✅ DO THESE to build the lateral head for WIDER SHOULDERS!
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Gym Outfit from @AYBL - use code “DELTA” for 10% off. Link in bio. ✅ The PERFECT Rear Delt Fly Form 1) Bend Forward Appropriately Lean forward to at least a 90-degree angle from vertical, or even slightly more. Avoid standing too upright, as this shifts tension away from the rear delts. 2) Choose the Right Grip Use a pronated grip (palms facing backward) instead of a neutral grip (palms facing each other). This better isolates the rear delts. 3) Protract Your Shoulder Blades Keep your shoulder blades protracted (spread apart) to minimize trap activation. Focus on maintaining this position throughout the movement to keep the rear delts engaged. 4) Depress Your Shoulders Actively depress your shoulders (pull them down) to further reduce trap involvement and ensure the rear delts do the work. By following these tips, you'll maximize tension on your rear delts. #beaybl #ayblathlete #aybl #reardeltfly #reardelts
·11h ago Gym outfit from @AYBL - Use code “DELTA” for 10% off. Link in bio. Cable Chest Fly Mistakes and How to Fix Them 1) Arms Too Straight at the Start ❌ Mistake: Keeping your arms completely straight during the initial part of the movement. ✅ Fix: Maintain a slight bend in your arms—roughly 45 to 60 degrees—to protect your joints and allow for better chest engagement. 2) Dropping Your Elbows ❌ Mistake: Letting your elbows drop below your wrists. ✅ Fix: Keep your elbows higher than your wrists but below your shoulders to maintain proper alignment and chest activation. 3) Shoulders Rolled Forward and Chest Concave ❌ Mistake: Allowing your shoulders to roll forward and your chest to cave in. ✅ Fix: Retract your shoulders and push your chest out to keep tension on the chest throughout the movement. 4) Arms Bent at the End of the Movement ❌ Mistake: Keeping your arms bent when the handles meet at the end. ✅ Fix: Straighten your arms slightly as you reach the end of the movement to fully contract your chest muscles. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll maximize chest activation and get the most out of your cable chest fly! #beaybl #aybl #ayblathlete
·1w ago Lunge Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) Forward lunges: Stepping forward while holding dumbbells primarily targets the quadriceps, with secondary activation of the glutes and hamstrings. Reverse lunges: Stepping backward shifts more of the workload to the glutes and hamstrings, although the quads remain engaged. Curtsy lunges: When stepping backward and crossing one foot behind the other, the focus shifts even more toward the gluteus medius and minimus, as well as the adductors, compared to a standard reverse lunge. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #lunges #forwardlunge #reverselunge #curtsylunge
·1-19❌ Pull Up Mistake (DON'T DO THIS!) Stop shrugging your shoulders during pull-ups! Shrugging overactivates your traps, reducing tension in your lats and making the exercise less effective. While your lats will still work, they won’t be fully engaged. To fix this, keep your shoulders depressed throughout the movement—except at the very bottom, where they’ll naturally rise. By maintaining this position, you’ll maximize lat engagement and perform pull-ups more efficiently. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #pullups
·1-17✅ The Perfect Dumbbell Shoulder Press: Key Tips 1️⃣ Adjust the Bench Angle: Set the bench to an incline of roughly 70 degrees. Avoid a fully upright 90-degree angle to reduce unnecessary shoulder strain. 2️⃣ Position Yourself Correctly: Slide your butt all the way back, ensuring your entire back is firmly pressed against the bench for maximum stability. 3️⃣ Optimal Elbow Position: As you lower the dumbbells, keep your elbows slightly in front of your shoulders. This minimizes shoulder strain and ensures a safer, more effective lift. 4️⃣ Shoulder Placement: Keep your shoulders down and avoid shrugging to keep your traps relaxed and focus the tension on your delts. Master these cues, and your dumbbell shoulder press will be safer and more effective! 💪 Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #shoulderpress #dumbbellshoulderpress #shoulderpresstips
·1-17❌ FIX THESE Squat Mistakes! MISTAKE #1: Rounding Your Back Rounding your back during a squat places unnecessary stress on your spine, increasing the risk of injury. FIX: Focus on keeping your back straight and maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement. Engage your core to support your posture. MISTAKE #2: Knees Caving In on the Ascent Allowing your knees to collapse inward can lead to joint strain, decreased squat efficiency, and potential injury. FIX: Consciously drive your knees outward so they stay aligned with your toes during both the descent and ascent. Practicing this with lighter weights can help you build proper muscle memory. MISTAKE #3: Heels Rising During the Descent Lifting your heels off the ground creates instability, reduces power output, and compromises your squat efficiency. FIX: Keep your heels firmly planted on the ground by focusing on distributing your weight evenly through your midfoot and heels. If flexibility is an issue, work on ankle mobility. MISTAKE #4: Barbell Not Aligned with the Midfoot When the barbell is misaligned with your midfoot, it can throw off your balance and reduce the effectiveness of the squat. FIX: Always position the barbell directly over your midfoot before unracking and throughout the lift. This ensures optimal balance and power transfer. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #squat #squatform #squattips
·1-16Shop @AYBL gym wear and use code “DELTA” for 10% off during checkout. Link in bio. If you use a supinated grip and perform wrist curls using a dumbbell, you’ll work the inner forearms (flexors). If you use a pronated grip and perform wrist extensions, you’ll target your outer forearms (extensors). If you use a neutral grip and perform cross-body hammer curls, you’ll work the brachioradilis, brachialis, and biceps. #forearm #beaybl #aybl #ayblathlete #forearmworkout #forearmsworkout
