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Adidas = Eastern European Gucci
·4d ago
2 sec hold Vs 2 reps🗿 I never trained one arm pull ups on my left hand which of course was not a good idea, I was young, made mistakes, it happens, and now for the first time ever I decided to work on my weak hand, on the first video I struggled to hold that position for 2 seconds
. Even with a weighted pull up One Rep Max of 95-100kg it took me 4 months to get to this level, which is actually pretty good, and yes I have students that could do 1 arm pull ups in the first sessions, with a weighted pull up level of only 20kg for 10 reps, and in some cases this is normal
 But since I am 95kg heavy with long arms, it will take a bit longer, the goal is 6 reps within few more months, the knowledge is there all I need is timeđŸ—żđŸ€đŸŒ
My name is 188cm/95kg🗿 On a real note tho, CrossFit is a very solid sport, and many people don’t know this but the reason they have such technique on pull ups and muscle ups isn’t really because they are not strong, but mostly because its part of their sport to mostly care about how many reps they do in these exercises and not the technique, if you watch their competitions then you would understand there is no chance they could do clean muscle ups after doing hundreds of reps on other exercises right before that, so yeah the hate is just for funđŸ€đŸŒ
+100kg🗿 calisthenics strength
Joints are crying after this one #calisthenics
You can climb anything🗿đŸ’ȘđŸŒ #muscleup #calisthenics
Don’t need them🗿
1 muscle up = 2 horsepower 🗿 imagine telling someone you generate 2 HP
Their reaction at the end is priceless😂 now let me share the truth about everything you just saw, well first of all most of the guys I arm wrestled were lighter that me, they are about 75-80kg, and I’m 95kg, which makes it unfair, there are weight categories for a reason, but still it was nice to see that all my training actually has a good impact on arm wrestling
. The most important thing you need to know is that the reason I won was mostly because I also train my wrists and joints, not with the goal to be good in arm wrestling but more because its actually very useful in calisthenics to have strong wrists and joints, and as you can see, this helps in arm wrestling toođŸ—żđŸ€đŸŒ
More details đŸ‘‡đŸŒ Okayyyy now let me tell you all you need to know about this, had to first make the video entertaining, now I will actually go more deep into this
. Of courseee the first thing you do is let the pain from the injury go away, once most of the pain is gone, you continue doing the exercises that don’t cause you pain while doing the movement that got you injured but with very light intensity, the goal to get some blood flow/pump, this is what makes the recovery faster
 Once you feel like the injury gets better and better which is what should happen if you rest it enough and you don’t put a lot of pressure on it, now you can actually try to get stronger in the movement that got you injured, but you take your time properly, by that I mean you literally add 10% intensity to that exercise every session, not more than that, take your time, realise you messed up, all injuries happen because you mess up in something: bad warm up, bad recovery, bad diet, too much weight in the sets, dehydration and many more reasons
 To make the recovery even faster, visit a massage therapist or a good physiotherapist or a chiropractor, the more specialists you visit the faster you will recover, and remember, before you say its expensive, remember about all the times you spend money on random sh@t, now actually invest into something useful and stop complaining, if you don’t want then you won’t get far in this sport, good luckđŸ—żđŸ€đŸŒ
Perfect muscle up? (95kg/188cm🗿)
We will see how things go in couple of months🗿
No bicep curls or anything like that, explanationđŸ‘‡đŸŒ Of course I have good bicep genetics too, its obvious, buttt I have never seen anyone being strong at weighted pull ups and have a big back but small biceps, only in rare cases where the guy has good back genetics and bad bicep genetics
 There are many different cases, where someone could have amazing chest and back insertions/genetics but bad arms, its very different from person to person To all the people who do weighted pull ups i’d suggest them to not work on biceps because they will grow to the maximum, focus on strength, this is what is more funđŸ’ȘđŸŒ
The goal is to conquer calisthenics skills, knowledge + action = results
66kg vs 95kg calisthenics progress🗿#calisthenics
Nonchalant lift challenge đŸ„± #fyp #nonchalant #lift #challenge