this is me telling you you DON’T have to put up with a toxic workplace!! ask 👏🏻for👏🏻more👏🏻
#boundaries #workboundaries #setboundaries #toxicboss #worklifebalance
original sound - hanna gets hired
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With so many new friends here, I wanted to introduce myself properly 😆 If we haven’t chatted already, hi!! I’m Hanna, and I care deeply about building happier and more fulfilling careers. I started my career in a job that made me feel frustrated, unmotivated, and completely drained at the end of each day. In search of something more creative and meaningful, I pivoted my career (4 times to be exact). Talk about a JOURNEY - I’ve been a recruiter, a hiring manager, a jobseeker, and most recently, I lead jobseeker marketing for a global recruitment marketplace. Along the way, I started to notice the techniques that made it easier to land better, higher paying jobs, the tools to align the work you do with the shit you care about, the mindset shifts to realize that yes, it is possible to build a career that doesn’t make you miserable. At the end of 2022, I started sharing what I had learned on the internet, and fast forward to early 2024, I left a comfy corporate job to try out this creator thing full-time. I got to follow a lifelong curiosity and spend 6 months traveling and working in Southeast Asia, and am now gearing up for another adventure: I’ll be living in New Zealand for half of 2025. It’s not lost on me that I now spend my days following my curiosity, learning and sharing resources to support people with a common goal: making work a better experience. Grateful is an understatement. If that sounds like something you could use a little more of, you’re in the right place. My career journey is just as much about you as it is me: my fulfilling career is providing the tools and tricks for you to find yours. I want to hear from you - what’s one thing you love about the work you do? And if there isn’t a damn thing, what’s something you would love to incorporate into your fulfilling career? Because, come on, it’s time we don’t dread Mondays. #career #careeradvice
·2-4all of y’all on IG voted for a 5 minute video so HERE YA GO!!! #migraine #migrainerelief #migrainetips #chronicmigraine
·10h ago Let me reiterate - a layoff is a trauma, and deserves to be treated and respected like one!! In the event that this happens to you, these 3 steps will help you move forward productively, while making sure you are self-supported and cared for. #layoff #whattodoafteralayoff #lostmyjob #jobsearch #careeradvice #findajob #jobmarket2025
·1d ago Let today be the veeeeery last day you ask an easy question in an interview - one that doesn’t either A) arm you with more sneaky intel to show how you are so perfectly suited for the role or B) help you figure out if this job is actually worth your time. Some other questions you could ask: - Strategic vision - Dive into company direction, industry shifts, or how recent news might reshape priorities. Shows you’re already thinking like someone invested in their success. - Results & impact - Get them talking about what actually moves the needle in this role and how success is measured. This isn’t just about impressing them - it will also help you understand what you’re signing up for! - Team dynamics & decision-making - Uncover how work actually happens, who the key stakeholders are, and how conflicts get resolved. Remember: a toxic team will tank even the dream job description. - Resources & support - Find out what you’ll actually have to work with - budget, tools, mentorship, development opportunities. This shows you’re practical while sussing out if they’ll set you up to win. So next time your interviewer asks, “do you have any questions for me?”, make it count!!! #interviewquestions #interviewtips #jobsearch #jobsearchadvice #CapCut
·1d ago I hope you’re just as appalled as I am that ghost jobs are STILL so prevalent, even when companies know how difficult the job search has been for countless people. Regardless of how you feel about the ethics of ghost jobs, they’re fun for no one to encounter in your job search. For more tips about how to spot and avoid ghost jobs, check out the video I posted on @glassdoor, linked in the comments ⬇️ #glassdoorpartner #ghostjobs #jobsearchtips #jobsearchadvice #findajob
·3d ago what is ONE thing you can do today to get one inch closer to the place you want to be? And if you don’t know where you want to be, how can you get one inch closer to finding clarity on what that might look like? #careeradvice #motivationmindset #careerpivot #careerchange #careertok
·4d ago Even if you don’t have an interview actively scheduled in the next few weeks, you are still actively interviewing The flip side to this is to portray excirement for the position, because excited people care about the job, and people that care are easier to work with. But balancing excitement and the perception of demand is GOLD in looking like a top candidate. Stitch with @Anna Papalia #interviewhacks #interviewtips #interviewprep #howtoanswerinterviewquestions #salarynegotiation #jobsearch
·2-20and yet somehow all of this sounds more appealing than jumping through the hoops of yet another corporate hiring process 🤔 #hiddenjobmarket #jobsearchtips #jobmarket2025 #findajob #jobsearching
·2-19Here’s why I think you don’t need a 5 year plan 🤔 How boring would life be if I knew exactly what I wanted in 5 years.💡Redefining your goals based on new information and self relfection ensures that your path is only ever getting more authentic and fulfilling. #lineargrowth #circulargrowth #careergrowth #careeradvice #careerdevelopment #5yearplan