Honestly, i think he answered perfectly @jonklaasen
original sound - Elyssa Joy
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All bodies are beautiful! Here’s my contribution to body positive TikTok 😊 and I’m not going to lie this is TERRIFYING TO POST (ily @jonklaasen)
·2020-9-18What I ate today as a mom who is trying not to obsess over her milk supply this time around - but lowkey still is 😬🙄 Thank you to all our friends bringing over these delicious meals so I can stay fed without even having to think about it!!! You guys are incredible 💕 . #whatieatinaday #postpartum #motherhood #mom #breastfeedingmom #breastfeeding #milksupply #baby
·10h ago my week 39 OB appointment did not go as planned. The end of my pregnancy with Eleiah was SO HARD!! Truly two or three of the most challenging weeks of my 26 years. Both physically and emotionally Yes, baby girl is already here but I wanted to be sure to share my whole experience. I know it’s not common to be admitted to labor and delivery for potential complications and choose to go home. So I wanted to share that experience Being wheeled to labor and delivery was a truly humbling experience. . #birth #mom #momlife #motherhood #baby #39weekspregnant
·1d ago My front to back labor experience with baby #2! Everything got really aggressive really fast once my water was broken. I did not hemorrhage this time!!!! So that was a huge win!! With my first baby my hemoglobin got down to a 4!! This time it stayed at 10.5!! That has seriously changed my postpartum experience! If this happens to you, give your self grace. I felt like I literally had to come back from the dead with my first baby and this time I could walk to the bathroom 1.5 hours after pushing her out! . #labor #birth #mom #momlife #motherhood #babies #vlog
·5d ago Caption: Having a wig that perfectly fits your head is SO IMPORTANT!! All my @follea wigs fit me perfectly due to their dedication on the ultimate fit. Their wig caps are beautifully constructed to fit a wide variety of head sizes! Here’s how they achieve such a wonderful fit! To watch the full version of Daniel Alain’s State-of-the-Art Factory Short Films or to schedule your private complimentary consultation visit the 🔗 in my profile. 🎥Tune in next week for Part 5! P.S. In this video I am wearing my Follea Style wig 14” in a sassy bun @danielalain #folleabydanielalain #follea #danielalain #dapartner #wig #wigs #trichitillomania #hairloss #alopecia #alopeciaawareness #humanhairwigs #realisticwigs
·6d ago Do not eat an everything bagel or poppy seed muffins within 5 hours of a urine drug screen. I tested positive for the lowest amount of opiates and that changed our whole discharge process. Shes obviously fine and i dont do drugs so were home now ☺️ #labor #baby #postpartum #lifehack #birth #mom
·1w ago