What would you do with 56 year old jet fuel? You might’ve seen this before, originally posted as a series back in 2021. Am now getting paid a ridiculous rate for vids over 1 min through TikToks new Creativity program so I’m probably going to keep combining some old videos to take advantage. I spent all of my money buying 3 more jets last week so I REALLY need the cash! #science #aviation #jetfuel #experiment #pilot
original sound - Jack Schneider
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I need more jets and a bigger backyard. #aviation #jet #backyardjet #l29 #trucking #pilot #engineer
·2023-6-9People in my comment sections have been wondering if I’m still alive since I haven’t posted in forever. Many are speculating I blew myself up. To that, I say—not yet. Reality is much more boring. I’ve just been crazy busy working on fighter jet aerodynamics for my day job while also tackling a crazy side project that I can’t really talk about yet. As for getting the L-29 flying, this was the easy part. Now comes the long process of making it safe enough to fly and dealing with all the paperwork. I have everything I need, but it’ll still take years. That’s okay, though—as long as I have a flying jet before 30, I’ll sleep just fine. Finally, if you made it this far, here’s a small T-37 update. I moved far away for work almost a year ago, and I just managed to get the Tweet engine into my new garage. After making almost zero progress over the past year, I’m happy to report that I recently bought a whole bunch of parts for it and am determined to finally finish the thing. I feel bad for dragging it on so long, but rest assured—it will make fire eventually. The L-29 took me about two days to get running. The Tweet has taken years. The difference? The Tweet sat outside in a junkyard for decades, and literally nothing on the engine works. Every part of it requires some level of improvisation. Anyways, that’s the latest. Expect more soon! #l29 #backyardjet #pilot #aviation #engineering
·1w ago If you’re interested in space, investing, or 727s go check this out! #zerog #727 #investing #startup #space @GoZeroG
·2024-11-20Crossing my fingers the fire will be in the right place 🤞🏼#backyardjet #pilot #aviation #engineer #l29
·2024-11-14Technically it was flying… Huge shoutout to the friends (believe it or not I have a few) who helped me move this L-29. I couldn’t have done it without you! #backyardjet #pilot #aviation #engineer #l29delfin
·2024-8-14Experiencing weightlessness with @GoZeroG was unbelievable! After plenty of aerobatic flying and pulling anywhere from -2G to 8G, I thought I had an idea of what it would feel like. Honestly, though, it was much wilder than my expectations! You can book a flight at https://www.gozerog.com #gravityisoverrated #zerogravity
·2024-8-7This is what happens when a non-Canadian attempts a Canadian activity. 4 days below freezing didn’t cut it! Next year will be the year. #icerecliner #sledding #experiment #backyardjet
·2024-5-23If you haven’t seen the Polaris Ghost Squadron yet you’re missing out! Go show them some support. Hard not to be excited about fighter jets, space exploration, and working with St. Jude to cure cancer! Yet another reason to go to @SUN 'n FUN Aerospace Expo #aviation #polaris #mig29 #airshow #backyardjet #stjude
·2024-5-14Reuploading some ancient videos since their sounds got taken down! #experiment #science #engineering #chemistry
·2024-4-25Reposting some ancient videos that had their sounds taken down! #ps3 #scienceexperiments #skake
·2024-4-24Don’t worry, I didn’t buy another Tweet. This is just a repost since the original had its sound taken down 😩 Will be reposting a few others that got taken down as well. We’re now about one and half years into the Tweet project, and spoiler alert, the engine is still not running. That’s ok though, I’m not in a rush! A little behind the scenes: I took a dream job as an aerodynamics engineer on the fighter jet programs at Boeing. Unfortunately, this required me to move 7 hours away from where my jets are. Eventually I’ll get my jets here, but it will be a while. I still try to drive back to them when I can, but it’s difficult to make any meaningful progress. First world problems am I right? #aviation #jet #pilot #boeing #backyardjet
·2024-4-24I don’t usually repost, however, the sound got taken down on the original so here we are. This was Sun-N-Fun 2023. Of course, if you watch the news, you know that unfortunately this beautiful airplane was lost a few months after this. Thankfully, everyone survived! #aviation #snf #fighterjet #bonanza #pilot
·2024-4-17I know it's been way too long since I've posted an update, so here's a little behind the scenes! I recently started as an aerodynamics engineer at Boeing, working on fighter jets, and I'm insanely excited about it! However, this required a long-distance move, and I've spent the last few months coordinating it. This is where having a ton of airplane junk is a pain! I've also been pretty busy trying to chase my dream of becoming a fighter pilot. With all of that and a whole lot more going on, it’s been very difficult to find time to work on the Tweet. On top of that, I was hoping to wait until I had some good news on it before posting, but lately, it’s been a major pain. You may think I am cutting corners on it, and you would be absolutely correct. But keep in mind, the goal for this engine has always been to simply get it to run, or at least explode. The engine was severely damaged when I got it and was a lost cause from day one. Nearly everything possible is wrong with it. That’s why I am hesitant to spend big money or put in tons of time. If it was in decent shape, getting it to run would’ve been trivial. I do think these constraints make for a fantastic challenge though, and struggling with it has been a great learning experience. So, I hope you follow along on this way overdue project that just gets more and more sketchy as I work towards finally making fire and noise! #backyardjet #aviation #engineering #boeing #science #stem