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Forest River Inc has more recalls to date than any other auto manufacturer in the United States! #goodluckoutthere

That’s right, you read that right, auto manufacturer, not just RV manufacturer. So they beat out other brands like Kia, Chrysler, and General Motors.

The other RV manufacturer on that top 12 list is Jayco. (Jayco is owned by Thor Industries.)

I wonder how many more RV manufacturers would top that list if they were regulated like the car manufacturers. 🤔

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) charts the top 12 auto manufacturers with the most recalls to date.

Keep in mind Forest River Inc owns many different RV brands, not just Forest River, so when you’re shopping make sure you find out who the parent company of the RV is.

Forest River Inc was founded in 1996. It was acquired by Warren Buffet’s investment firm, Berkshire Hathaway, in 2005. They are now a public company traded on the stock market and they are headquartered in Elkhart, Indiana.

Their brands include:
Forest River
Prime Time
East to West

Models include:
Vengeance Rogue
Work and Play
No Boundaries
Arctic Wolf
Cedar Creek
Salem Hemisphere
Alpha Wolf
Campsite Reserve
Grand Surveryor
Vtrec #forestriver #coachmen #lippert #goodluckoutthere #rv #fifthwheel


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Episode 1️⃣5️⃣9️⃣ I didn’t realize so many people would be this interested in what’s crappy about RVing, 😮 so allow me to reintroduce myself to all of the new followers. #enjoy #goodluckoutthere #crappyrv #dobetter #rvlife #rvliving #fulltimerv #rvfulltime #gorving #camper #outside #campground #rvreview #rvlifepro #rvlifestyle #rvlifewithkids #fifthwheel #motorhome #toyhauler #humor #traveler #travelingfamily #rvtips #lifehacks #forum #community @rvindustryassociation @nhtsagov @thorindustries @winnebago_ind @revgroupinc @forestriverrv
Episode 1️⃣6️⃣9️⃣ What do these big RV manufacturers actual manufacture? Seems more like a “Lippert kit” (as one of our followers described it) to me. I realized a lot of the stuff that I don’t like about my RV, or the stuff that falls apart or malfunctions, is made by Lippert. Maybe RV manufacturers should start manufacturing their own parts, or at least the majority of them. Maybe someone should start a competitor to Lippert. Maybe this is a scam in an of itself. Dealers can blame Rv manufacturers and RV manufacturers can blame Lippert and round and round they go. In my opinion, if RV manufacturers are slapping their name on these rigs, then they are responsible. If Lippert is putting out a bunch of junk, then find other component manufacturers. Don’t knowingly pass this junk on to the consumer. If you can’t find quality components, then make them yourself or don’t build the RV. Enough of telling us you’re giving us quality, when you’re not. People ask me all the time, “well then which RV brand should I buy?” I don’t have that answer yet, but I’m starting to think it starts by finding one that doesn’t source any of their components from Lippert. (And, for those of you wondering, yes, Brinkley RVs use Lippert components. In fact, there’s a Lippert components plant less than a mile from the Brinkley factory. Let’s not keep getting fooled, folks.) #goodluckoutthere #crappyrv #dobetter #rvproblems #rvtips #lippert #lippertlifestyle #lippertcomponents #rvlife #rvlifestyle #rving #rvinspiration #rvia #nrvia #fulltimerv #manufacturing #psa #news #indiana #elkhart #goshen #motorhome #fifthwheel #camper #trailer #patio #steps #doors #toyhaulers #thor @the_nrvta @nhtsagov
Alliance RV initially denied my warranty claim when I notified them that my basement door is still leaking in my 2024 Alliance Paradigm. They blamed the RV tech who’s already replaced the door once and has been out multiple times to try to fix it since. I know others with this same RV model that have had this same problem so I know it’s not an isolated issue. (This basement door is made by Lippert.) After I pushed back, Alliance said they would see if Lippert will fix it. So this is where things stand and this is what Lippert wants me to do in order for them to decide if they are going to send me another door. I don’t care who is responsible to fix it, all I know is I didn’t cause this leak. Alliance chooses their manufacturers so they should do what’s right and get to the bottom of it. This basement door leads to a garbage chute inside my RV, so the water leaks inside onto my floors. It’s been leaking since I got the RV about a year ago and I don’t want to willingly pour more water into my RV in order to prove the door is leaking. I already have provided plenty of video evidence that it is. Customers should expect reasonable problems with an RV. Having numerous leaks in a brand new RV is not reasonable, it is completely unacceptable. This is a widespread issue in the RV industry and it’s not right. And don’t be fooled, good customer service does necessarily equate to a good RV. Yes we want good customer service, but what we really want is an RV that doesn’t have so many problems. #goodluckoutthere #crappyrv #rvproblems #rvtips #rvtravel #rvlife #rvliving #rv #lippert #fifthwheel #trailer #camper #camping #standup #lippertlifestyle #gorving #rvindustry #rvia #leak #basement #manufacturing #nhtsa @lippert__ @nhtsagov @betterbusinessbureau_
