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In face reading chins have to do with the kidneys, the water element and emotions. The stronger the chin, the stronger the will. I want to come back to this. But first…In common face reading this horizontal line below the lip and above the chin has to do with someone needing to know and have confirmation of their desirability. This could come from not getting the attention they needed in childhood or them not feeling valued or appreciated. These people tend to be pleasant to be around because they are humble.

This fact above could point to this emotional strength of the kidneys. If there is a line here, according to the ancient Chinese this showed that this person needed to preserve their qi and possibly retire. It shows that they are using too much Yang energy (masculine) and need more yin. Lines here show that your body has taken a physical toll. If this area is associated with the kidneys, the main thing you can do to heal the kidneys is rest. This line shows over work.

All this can be tied together between the common and the ancient Chinese thought. The person who feels unappreciated in their childhood will work themselves to death to try to please everyone else around them. Does this resonate with you? Let me know in the comments below, if you would like to work with me for a face reading, facial, or a human design reading please click the link in the bio.

#mama #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #chin


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The ancient Taoists understood the vital importance of self cultivation. They studied life energy and sexual energy down to the smallest nuance in order to increase life force. Chinese face reading teaches different types of energy within our body. There is qi, which is energy or life force. There is Jing, which is the primordial energy or the principal energy that you come into the world with inherited from your mother and father through their love and sexual union. Then there is Shen, which could be called spiritual energy or is the light emanating from source within you. When you were born, you have an incredible amount of Jing (hello energy of kids). Through love (sex) and creative acts such as art, beauty, spiritual development, gratifying work, breath, being in nature, and supportive, nourishing food, we can harvest qi. We can build energy from these things. The flip of this is - when we are not drawing from these beautiful aspects of life, we can deplete our qi. Then we have to look to our back up generator, our Jing for energy. And if we keep drawing on this generator, the Jing wears out, and we develop health problems, disharmony within the body, LOW LIBIDO and ultimately death. The solution? We don’t want to have to keep calling upon our back up generator. We want to use the resources and tools around us to harvest energy. What the ancient Taoists taught was using sexual energy for creative energy, and ultimately building qi within the body. There are Taoist sexual practices that help harvest energy. There are breathing techniques that help harvest this energy and using a Jade egg not only helps build strength, but also helps increase libido. This is another tool to help bring energy back into the body. These are things I will be discussing in my upcoming course called SoulSpeak next month. If you’re wondering if this is for you, it is. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
·9h ago
This is a hard to write because it’s from my own inner musings and I’m not sure how it will be received. I spend a lot of time contemplating how things are connected and have always been fascinated by the human body. Without going into too much personal info..It wasn’t until I started doing the deep work (and @kimanami work) that I began to understand myself and the beautiful spiritual correlations to our bodies. Stay with me because this gets juicy. (Pun perhaps intended) I spent my adolescence and early adulthood in the church. I dedicated myself to being a student of the Bible. I left the system of Christianity many years ago in pursuit of truth, not dogma and not a show. The journey has taken me deep and my view is that I have a richer view of the Bible and spirituality than before. But my journey is ever evolving and I’m enjoying the ride. Now let’s talk about the correlation of the female body and the temple. When you think about the temple or any temple, for that matter, the entryway into the temple is sacred. The outer covering of the temple was made of goats hair, as a woman’s labia is covered with the hair. The outer labia is considered the first gate. (In Taoist tradition there are three gates to the woman-clitoris, g-spot, and cervix). This outer gate could be accessed by the Israelites. This can correlate to the clitoris and the fact that it is a very superficial form of intimacy that can be really achieved with just anyone without any attachment. The inner labia would be considered the second door of the temple where the priests could enter. This would correlate to entering into a holy place where the G spot lies and in order to have orgasm there there must be deep intimate connection with your “priest”. The third gate or the veil would allow access into the Holy of Holies only by the great high priest on a specific day. This passage would be symbolic of the cervix and is only accessed by the “great high priest”, who has done his work and gained the heart of his woman, a.k.a. the heart of God. These type of orgasms are when women claim to “see God”. More in caption👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
·1d ago
