

Mga Termino ug Palisiya

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Messages like this are my reminder of important it is to create content about healthcare disparities!

In the United States, a patient's race used to be taken into account in the evaluation of their kidney disease.

For Black patients a multiplier was added to the Glomerular Filtration Rate that increased a patient's GFR.

Studies showed that the calculation potentially overestimated GFR in some patients, making it less likely for treatments to be recommended to Black patients as compared non-Black patients.

One study estimated that 3.3 million more Black Americans would have been diagnosed with a higher stage of chronic kidney disease.

Thankfully, a new equation has now been created AND as of January 2023 if you were a Black patient that had the race adjusted GFR equation, you have the potential to now have your wait-time adjusted. #racialbiasinmedicine #healthcare #joelbervell #medicine #doctor #healthequity #series #publichealh #stem #gfr #kidney #hiddenhistory #stem

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