In 1866, settlers on the Utah frontier were gripped by terror of the possibility of attack. One small town let that fear drive them to do something terrible. #utah #utahhistory #massacred #piute #paiute #americanwest #hauntedplaces #hauntedutah #monuments #memorials #darkhistory #history #smalltown #fyp
original sound - BrighamOfUtah
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Utah woman Irene Colvin Corbett had studied for six months at the Lying-In Hospital in London, England when she boarded the Titanic to return to the United States. Not only luxurious, it was considered the safest passenger ship in the world thanks to its water-tight compartments (meant to keep the ship afloat even in the event of damage to her hull), but it had only enough lifeboats to carry a little over half its passengers. Because lifeboats were only intended to ferry passengers to a rescue ship in multiple trips, laws did not require enough to carry all a ship’s passengers at once. However, as the evacuation policy followed the rule of “women and children first,” it was considerably more likely to survive the Titanic as a woman from any class than as a man, so as a second-class woman of the upper decks, Irene would have had a strong chance of escaping. For whatever reason, she did not escape. Peteetneet School - Payson, UT Titanic: The Exhibition - Las Vegas, NV #titanicsinking #titanicmuseum #utahlife #mormon #titanicmovie #titanic #utahisrad #historytok #historybuff #historytime #rmstitanic #lasvegastiktok #lasvegasnv #museumtok #museum #shipwreck #fyp
·19h ago The historic City & County Building in Salt Lake City’s Washington Square was the site of desperate riot in 1933 as an angry mob wreaked havoc on a tax sale during the worst year of the Great Depression! [note: the audio is a little muffled due to loud conditions here, especially as a protest happened to be going on at the Capitol] #saltlakecity #saltlakecityutah #slc #greatdepression #utahhistory #utah #utahcheck #utahlife #utahunique #1930s #historicarchitecture #utahisrad #downtownslc #riot #historytok #historyfacts #historylesson #historyteacher #historytime #utahtiktok #washingtonsquare #saltlakecounty #fyp
·6d ago During the construction of the Utah Transit Authority’s Frontrunner commuter rail line, artifacts from an archaic culture were uncovered beside the Jordan River in the Salt Lake Valley. #draperutah #utah #saltlake #history #jordanriver #utahcheck #utahliving #americanindian #historytok #monument #ancientamerica #utahunique #hikeutah #utahtrails #wetlands #archaeology #archaeologytiktok #huntergatherer #saltlakecity #utahhistory #historybuff #historylesson #draper #nativeamerican #utahisrad #utahmountains #saltlakecounty
·2-11The Smoot-Hawley Tariffs of 1930 were meant to curb the effects of the Great Depression, but actually made it worse. Senator Reed Smoot rode a wave of controversy into Washington in 1903 as an apostle of the LDS Church, resulting in years of congressional hearings to determine whether he was fit to serve in the Senate, due to the church’s controversial standing. During his five terms, Sen. Smoot supported the creation of the National Park Service and served as chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, but it was the record-high tariffs (which most historians and economists credit for making the Great Depression as bad as it was) that he became most remembered for in Washington. #tariffs #utah #history #historytok #greatdepression #reedsmoot #ushistory #politicstok #utahtok #historytok #utahtiktok #1930s #provoutah #provo #utahcounty #utahcheck #exploreutah #americanhistory #utahsenator #herberthoover #byu #brighamyounguniversity #mormon #ldschurch
·2-6I was on my way to catch a train in Ogden, UT when a fire engulfed this five-story apartment building construction site. Three days later, a teen was arrested for arson in the case. Until the mid-to-late 19th century, firefighting throughout the U.S. was done almost entirely on a volunteer basis or by privately owned businesses. In June 1883, a fire began in a Salt Lake City store south of Temple Square and quickly spread. The store contained lots of wooden crates and, as it turned out, a large illegal cache of black powder, setting off an explosion that shattered windows for blocks around. For all their efforts, the volunteer force was deemed insufficient in the aftermath, and Salt Lake’s first publicly-funded fire department was established. #ogden #ogdenutah #utah #utahcheck #structurefire #firefightertiktok #firefighters #utahhistory #firefighterlife #webercounty #disaster #wildfire #utahlife #saltlakecity #saltlakecityutah
·1-31Park City, Utah is a town of posh ski resorts and glitzy film festivals built on the foundations of a frontier mining town. If you happen to visit during the Sundance Film Festival or to ski the slopes, maybe stop by the Park City Cemetery. There, you’ll find seven grave markers standing in a neat row, just 7 of the 34 men claimed by the Daly West mining accident of 1902 #parkcity #sundance #utah #historytok #historybuff #deervalley #utahcheck #utahliving #utahlife #sundancefilmfestival #parkcityutah #summitcounty #mining #mininglife #miningtiktok #luxuryresort #skitiktok #skiingtiktok #beutahful #history #documentary #historyfacts #historylovers #historylesson #skitrip #mountaintop #fyp
·1-28Saltair opened on Memorial Day 1893. Although not the first Great Salt Lake resort, it was certainly the most memorable, built opulently in the Moorish Revival style. Originally owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka the LDS church or Mormon church, the amusement park was sold to private owners in 1906 and continued to draw crowds into the 1920s. Saltair was closed during WWII, and when it reopened afterward, it had become a relic of a bygone era, closing permanently in 1958. Today, a less ornate Saltair exists a little ways west of the original site as concert venue, often used for EDM festivals on the Great Salt Lake’s shore. #utah #saltlakecity #utahhistory #utahunique #utahcheck #utahliving #utahlife #slcutah #slc #amusementpark #historical #beutahful #turnofthecentury #saltlakecityutah #saltlake #historytok #historybuff #historytime #historytiktok #utahtok #utahtiktok #saltair #fyp
·1-23How do you pronounce Sacagawea? Although most people pronounce her name like “Sacajawea” with a ‘j’ sound, most historians agree it was pronounced “Sah-cah-gah-we-ah” with a hard ‘g,’ which is how Lewis & Clark wrote her name in their diaries. Sacagawea was born in the Lemhi Shoshone tribe, and some modern Shoshone prefer the ‘j’ sound pronunciation, where it’s said to mean “boat launcher.” On the other hand, Sacagawea was abducted by the Hidatsa tribe as a young woman, and its believed her named was from the Hidatsa language, where it means “bird woman.” Either way, after spending a dreary Christmas at Fort Clatsop, OR, she insisted on accompanying Lewis and Clark to the Ecola Beach/Cannon Beach area to set eyes on the Pacific Ocean. #oregon #oregoncheck #oregoncoast #cannonbeach #historytok #historybuff #historytime #historytiktok #oceanlife #pacificnorthwest #pnw #pnwlife #sacagawea #lewisandclark #americanhistory #beachedwhale #exploreoregon #haystackrock #oregon #pdx #traveloregon #outdoorlife #oceanphotography #relaxingvideos #fyp