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Ooh yeah a baby brother plant 🌱#propagateplants #babybrotherplant #plantdecor #greenkitchen #ecotips
Replying to @Brightly There are so many reasons why earthships could be models of our future homes so that’s why we made a part 2! 🌎🏡 Earthships use what's readily available resources to provide inhabitants with everything they need: food, clean water, shelter, garbage management, and sewage treatment. Because of how they're built and how you live in them, they're one of the most sustainable options in existence! Would you live in an earthship? 🌎 #livebrightly #earthship #earthships #earthhome #sustainablehome #sustainableliving #ecofriendlyliving #sustainability #planetfriendly #planetfriendlyliving
It’s no mistake that Earth Month and National Lawn and Garden Month are both in April. Make @Sunday your go to planet-friendly lawn care this month and beyond! 🌾 Sunday’s Custom Annual Plan uses weather and soil data to come up with the ideal plan for your lawn. They use ingredients that work with nature like seaweed, molasses, soy bean extract, and iron to feed your lawn, making it better for people, pets and the planet. 🌎 Take the guesswork out of caring for your lawn on your own. The Custom Annual Lawn Plan produces real results and Sunday ships you what your lawn needs, when it needs it. Since each shipment comes with the right amount of product for your yard, you don’t have to worry about waste! Click the link in our bio to get started and use code BRIGHTLY20 for $20 off your first box! 🔗 #livebrightly #getsunday #earthmonth #nationallawnandgardenmonth #lawncare #sundaylawncare #sustainablelawncare #planetfriendly #planetfriendlylawncare #sustainablegardening
Why did no one tell us about this sooner? 😱 Tag a friend who needs to know about this in the comments! 🤩🥬 #earthdayeveryday #reducefoodwaste #sustainability #localeats #plantfoods #plasticfreefood #fightfoodwaste #eattherainbow #backyardharvest #zerowastefood #plantcommunity #easyecotips #urbanfarm #squarefootgardening
Would you live in an earthship? 🌎🏡 Instead of taking from the Earth, earthships use what's already available to provide inhabitants with everything they need: food, clean water, shelter, garbage management, and sewage treatment. Because of how they're built and how you live in them, they're one of the most sustainable options in existence. #livebrightly #earthships #earthship #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #sustainableliving #sustainability #sustainable #selfsufficient #futurehome #ecofriendlyhome #sustainablehome
Realistic, eco-friendly landscaping means including biodiverse and sustainable plants alongside that lawn you’ve got in your backyard. And when it’s time to keep it green and healthy, look to @Sunday for personalized, planet friendly maintenance options! 🌾 One of our favorite products this spring is the Sunday custom lawn plan! This lawn plan is tailored just for your lawn for real results. To build a custom plan for your lawn, Sunday uses climate and topography data. They also refine your plan based on the results of your personal soil test. Sunday makes lawn care easy with seasonal deliveries, custom application dates, and expert support! Sunday uses ingredients you can trust, with no harsh or unwanted chemicals. Their nutrient pouches have zero pesticides, making them better for you and the planet. Click the link in our bio to get a free lawn analysis today! 🔗 #livebrightly #getsunday #sundaylawn #sundaylawncare #ecoconscious #planetfriendly #grasslawn #ecofriendly #petsafe #petsafelawncare
Micro weddings can be a chance to not only reduce the amount of waste created during your big day but also have a more fun and intimate time! 💒 Follow us for more eco-friendly living tips. 💚 #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #ecofriendlywedding #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #weddingplanning #microwedding #lowwastewedding #zerowastewedding #2024wedding #2024brides #2024bride #weddingbells #sustianablewedding
As spring cleaning approaches you might be wondering how to get started! Save this video to help you declutter your closet when the time comes around. 🧹✨ #decluttering #declutteryourlife #closetdecluttering #sustainablefashion #slowfashion #closetorganization