In case you see any snakes out there today, now you know… 🚶‍♂️ This one’s for the hikers. #goodluckoutthere #hiking #hike #hiker #crappyrv #rvproblems #rvlife #rvlifestyle #travel #camp #campground #outdoor #outside #holiday #rv #humor #reels #trail #park
What’s a customer gotta do to get an RV to last longer than three months❓ #goodluckoutthere They don’t build them like they used to. #rvlife #rvproblems #rv #rvtravel #rvtrip #rvblog #rvhumor #humor #travel #motorhome #classcmotorhome #traveler #ontheroad #crappyrv #fulltimerv #rvfixerupper #rvrenovation
Well that didn’t work… 💦 I can only imagine what’s going on under these floors by now… 🍄‍🟫 #goodluckoutthere Why is it so hard to get an RV that doesn’t leak? It’s 2024! The basement door of my 2024 Alliance Paradigm has been leaking since I got it even after multiple repairs. Alliance told me to tape it up while they figure it out, even after a new door, it still leaks, so I’m back to taping it up until the rain clears and I can take a better look. Alliance initially denied my request because they said it’s already been worked on. 🤔 I know this isn’t an isolated issue. I know of plenty of other Alliance owners that have the exact same issue so why are they trying to deny a customer when they know it’s an issue with the product, not the user? The basement door is made by Lippert. Maybe with all of these door problems it’s time RV manufacturers manufacture their own doors. #justsayin #crappyrv #rvproblems #rv #rvlife #gorving #nomadlife #travellife #rvtravel #rvtrip #rvliving #rvremodel #rvcamping #camp #rvia #fifthwheel #campervan #traveltrailer #trailer #vanlife #repair #reels #reellife
Rainy days in a crappy RV aren’t quite as cozy as I’d hoped. #goodluckoutthere This basement door on my 2024 Alliance Paradigm fifth wheel has leaked since I got it. (I think I’ve had it repaired two -maybe three - times by now.) I was first told to duct tape it closed while they figured out a solution. Months went by and finally they sent a new door. A tech replaced the door and when the next rain came, it leaked again. Tech came back to adjust it and of course we’ve found it’s still leaking. When I let Alliance know that the issue persists, they initially denied my warranty request because they said it’s already been requested and the work’s been performed. 🤯 (Like it’s my fault the door leaks?!) The bad thing about this basement door is it goes to a trash chute located inside the kitchen so the water leaks into my RV. I image we have rot and mold by now. RV manufacturers claim to stand behind their product until there’s a problem they can’t fix, then they point the finger at everyone else 👉🏻 the customer, the third-party part manufacturer, the dealer, the rv tech, anyone but themselves. The basement door is manufactured by Lippert. #dobetter #rvproblems #crappyrv #rv #rain #basement #fifthwheel #lippert #lippertlifestyle #gorving #leak #flood #rvindustryassociation #camp #campaddict #rvshow #gorving #camper #trailer #rvrenovation #buildbetter #rvtravel #rig #lippert
Ya just never know what’s going to come loose on travel days. #goodluckoutthere #itsnormal #crappyrv #motorhome #thor #thorindustries #classa #rv #rvlife #rvliving #gorving #rvia #seal #traveltips #ontheroad #camper #camping #challenger
The general consensus from the Crappy RV community is that the RV Industry Association (RVIA) is a shiny sticker manufacturer. Looks like we’re all in trouble. 😆 #goodluckoutthere By the way, if you think that sticker means that they inspected plumbing, electrical, heating and fire safety on your individual RV, that’s incorrect. They claim to only do a total of 2,500 “unannounced” inspections across all of their RV manufacturer members each year. (For reference, they also anticipate 350,000 RV shipments for 2024.) (, April 2024.) #rv #humor #adventures #crappyrv #rvia #rvindustry #dot #nhtsa #motorhome #sticker #rvstickerclub #fifthwheel #trailer #camper #camping #caravan #vanlife #travel #news #toyhaul #ontheroad #safety #plumbing #electrical #heating #firesafety #inspection