After my sixth baby was born, I looked in the mirror and everything seemed different. It all seemed to change. My soul was under reconstruction. And my face and body were bearing the brunt of it. I was already doing some deep soul work and was about to get hot and heavy into it over the next couple years. But in the meantime, I was doing the physical work to release tension and stress that have been stored in my fascia. The result was change. Metamorphosis. A new me. I could feel confident while looking in the mirror. I’m still working and I’m still seeing changes even as I move through time. And YOU CAN TOO. Every person is on their own spiritual journey and evolution. BUT we are in this together. We can all learn from one another and gain insight from each other on how to better ourselves and how to heal. So that’s what I’ve done over this past year. As I’ve healed the broken parts of me, I want to share with the world how they can heal the broken parts of themselves too. I have created a course called SoulSpeak that will be launching this spring. In this course, there is more than just face reading. There is the hands-on applicable methods that you can utilize yourself for physical and spiritual healing. The spiritual healing will inevitably affect the physical. This is for you if you are looking to change, to grow, to love and accept yourself as you are and then to work with lines on your face and the story from which they came. You are capable of metamorphosis and evolution. It’s not too late. I hope you join me this spring. Let me know what you think in the comments . #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
·2d ago
As a face reader, I look in the mirror and make observations. It doesn’t come from a perspective like oh I wish that wasn’t there. It’s more of like, “hmm, I wonder why that line is presenting itself right there.” I look at the region of the face to see what element it’s associated with. I look at the angle to determine what emotion might be behind it. And then I look into my soul and ask what is going on? The other day, I was making an observation while getting ready and noticed that the right corner of my mouth was turned down. That’s my public or business side. How I want to be perceived in the world. And THAT is not how I want to be perceived in the world…a downturned spirit. Here’s what I observed from listening to my soul. We moved to the country over five years ago for various reasons. I’m a mom of six and I’m busy with my children. There hasn’t been any strong connection with women out here. And my soul is missing that. My soul is missing the connection with other women and my face is showing the sadness of my heart from the lack thereof. No this is not a pity party. This is just a mere observation that I need to make a concerted effort to engage with other women. So women, if the right side of your mouth is turned down, how are you engaging with the world around you. And just as a sidenote, this is the Earth element region, which is all about connections and love and nurture. Women need other women. And when they get together, magic and healing happens. Let me know what you think in the comments. More of this type of content in my upcoming course of spring called SoulSpeak. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
·3d ago
In Chinese face reading, you can divide your face in various ways to read what’s being said. If you were to divide it into horizontal sections starting at the top of your head and working your way down, your forehead would be the decade of your 20s, the eyes 30s, the nose 40s, the mouth 50s and the chin 60s. Here is where it gets interesting. According to TCM, the ages 40, 50, 60, and 70 are called the “Four Gates”. These are meant to be transformative and pivotal points in one’s life. If there are any lines or markings between each decade point on the face that would indicate a break with the past and into the next decade. So what this tells me on my face from the line between my mouth and chin separating my 50s from my 60s is that there will be a turning point here. There should be a break from the 50s where things are more yin and inward and introspective and moving into a mountain era of the chin in my 60s. When we look at our faces from this perspective, it really does give us an appreciation to move forward through time with wisdom and grace . Let me know what you think of the comments below. More of this type of content in my upcoming course, this spring called SoulSpeak. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
·4d ago
If you’re in question over what the answer is, the audio gives it away. Can you truly love others if you don’t love yourself? I don’t believe you can. You are going to treat people the same way you treat yourself. You’re going to love others in the same way that you love yourself. So when women are pushed into their masculine to go, go, go and work work work and not tend to their own needs, guess what happens? They start falling apart… Their relationship starts falling apart… Their family starts falling apart. Ask me how I know. I used to think as a little girl that it was a good deed to tell myself that I hated myself. I thought I was being too arrogant to say that I loved myself. So it’s taken me decades to make this turn around and I’ve had to go a bit extreme in how I care for myself because for far too long I didn’t. And I even struggled with saying that I liked myself. So everything around me began to crumble. It wasn’t until I started self discovery and truly knowing myself through this work and loving myself that I began to pick the pieces up off the floor and heal the dynamics of myself, relationship and family. This is the beauty of the work that I do. It gives people a new awareness and discovery of themselves that perhaps they’ve never seen before. Someone told me the other day after reading one of my posts that they had an almost instantaneous turnaround of how they felt about a certain aspect of themselves. And that’s why I do what I do. Because when you heal the woman, you heal the world. These are all things that we will be diving into in my course this spring called SoulSpeak. My prayer is that this changes your life. Peace and love beautiful souls! Happy Valentine’s Day. #love #valentinesday #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
·5d ago
The upper lip is associated with the earth element in Chinese face reading. This element is all about comfort and feeling good. The more qualities of earth that a person has the more they will enjoy luxury, comfort, and all things feeling 👌🏽- food, bed, clothes, chair, s&x, etc. If the lips are fuller and larger in proportion to the rest of their face, there could be a bit of hedonism involved here. But if the upper lip is much fuller than that the lower that could indicate a person who desires intensity…especially emotionally. Someone with this trait might add some drama into the relationship because they crave it. Is this you or do you know anyone like this? Let me know in the comments. More of this content in my upcoming course, this spring called SoulSpeak. you don’t want to miss this. This could change your life. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
