s when you know you have me as a friend, as a partner, etc. here are some lessons i’ve learned along the way: 1️⃣ success comes from relentless consistency. people love to say successful people are lucky, and while there’s truth to that, i believe you create your own luck. it’s all about how you perceive life. seeing yourself as lucky vs. a victim changes everything. consistency is the real secret—showing up every day, even when you’re not at 100%, builds momentum. those small, consistent efforts add up over time, even when the wins aren’t immediate. 2️⃣ opportunities come to those who are prepared — if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready. let that sink in. people who understand this are always prepared when opportunities arise. yes, sometimes you have to chase opportunities, but being ready when they come makes all the difference. preparation is the foundation of success. 3️⃣ your parents aren’t always right — growing up in a traditional asian household, i was taught to respect my elders and believe everything my parents said without question. but as i got older, i realized it’s okay to fact-check and make informed decisions for yourself. our parents mean well, but they’re from a different generation, and the world works differently now. questioning things isn’t disrespect—it’s growth. 4️⃣ the loudest critics are often projecting their insecurities — this lesson hit hard in 2024. i’ve received so many hurtful comments about my appearance, lifestyle, etc but here’s the thing: people who judge loudly are usually dealing with their own insecurities. maybe they’re jealous of your courage to do something they’ve always wanted to do. whatever the reason, their noise doesn’t have to affect you. by staying focused and ignoring the negativity, you win. i’ve come to terms with the fact that life doesn’t necessarily get easier—it’s just that we get wiser and better equipped to handle obstacles. your trauma doesn’t define you; how you overcome it does. when you feel like your world is ending, it’s often the beginning of a new chapter. as always, i’m rooting for both of us. seeing others win inspires me to keep pushing forward too. good things take time, and i truly believe good things happen to good people. be kind—you never know what someone else is going through. with love, e. 🌝💖 #asmr #dayinmylife #dayinthelife #vlog #wfh #workvlog #marketingmanager #workfromhome
·1-22big girl purchase review time - love you elon xx tesla model y performance black for me 🖤 #tesla #teslamodely #elonmusk #car #cars
·2024-2-27day in the life of a marketing manager in los angeles, ca 🤍 let's talk about hyper-independence. when i was younger, i took so much pride in being hyper-independent. i saw it as a strength—something that made people more efficient, more capable, more resilient. but as i get older, i’m realizing that not all hyper-independence looks the same. even though i hated having to be the translator for my family at such a young age, and i resented being forced to mature before others because of my situation, by the time i got to college, i felt like i could do anything alone. applying to university, filling out paperwork—i got zero help from my parents, mostly because they weren’t fluent in english. it was tough, especially growing up in a mostly white community where kids and their parents seemed to have tight-knit relationships, no language barriers, no communication struggles. that was never my reality. as i get older, i realize i never share my hardships with my family. i don’t open up, i don’t vocalize much—sometimes it feels like they don’t even know the real me. they don’t know my daily struggles, my stressors. for a long time, i thought i was being a good daughter by keeping things to myself, by not wanting to worry them. maybe that’s true. but honestly? i think it’s because i learned early on that my needs wouldn’t always be met. so instead of giving my parents the chance to disappoint me, i just stopped relying on them altogether. which begs the question: am i hyper-independent? or am i hyper-independent because of trauma? whoa. that thought put me in a spiral for a few days. but hear me out. my parents were great—if it weren’t for them, i wouldn’t be who i am today. but there were things they did (or didn’t do) that shaped me, that forced me to act a certain way. when i reflect on my childhood, i remember more moments of disappointment than contentment, which is unfortunate, but i don’t blame anyone. my parents are amazing, and it’s their first time being parents. they’re doing the best they can. but i can see now how the repeated disappointment, unmet emotional needs, and lack of support led me to hyper-independence as a coping mechanism. which is probably why, even as an adult, i struggle to rely on others, share personal struggles, or ask for help. understanding this has made me see hyper-independence differently. i still think it can be a good thing, but instead of just applauding people who are self-sufficient, i now see them with more kindness, with more softness. people who are hyper-independent because of their upbringing went through a lot, and they deserve people around them that they can trust and lean on. i know hyper-independence gets romanticized. i feel like i even contribute to that sometimes with my whole girl boss, i got this energy. but let me be clear: it’s okay to lean on people. it’s okay to share your struggles with those you trust. i bring this up because i’ve been dealing with some unexpected news, and i noticed myself defaulting to silence—keeping it to myself when i could be leaning on the people i trust. if this resonates with you, just know—you’re not alone. i’m rooting for both of us. when you start seeing everything in life as a process, things get a little lighter. trust the process. lots of love, e 💞 #dayinmylife #dayinthelife #vlog #asmr #tech #marketingmanager #wfh #remotework #losangeles
·15h ago what I eat in a day as a marketing manager in LA. 🥗 Health is wealth—no, seriously. Back in college, I never really thought about what I was eating. If it tasted good, that was enough for me. But as I’ve gotten older (and let’s be real, more privileged to have the bandwidth to care), I’ve realized how much what I eat impacts how I feel. #OLLYPartner Now, is every meal I eat the absolute pinnacle of health? No. Balance is key. What works for me might not work for you, and that’s okay. But if there’s one thing I’d encourage, it’s to take care of your inner self just as much as your outer self. You don’t have to overhaul your diet overnight—just start with small habits that make you feel good. One thing I’ve been prioritizing lately? Gut health. Whole foods + @OLLY Wellness gummies have been my go-to for digestion support* without the hassle. Highly recommend. #WellnessJourney *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