While we not not everyone has access to plastic-free produce, there are ways you can upcycle those plastic bags! 🍊 How else to you upcycle these? Comment below? #plasticfreeproduce #zerowastehome #reduceplastic #lessplastic #goinggreen #plasticfreelife #earthdayeveryday #nomoreplastic #lifewithoutplastic #lowwasteliving #singleuseplastic #fortheplanet #earthday #saveourplanet #sustainability #greenliving #lowwastekitchentips #ecofriendlyhouse
Looking for a way to upcycle your Valentine’s Day roses? You only need one rose to make a luxurious body oil. 🌹 Here's how to do it in 6 easy steps: 1. Remove petals from your rose. 2. Rinse petals and pat dry. 3. Soak petals in the body oil of your choice—like sweet almond or jojoba oil. 4. Let sit for 24 hours. 5. Boil water in a pot on the stove. 6. Place the jar in the hot water for 30 minutes. Now you have an oil that gives you a gorgeous glow, with all the benefits of rose! Use it for dry brushing or to moisturize. #cleanbeauty #skincare #bodyoil #roseoil #rose #diy #diyskincare #zerowastediy #naturalbeauty #zerowaste #ecofriendly #lowwasteliving #valentinesdayflowers #valentinesdayroses
Valentine’s Day celebrates the people and things we love! Why not wear clothes you already love or some preloved finds? ❤️ Before buying a new item of clothing or purchasing something secondhand at the thrift store, try shopping your closet for your celebratory or date night look. #livebrightly #shopyourcloset #rewearthat #secondhand #secondhandclothes #thrifting #valentinesday #valentinesdayoutfit #valentinesdayoutfitideas
If you’re like us, you probably have a few makeup and small bags laying around! 👝 These tend to pile up, so here are a few ways you can give these bags a new life. This is a great hack for wrapping up Valentine’s or Galentine’s gift without the waste! #choosetoreuse #sustainablelife #mindfulshopping #consciousconsumerism #sustainableliving #zerowastehome #ecolifestyle #ecotips #goinggreen #reuseable #cosmeticbags #makeupbag #zipperpouch #sustainabletips
Tired of droopy flower bouquets? 🥀 Here's a simple fix: Sometimes buying produce with plastic mesh packaging is hard to avoid (looking at you, clementines 👀), so upcycling it with this flower hack is a great way to reuse it! With this banding method, you'll be sure to have your flowers looking great just in time for Valentine's Day. Would you try this? Let us know in the comments! #flower #flowers #flowerhacks #upcycle #upcycled #reuse #produce #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyliving #lowwaste #lowwasteliving #zerowaste #zerowasteliving #sustainableliving #valentinesday #valentinesflowers #valentinesroses
@studio_rosie_ threw a recycling themed 6th birthday party! ♻️🎂 This party featured happy sea turtles, sunshine, and butterflies. The decorations were made of repurposed materials, which included newspaper flowers, bubble wrap fish, and a craft center full of recycled materials! 💚 Activities at the party included crafting cardboard cutouts indoors and sorting paper, plastic, and metal at the recycling collection center outside. ♻️ Let us know what your think of this party below, and follow @studio_rosie_ for more crafts! #livebrightly #craftcreateandmake #easycrafts #kidscrafts #earthdayactivities #earthdayparty #recycling #recyclingparty #papercrafts #paperflowers #diypaperflowers #cardboardcrafts #recycle #reducereuserecycle #kidsbirthday #birthdaypartyideas
Yes BUT read the caption to learn more 🥔 ⬇️ Sprouted potatoes are okay to eat if the sprouts have been removed! However, you can’t eat the sprout itself. Our expert @Amy Gorin, MS, RDN says it contains glycoalkaloids, and if consumed, you may get sick. Additionally, it’s best to use your own judgment. If the sprouts are too far gone and too difficult to remove, it might be better not to consume the potatoes at all. In that case, into the compost bin they go. Did you know about this? Let us know in the comments! #livebrightly
What’s your favorite item to thrift? 😍 Thrift shopping is a great eco-alternative to buying new that's good for your wallet and the planet. Here's some items that are so easy to find secondhand that we rarely need to buy them new! Follow us for more sustainable living tips! 💚 #thriftstorefinds #thrifting #secondhand #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #thriftedfashion #secondhandfashion #secondhandstyle #secondhandfind #thrift #thriftedfind #thriftstore #thriftshop