·6d ago
We have talked about facial maps and the placement of moles on your face. We’ve talked about what they mean and how they are related to Metal, but I’d like to talk about scars today. E V E R Y T H I N G matters in face reading. Even scars. You are born with inherent beautiful features but what happens when an *accident* happens and leaves you with a scar? Nothing is by chance. Nothing. Scars are said to diminish the power of a trait. E.g - if you were born with a mole and had that removed, the meaning of the mole in that region and its power would disappear, but if it leaves a scar, the power is diminished even more so. BUT… There is also the facial map. Each area of the face correlates to a certain age ranging from birth to 100 years. These markings on the face can show a life event at which something has happened, but also can replay itself as kind of like an expiration date for someone to work an issue out. For instance. Let’s say that someone got an injury that left a scar when they were younger. And let’s say they were dealing with a specific issue in their life at that time. Well, let’s further say that the scar was left on the age marking of 42. And then when they turned 42 a recurrent pattern of their life started happening that was going on with them when they were younger. This marking gives them the opportunity to work out their souls journey and let that certain issue go. So what’s my scar about? Unfortunately, I waxed my eyebrows in my teens/20s. The lady used really hot wax and it left a scar. This was a period of my life where there was heartache, betrayal, and a perpetrator. Had nightmares for 10 years. Guess what age marking my scar is on? 33. 10 years after the scar was left. This is when my soul work really started to kick in. Coincidence? I think not. So we can work with our scars, energetically and give ourselves grace. On a physical plane, I love to use @lifeblud vitamin E oil massaging my scars gently. I hope this helps you. Let me know what you think in the comments. More of this content in my course SoulSpeak this Spring. #facereading #soulspeak #healing #tcm #beauty #skincare #wellness #knowthyself
·1w ago
Strong cheekbones show a powerhouse of a human. These are seen on a lot of athletes, celebrities, and successful business owners. They can induce jealousy in other people because they can be an intimidating trait that exudes power and force. If you are lacking in self-esteem and personal power, it might be beneficial to work with this area. The reason I say this is based on the law of reciprocity. When one changes the inside of their body, the outside is affected. When changes the outside of the body, the inside is affected. We are all malleable and capable of changing and molding and shaping ourselves into what we want to become. So by working with this area, you can shape the cheeks into a more powerful position on your face. I like to use my first two fingers in the shape of a knuckle and trace the upper and lower portion of my cheek from the nose all the way to the ear. Also I like to do an acupressure release and shaping move using my knuckles and applying pressure underneath the cheekbone. You can apply quite a bit of pressure here. Let me know what you think after you’ve tried this. I will be offering a transformative facial module I n my course this Spring, SoulSpeak. I’m so excited to offer this to you all! You have no idea… 💃💃💃
How you move in the mundane is how you move in the monumental. How you do the smallest things and move throughout the ordinary tasks of daily life is how you will perform in your greatest act of achievement. If you are into self-development and are working to better yourself and achieve the highest version of yourself, then it is wise to be careful how you perform daily tasks and move throughout your every day life. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your health starts from the ground up and from the inside out. It starts from your feet moving all the way up to the crown of the head and from the breath moving outward to the flesh. I’m especially speaking to you mama’s who are raising babies. You are tending to your children and can have a tendency to round the spine forward while changing diapers, wiping noses, and trying to comfort your little ones. I get it. I’ve been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I have six kids and my posture begin to diminish with each consecutive kid. It wasn’t until after my sixth babe was born that I really was able to step into my natural God-given curves through bowspring and primal movements. Stepping into this shape not only helped change my overall appearance, but also has affected my attitude, outlook, and motivation. It has changed my confidence and perspective. It’s like I’ve said before about the law of reciprocity. When you change the inside of a person you change the outside and when you change the outside the inside changes as well. I’m going to be introducing some S curve shaping movements in my upcoming course this spring called SoulSpeak. You don’t want to miss it. Be there or be 🟨. 🤭😘✨✌🏽 #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
I was sitting in meditation with a candle at my feet. My breath rhythmically moving in and out. I opened my eyes and watched how the flame danced to the pulse of my breath. And I was reminded once again of how intricately connected everything is. Within the framework of face reading and observing the five elements within that system, we notice all the cycles and seasons of creation and how one thing affects the other. We notice how when one system of the body is off, it affects the next. Water affects wood…wood affects fire… fire affects metal and metal affects earth. If we have something going on in our earth element, it doesn’t start there. And it may not even start with metal. It might start all the way back to water. Let’s talk about another aspect. Because I think this is my main point and I got a little sidetracked. Our health starts from the ground up and from the inside out. It really does begin at the breath. So let’s talk about this reel and the fire element. Fire is shown up in the eyes as Shen. It’s the light behind the eyes emanating from soul and source. Life can take a toll of us and steal a bit of the light from our eyes. So how do we return that fire to the eyes? How do we kindle the fire within us? It all begins at the breath. Doing breath work and bringing the divine breath or cosmic qi into our bodies stirs the fire within us and revitalizes us. I will be offering meditation and breath exercises to harvest qi in my upcoming course this spring called SoulSpeak. You don’t want to miss it… be there or be🟨. 😘 #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