·2d ago nothing makes my heart drop faster than a slack notification - honestly though out of all the corporate communication tools, slack is my fav 🫶🏻 happy friday everyone, new vlog coming soon 💖 #wfh #remotework #tech #slack #asmr #vlog
·1w ago I in fact do both - how many coffees in a day do you guys drink? asking for a friend… #wfh #coffee #remote
·2-27day in the life of a marketing manager living in los angeles, ca ✨ long time no vlog — life’s been crazy busy. it’s busy season at work, and my personal life has been... a lot. but honestly, i can’t complain. i’m grateful to be this busy at this moment in my life. vlogging is something i hold really close to my heart. it’s how i document my 20s and track my growth—not just as a creator but as a person. and while i love the final product you see, getting there takes so much intentional planning and forward thinking. when i first started, filming and editing took forever because i didn’t know my content style. now, it’s second nature. the output you see is a reflection of my dedication to my craft, my routine, and my creativity. in college, i never thought this life could be my reality. i dreamed of living in LA, but i didn’t actually think it would happen. i’m a realist. i’ve always made goals i knew i could achieve—i imagined myself in silicon valley, around the same friends from college, not too far from home. yet here i am, living south of where i grew up, building a life i never thought possible. i’m not that special. i don’t say that to bring myself down, but to remind you that i’m really not much different than you. i’m a stereotypical korean american with immigrant parents who grew up in a church community, attended a UC, and followed the standard path—internships that led to full-time jobs, which led to where i am today. it’s not extraordinary, but it is a choice. you can either be miserable with what you have while playing victim of your own choices, or you can be grateful for your opportunities while staying hungry for what’s next. personally, i’ll always choose gratitude, but i’ll never choose contentment. staying curious, staying hungry—that’s the only way i know how to live. growing up, my parents taught me that a stable income = success but i want to dream bigger. for years, i thought i’d be a pharmacist because of the $$$, until college exposed me to different experiences. i changed majors (more than once), tried random internships, and eventually found my path. when i landed my first “big girl” internship, i remember getting a company-branded vest in my dad’s size to give to him. it wasn’t a fancy gift, but it meant so much—to work at a company my dad respected. it was a huge moment of validation, a feeling of, “i made my parents proud.” but that same moment also made me realize something important: i needed to separate my happiness from my parents’ happiness, my future from their definition of success. that realization wasn’t easy. learning to stop depending on my parents’ validation was hard. making adult decisions on my own was hard. but breaking that cycle changed the trajectory of my life. if i hadn’t, i wouldn’t have the independence, the values, and the relationships i have now. i used to constantly seek their approval—not because i couldn’t make decisions, but because if things went wrong, i wanted someone else to blame. realizing that and choosing to take full responsibility for my life changed everything. life isn’t easy. i feel like i’m constantly jumping through hurdles. and i don’t think it ever gets easier—you just get wiser and better equipped to face challenges with grace and empathy. because at the end of the day, what’s meant for you will never miss you. that doesn’t mean you should just sit around and wait for life to happen. someone out there is relentlessly chasing their dreams, and that person will always win. life is hard. work is hard. relationships are hard. making money is hard. everything is hard—so choose your hard wisely. you got this, we got this. this week has been stressful for me, so this message is a reminder to be graceful with myself, and hopefully, for you to do the same. i’m rooting for both of us. thanks for being here. lots of love, e. #vlog #dayinmylife #dayinthelife #losangeles #marketingmanager #asmr #wfh #remotework #tech
·2-21gentle monster you have outdone yourself 🎀🌝 finally have some thin black frames #gentlemonster
·2-19act cool act cool everything’s fine you’re fine stay committed to the craft, ellen 😭
·2-19morning movement & little rituals ✨ after my workout, i love small moments that set the tone for my day—like my daily @OLLY Wellness. just a simple way to support my routine & feel my best. healthy habits, inside & out 💛 #OLLYPartner #morningroutine #vlog
·2-18a full face is never complete w/o a cutesy lip combo 🎀 products: @rhode skin - salty tan @charlotte tilbury - supersize me lip liner #lipcombo #rhode #lip #makeup #grwm
·2-17is this what you call an allison plate 🌝💖 health is wealth everyone, happy valentine’s day 💐 @Allison 🌝 #whatieatinaday #mukbang
·2-15long time no nail vlog! 🤍🥛 have my taste leveled up, or am i just getting old? letting go of my long gel x extensions has honestly been one of the best decisions i’ve made lately. it’s made me lean into a clean, classy vibe, and i love it. i’ve said this before, but getting my nails done regularly is a non-negotiable. it’s not just about treating myself—it’s about walking the talk when it comes to self-care, how i present myself, and how i feel overall. fresh nails instantly boost my confidence and put me in the right headspace. working in such a male-dominated industry, there are moments that can feel intimidating—not because i think i’m less than, but because the lack of representation is real. so whenever i have a big workday, especially when i’m meeting business people in person, i make sure my nails are fresh. no designs, no loud colors—just neutral, clean, and polished. being young in my field adds another layer to navigating these spaces and getting people to take me seriously. i can’t control everything, but i can control how i show up. and for me, having my nails done is a small but powerful way to do that. appearance isn’t everything—you have to be good at what you do, period. but let’s be real—presentation matters too. imagine handing an important document to a high-level exec with a chipped acrylic set. will they notice? maybe, maybe not. but i’d notice, and that alone would throw me off. so here’s your reminder to do the little things that set you up for success. get a fresh set, take care of your health, fuel your body with good food—do whatever makes you feel like your best self. if you made it this far, thanks for being here. i hope this inspires you to keep showing up for yourself and girl boss your way through whatever you're working toward. wouldn’t be an ellen vlog if i didn’t say—i’m rooting for both of us. lots of love, e. #asmr #nailvlog #vlog #nails #losangeles #nailinspo