A Midsummer Night's Dream
John Abbott College
Casgrain Theatre
May 4 - 13 2023, 7:30pm.
Cast A May 5, 6 (matinee), 11, 13
Cast B May 4, 6, (evening), 10, 12
Get your tickets now!
Regular/ Adult: 15$
Student / Senior: 10$
Come get swept away to the enchanted forest along with 4 rebellious youths following their hearts, a mismatched band of players chasing a dream and feuding fairies casting spells: all in the name of love and desire, in a 1980's theme.
#theatrelife🎭 #actorlife #actors #jactheatre #supporttheatre #wista #qdf #theatreartsandentertainmenttechnologies #theatre #productiondesignandcreation #technicaldesignandmanagement #johnabbottcollege #mtltheatre #Shakespeare
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