Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Teachings for Taiwanese 2023 - Third Day.
May the compassionate and wise presence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama continue to inspire and guide us all.
May his teachings of love, compassion, and peace reach every corner of the world, bringing healing and understanding to all beings.
May he have a long and healthy life, filled with joy and fulfillment, so that he may continue to be a beacon of hope and light for all of us.
May we all strive to follow his example and embody his teachings in our daily lives, creating a more peaceful and harmonious world for future generations.
In his honor and with deepest gratitude, we offer this prayer for his long life and well-being. May he remain a guiding light for all sentient beings #phatphapnhiemmau
nhạc nền - TR DINH🗿 - Tashi Delek བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས་
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·2024-6-12Just as space is infinitely vast, so too is the number of sentient beings. Yet we tend to think that the only relationships we have with other beings are the tiny number, comparatively, that we have at present. Wherever we live, we like a few people, dislike a few others, and ignore all the rest. Based on this prejudiced and very limited perception of others, we keep giving rise to attachment and aggression. Thus we accumulate karma, the driving force of samsara. If we could see the endless sequence of lives we have led in the past, we would know that there is not a single being on earth who has not been our father or our mother, not only once but many times over. To return the love and great kindness they have shown us, we must cultivate love and compassion for all of them, as the great enlightened ones do. Above all, we should aspire from the depths of our heart to be able to bring them to perfect enlightenment, without leaving a single one of them behind. The merit arising from such an aspiration is in proportion to the number of beings, so the wish to liberate innumerable beings can engender an immeasurable amount of merit. - Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche #buddha #phatphapnhiemmau #dilgokhyentseyangsirinpoche
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·2024-5-31HHDL speaks on the importance of thinking of the oneness of humanity, how we are the same as human beings, as a way to cultivate warmheartedness towards others in this clip from the archives recorded in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India on December 25, 2013. #dalailama #phatphapnhiemmau
·2024-5-30The one and only father of all Buddhas is Mañjuśrī, Manifesting as the incomparable human master, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, His blessing emanation is Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Tashi Paljor: To you I pray! Bless my mind and inspire my understanding!#phatphapnhiemmau #buddha #dalailama
·2024-5-27“May all sentient beings be endowed with happiness! May they all be separated from suffering and its causes! May they be endowed with joy, free from suffering! May they abide in equanimity, free from attachment or aversion.” ——Padmasambhava #phatphapnhiemmau #gurupadmasambhava