The lower cheeks are connected to the metal element. You can tell if you have metal strength if your lower cheeks are concave. Metal is going to be associated with the lungs and carries the emotion of grief. Some qualities that metal elements carry would be an inner sense of grief or sadness, lack, perfectionism, and deep sensitivity. If there are vertical lines that show up in this metal portion of the face, specifically the rear, lower cheeks, this is known as lack lines or scarcity lines. These can come about from current states of stress, grief and sadness, or could stem all the way back to childhood. It could be that the child did not feel safe or that there was ever going to be enough for them growing up. And that could be - enough time with their caregivers, enough for their basic needs such as food, clothes and money. It’s been told to me that by the age of four a child picks up on the mother‘s energy around money and sex and that’s what gets imprinted into their system. So let’s be careful parents. Not just careful, conscious of our thoughts, words, and actions. let me know what you think in the comments below. I will be discussing face reading and parenting your children in my upcoming course, this spring called SoulSpeak. Be there or be 🟨. 😘🤍✨ #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
The nose is associated with the metal element and the emotion of grief. It’s connected to the lungs and large intestines and has the energy of the father behind it. If you remember from previous reels, I talked about the nose holding a sense of authority and power. A lot of leaders and successful people will have large noses. But what about the bridge of the nose? What if there is a bony bump on the bridge of the nose received either inherently or from an injury? Well, this tells us that this person needs to be in charge! Just as a father feels the need to lead or be in charge of the family. This person with a bump on their nose carries that same energy. People with this trait may be critical, (which is a metal element feature as well), potentially bossy, but just want to be in charge. If your child has this, just know that they are going to be an amazing leader and it’s your job to help support them without being freight trained over. 🥴Be patient with them.. they are learning right along with you. And remember they came from you so you may have some of the same energy as well. let me know what you think in the comments below. We will be talking about face reading and parenting your children in my upcoming course called SoulSpeak this spring. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
Chins are power symbols can show someone’s physical stamina and strength, as well as an ability to handle criticism. A pointed chin will show someone who needs to be in control. They may fight to get their own way and be resistant to other people telling them what to do. An extremely pointed chin, especially if it’s long show someone who possibly can be dominating and definitely wants their own way. They are focused on their desires and reaching their goals more than the others persons desires and accomplishments. Is this you? Do you know someone like this? Let me know in the comments below. Be on the lookout for more of this content in my upcoming course this spring called SoulSpeak. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak
You all have been asking about the gap. So here it is. In common face reading gaps actually represent people who are willing to take risks. The bigger the gap, the stronger the trait. These people can make intuitive decisions in the moment. In Chinese face reading gaps between the teeth are actually considered good luck. Before you start calling this woo woo let me explain. There’s something called Jing in TCM. Jing is this prenatal energy that we bring into the world. Jing to the ancient Chinese, was considered one of the most precious things that you need to guard, protect, and preserve. There are things that rob us of Jing- cue modern lifestyle, stress, hurry, poor food/water choices etc.. there are places on our bodies that show storehouses of our Jing…examples would be large, strong bones that don’t easily break, wide hips (childbearing) and gaps between the teeth, which would indicate a wide zygomatic arch). So really having a gap between your teeth is just a sign of your vitality and life force. Let me know if this helps you in the comments below. Do you have a gap? Be looking for this type of content in my upcoming course this spring called SoulSpeak. 💃💃💃 #mama #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself
Not only does our mouth and goal reflect our optimism versus pessimism in our view of life in general. It also reflects how we listen to other people. If the mouth corners are turned down, you may mistrust what other people are saying. They have a hard time believing them and will be more pessimistic and critical of what others are saying to them. Someone whose mouth is straight as in forms a straight line in relaxation will be more of a reflective listener. They will hear what others say and relay it back to them and not think either positive or negative in regards to what is being told them. Someone who has the corners of their mouth turned up is more optimistic when listening to other people. They want to hear and see the best in others. which one are you? Let me know in the comments below. Be on the lookout for my upcoming course this spring called SoulSpeak. #skincare #holistic #facereading #face #energy #soul #mindbody #tcm #ancient #primal #ancientways #beauty #holistic #wellness #healthiswealth #knowthyself #soulspeak