What does the RV Industry Association (RVIA) do? #goodluckoutthere #crappyrv #rvia #rvindustry #rv #association #question #rvproblems #advocate #lobby #rvlife #rvliving #fulltimervs #gorving #rvtech #standard #construction #manufacturing #lippert #thor #forestriver #winnebago #traveltips #caravan #vanlife #campervan #camper #camping #roadtrip @gorving @rvindustryassociation @nhtsagov
Mr. Design’s got it figured out! #goodluckoutthere It’s a good idea to research an RV brand, and their parent company, when RV shopping. Find out what they’ve got going on. Check the news, YouTube and Google Reviews. In the case of Grand Design RV, they appear to be having a lot of issues with Lippert frames on their Solitude fifth wheels, Momentum toy haulers, and even their Reflections. Seems like an interesting time to start production on a new division… seems even more interesting to choose a product manager of the Solitude line to run it. Grand Design RV (GD) was founded in 2012 and was acquired by Winnebago Industries in 2016. GD is based in Middlebury, Indiana. The CEO is Don Clark. Winnebago Industries is a publicly traded company. (April 2024)#winnebago #winnebagolife #granddesign #granddesignrv #canteven #manufacturing #indiana #rv #rvia #rvlife #rva #rvrenovation #rvtravel #travel #tips #news #fulltimetravel #gorving #solitude #momentum #classc #motorhome #skit #humor #sarcasm #lippert #consciousconsumer #granddesignrv
Check your RV warranty exclusions! 😆 #goodluckoutthere These are some of the exclusions listed in the owners manual of my 2024 Alliance Paradigm. To recap, probably best to avoid the environment, cold, wind, rain, cold, gravel, sand, potholes, sunlight and weather. Whether or not these would withstand a challenge or be held by the manufacturer, they still put them in there. 🧐 #rv #rvlife #warranty #manufacturing #humor #funnyvideos #gorving #traveltips #rvtravel #camperlife #camper #caravan #vanlife #fifthwheel #manual #real #road #weather #environment #fifthwheel #crappyrv #rvlife #rvia #nrvta
They all say the same thing, but who is actually doing it better? And I don’t mean a little bit better (because we all know it’s not that hard to do better than the worst guys), but who is building a road-worthy quality RV that we can cruise the country in without our tanks falling out and our frames failing? #goodluckoutthere #gorving #rvlife #travellife #manufacturing #rv #lippert #thor #forestriver #brinkleyrv #winnebago #revgroup #rvia #rvtravel #advertising #news #reels #roadtrip #motorhome #camper #caravan #fifthwheelliving #traveltrailer #granddesign #crappyrv #rvtips #forestriverrv #rvia #winnebago #granddesignrv #brinkleyrv #coachmenrv #lippertcomponents
❓Guess which RV manufacturer has been “providing the keys to freedom” and understands “how important it is to chose high quality materials…” #goodluckoutthere By the way, if you guessed Grand Design on the last episode, you were right! #rv #guess #game #rvia #advertising #marketing #hmm #camper #trailer #traveler #rvtravel #rva #gorving #outdoors #news #jayco #motorhome #fifthwheel #camping #fulltimetravel #fulltimefamilies #vanlife #crappyrv #dobetter (April 2024)#thorindustries #forestriverrv #coachmenrv #granddesignrv #winnebago
Guess which RV manufacturer claims to do MORE while providing unparalleled support so that you can get on the road and stay on the road? Yeah, I’m pretty sure a lot of their customers are having that “experience of a lifetime” right now, just not in the way they had imagined. #goodluckoutthere And for those of you who guess Coachmen RV for yesterday’s video, you are correct! ✅ RV manufacturers are promising one thing of their products and services but delivering another. Based on the stories y’all send me, I believe many customers are not getting what they are sold. #rv #rvliving #travel #news #game #guess #motorhome #fifthwheel #toyhauler #lippert #camping #rvtravel #rvmanufacturer #rvdealer #dobetter #crappyrv #advertising #trailer #traveltrailer #granddesign #fulltimerv #framefailure (April, 2024)#forestriverrv #granddeaignsrv #winnebago #nhtsa
🛎️ And the answer is… All of the above! 😜 #goodluckoutthere The actual answer is at the bottom here, but if you read the about page on your manufacturer’s website, it probably says this same crap in more words or less. I don’t know. Does the manufacturer’s description of your RV match your experience? #rv #rvliving #vanlife #caravan #gorving #rvia #fool #jokesonme #motorhomelife #fifthwheelliving #rvtravel #rvadventures #travelforlife #website #qualitycontrol #trailer #camping #camper #trucks #crappyrv #coachmenrv #forestriver #thor #winnebago #revgroup Answer 👇🏻 (April, 2024). Owned by Forest River Inc, headquartered in Middlebury, Indiana #coachmenrv #winnebago #forestriverrv #nhtsa #revgroupgp #thor