·1-14✅ Cable Triceps Exercise Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) When performing tricep pushdowns with a cable D-handle, all three heads of the triceps are engaged. However, your grip determines which head is emphasized: Overhand grip: Focuses on the lateral and medial heads. Underhand grip: Shifts more emphasis to the medial head. Neutral grip (side-facing): Turn to the side and perform cross-body tricep extensions to target the long head. Adjust your grip to target different parts of the triceps for well-rounded development. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #tricepspushdown #triceppushdown #tricepsextension #cableextension
·1-14✅ Abs Exercise Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) The upper abs, lower abs, and obliques are engaged in all the following exercises; however, each movement targets specific areas more intensely. Exercise 1: Decline Leg Raise with Hip Lift (Emphasizes the Lower Abs) How to Perform: 1) Lie flat on a decline bench with your feet secured under the padded support. 2) Slowly lift your legs upward, keeping a slight bend in your knees, until they are perpendicular to your torso. 3) Once your legs are raised, press your lower back into the bench and lift your hips slightly off the surface. 4) Use your lower abs to control the upward motion and avoid swinging your legs or using momentum. Exercise 2: Decline Oblique Crunch (Emphasizes the Obliques) How to Perform: 1) Lie on a decline bench and secure your feet under the padded support. 2) Rotate your torso to one side by bringing your right elbow toward your left knee, then return to the starting position. 3) Repeat the movement on the opposite side by bringing your left elbow toward your right knee. 4) Focus on squeezing your obliques (side abs) during each twist for maximum engagement. Exercise 3: Decline Crunch (Emphasizes the Upper Abs) How to Perform: 1) Lie on a decline bench with your feet securely positioned under the padded support. 2) Place your hands lightly behind your head or cross them over your chest. 3) Engage your core and curl your torso upward, lifting your shoulder blades off the bench. 4) Slowly lower yourself back down in a controlled manner, keeping constant tension on your upper abs. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #abworkout #absworkout #absworkouts #abworkouts #abexercises #abexercise
·1-13Barbell Row Variations (KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!) If you use a wide grip and pull the barbell to about chest height, you'll work the lateral delts. If you use a narrow grip and pull the barbell up to your collarbone, you'll work more of your upper traps. If you bend over and perform wide grip rows like this, you'll work the rear delts and traps. If you pull towards your upper abs using a narrow grip, you'll work the middle to lower traps and lats. Exercise 1: Wide Grip Upright Rows Exercise 2: Close Grip Upright Rows Exercise 3: Width Grip Barbell Rows Exercise 4: Close Grip Barbell Rows Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #uprightrow #barbellrow
·1-11❌ Dumbell Row Mistake (FIX THIS!) A common mistake in the dumbbell row is excessive elbow flexion or allowing your forearms to point forward, which shifts the pulling work to your biceps and reduces tension on your back. To perform the exercise correctly, keep your forearms pointing straight down (vertically) to minimize bicep involvement and fully engage your back muscles. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #dumbbellrow #dbrow #dumbbellrows
·1-11❌ Preacher Curl Mistakes and ✅ How to Fix Them Mistake #1: Curling Your Wrist The mistake: Bending your wrist during the movement places unnecessary tension on your forearms, causing them to fatigue before your biceps do. The fix: Keep your wrists neutral throughout the exercise to ensure the focus stays on your biceps. Mistake #2: Flaring Your Elbows The mistake: Letting your elbows flare out to the sides reduces your ability to maximize engagement of the biceps and increases strain on your wrist if you are using a straight bar. The fix: Keep your elbows tucked in. Mistake #3: Armpits Too Far from the Arm Pad The mistake: Sitting too far back or not placing your armpits against the arm pad reduces stability and can lead to inefficient curls. The fix: Position your armpits firmly against the pad to maximize bicep activation and maintain control. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #preachercurl #preachercurls
·1-9✅ The Perfect Straight Arm Pulldown 1) Grip: Use a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width for optimal lat engagement. 2) Posture: Lean slightly forward at the hips for better leverage 3) Shoulder Position: Roll your shoulders forward at the start to fully stretch your lats before initiating the movement. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #straightarmpulldown #pulldown #backexercise
·1-7Gym outfit from @AYBL - Use code "DELTA" for 10% off. Link in bio. If you flare your elbows out to about 60-70 degrees from your body while lying on a flat bench, you’ll place more emphasis on the middle fibers of your chest. If you keep your elbows tucked, you'll shift more of the workload to your triceps, reducing the focus on your chest. If you use an underhand grip, you will target more of the upper portion of your chest. If you hold one dumbbell with both hands and lower it above your head while keeping your elbows slightly bent and fixed, you’ll engage both your chest and lats. #aybl #chestworkout
·1-4✅ Pushups Variations (Target the UPPER, MIDDLE & LOWER CHEST) If you elevate your feet placement and perform decline pushups, you'll work more of your upper chest fibers. If you elevate your hand placement and peroform incline pushups, you'll emphasize the lower chest fibers. If you place your hands on the floor and perform regular pushups, you'll work the middle and lower fibers of your chest. Size & Shred Training program 👉🏻 deltabolic.com (link in bio) #pushups