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Remember who you serve! The ALMIGHTY GOD, who created us with PURPOSE, is on OUR SIDE! NO scheme of the enemy will ever prosper against God's plans! The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy wants us to stay distracted and disconnected. But GOD sets us free, redeems us, and turns every situation for His good! GOD has the final say over our destiny! We will NOT let temporary distractions or discouragements separate us from what God intends for us! STAND FIRM in your faith and always BE ON GUARD! The enemy prowls around like a lion, seeing who he can devour. Jesus tells us to WATCH AND PRAY so we don't enter into temptation! JESUS ALREADY WON THE VICTORY! TELL THE ENEMY TO GET OUT OF YOUR FACE, HE'S NOT GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL! WE'RE ON THE WINNING TEAM! #Christian #Boundaries #HealthyBoundaries #Satan #GodsPlan #GodIsGood #GodIsPowerful #Power #Praise #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Victory #VictoryInJesus #IdentityInChrist #RememberWhoYouAre #RememberWhosOnYourSide #WinningTeam #WinningSide
·2-7Should I...? Help me come up with a potential Podcast title (I want the word Joy to be in it). Also, how does one go about starting a Podcast with no fancy equipment or anything??? #Podcast #ChristianPodcast #Christian #ContentCreator #ChristianContent #Joy #JoyPodcast
·1-17One of my favorite things to do!!🥰 Go on "dates" with Jesus!😊💜 I love finding local coffee shops and just spending time with my Heavenly Father, my source of strength, my peace, my joy, the lover of my soul, my truest and dearest friend, and more!!!! God is always speaking, we just have to intentionally choose to spend time with Him in order to hear His voice. Make time for Him, He is LONGING for intimacy with us! 💜💜💜 #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Christian #Christianity #Believe #GodLovesYou #JesusLovesYou #YouAreLoved #Date #Dating #DateIdea #DateNight #DateTime #DatingJesus #DateWithJesus #Intimate #Intimacy #Bible #BibleStudy #CoffeeShop #CoffeeDate
·1-12GOD'S WAY IS BETTER THAN OUR OWN! HE KNOWS MORE THAN WE DO, HE SEES THE BUG PICTURE, AND HE WORKS ALL THINGS OUT FOR HIS GOOD AND HIS GLORY!!! 🙌🏻🔥💜😌 #NewYears #NewYearsResolutions #GodFirst #FocusOnGod #Christian #GodsPlan #GodIsGreater #BigPlans #GreatPlans #GodIsBigger #IServeAMightyGod #Powerful #PrayerWorks
·1-1God is calling us by name. He desires intimacy with us, and He's holding out His hand but often we turn our backs on Him. He never leaves us. He CRAVES intimacy with His creation. He made our souls, and He knows us better than we know ourselves❤️ #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Christian #Thoughts #ChristianThoughts #Christianity #Christ #Savior #Hope #Encouragement #Conviction
·2024-12-12Glycine, the SMALLEST neurotransmitter is in charge of rest and relaxation🧠🧬😌 God WANTS us to find rest and peace within His presence. We have to deny our flesh and it's natural desires in order to find rest in God. God is our refuge and our quiet place. He is our protection and our strength. Slow down and find rest in Him! #Brain #Neurotransmitter #Neurotransmitters #Glycine #Relax #Rest #Recharge #Meditate #SlowDown #Restful #Rested #Relaxed #Relaxation #Quiet #QuietMind #QuietLife #Peace #Hope #Joy #Purpose #God #GodsPresence #Jesus #HolySpirit #GodLovesYou #JesusLovesYou #YouAreLoved #YouAreKnown #Refuge #SafePlace #Security #Safety #Protection #Protector #GlycineAndGod
·2024-11-27You won't always be accepted or "popular" as a Christian in this world. Jesus was perfect and people still hated Him🤷🏻♀️ In this world, we can expect troubles and difficulties and persecution, but we have a hope that exists OUTSIDE of this natural, immoral world. Our hope is in God alone, so no matter what happens to us, we can be confident that THE one true GOD, YHWH/Jehovah Is ON OUR SIDE and WITH US through it all! 🙌🏻 It's actually an HONOR to suffer for God's sake, because it helps us depend on Him, our source of strength and purpose and love!!! 🙌🏻💜👏🏻😌‼️ Philippians 1:29
[29] For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake. Acts 5:41
[41] So they [Jesus' disciples] went on their way from the presence of the Council, rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name.
#Persecution #Ridicule #Popular #PopularSong #Wicked #WickedTheMusical #WickedSongs #Christian #Christianity #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #YHWH #Jehovah #GodWithUs #GodsPresence #GodIsWithYou #Comfort #Hope #Peace #Joy #Future #FutureHope #Bible #Truth #Suffer #Suffering #SufferingForGod
·2024-11-25This song has been on REPEAT lately!🙌🏻 It's hard to trust God and fully surrender to Him at times, but we can be encouraged because He knows us better than we know ourselves. He goes before us and prepares a way for us to get through. No matter what God calls us to do, HE will be our strength in the midst of it. Sometimes it's hard to leave comfortable or familiar things/places, but if God calls us somewhere else, WE ARE HELD IN HIS HANDS!! God sustains us and guides us where we need to be! In my case, God called me to move across the country with my spouse, so I SURRENDER all my desires to Him and this is all FOR Him! 🙌🏻💜 #Christian #ChristianMusic #SpanishMusic #SpanishWorship #Suelto #SueltoMisSueños #SueltoSaraiRivera #Surrender #SurrenderMyDreams #SurrenderMyPlans #Trust #TrustGod #TrustTheProcess #Believe #Faith #Hope #Encouragement #GodIsWithYou #GodKnowsYou #NeverAlone #GodSeesYou #GodHearsYou #
·2024-11-22Even in the middle of stress and chaos, God is constant and He comforts us with His presence!! Remember WHO He is and TRUST that He will get you where you need to be, even if it doesn't go how we planned. Our natural response is to doubt, but faith goes against our natural desires, so we have to be INTENTIONAL about our faith and CHOOSE to trust God! #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Christian #Christianity #ChooseGod #GodLovesYou #GodNeverChanges #TrustGod #GodIsGood #GodWillProvide #NoWaste #Intentional #Faith #Trust #Faithful #GodIsFaithful #Loyal #Loyalty #GodIsLoyal #LoyalLove #TrustHopeFaith #Hope #Encouragement #Identity #IdentityInChrist #Found #YouAreSeen #YouAreHeard #GodSeesYou #GodHearsYou #GodKnowsYou #GodIsWithYou #NeverAlone
·2024-11-6Let's get back to SEEKING and VALUING the TRUTH!✝️☝🏻 Who or what has more authority in your life than God, who sets the standard for truth?! We have to know the truth in order to call out the false imitations of the truth. We have to know the truth to avoid deception and to avoid being led by feelings. God provides truth in His word and gives us discernment through His Holy Spirit. Pursue truth!!! #Truth #True #Truest #TrueStory #Value #Worth #Purpose #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #Conviction #GodsTruth #OneTruth #UltimateTruth #Standard #Standards #StandardOfTruth #Opinions #False #Beware #LoveTheTruth #SeekTheTruth #SeekTruth #Honesty #Honestly #SeekGod #GodIsTruth #GodBringsTruth #GodIsTrue #GodIsTruthful #GodsPlan #GodLovesYou