Don't watch your weeks go by. Take action Video Credits/Inspired by @callumcarver
·2024-1-16I see too many brands approaching social media differently. The critical takeaway is to make videos for your brand like a creator would go about it. Think, "How would Mr.Beast create a video for my company?" and do just that. Once again, I love Oura, and they have a great product, imo.
·2023-12-18Follow the link under my profile pic! The time of the editor is now! Companies Influencers Creators Social brands have been searching for top talent to aid them in this creator economy boom. Hundreds of monthly messages ask, "If I know an editor?" I must turn down 80% of the requests because I lack advanced-level editors who understand editing for social media and engagement. This online takes you through EXACTLY how my team and I edit our videos and lays out the foundations to edit like Ali Abdaal and Iman Gadzhi. Plus, once you learn your new editing & animation skills. We show you how to leverage that to obtain clients. This is only available for the NEXT 24 HOURS. We will be tripling the price if we sell it again. FOLLOW THE LINK UNDER MY PROFILE PIC!
·2023-11-27The best cinematic backgrounds. Tap the link under my profile pic to download for Free!
·2023-10-23I came across @Squid a while ago on social media and ended up really liking his content. Whether he knows it or not, he follows some great frameworks or rules for driving traffic to a business through short-form content. It's awesome to see creators like this building a business through social media and taking the viewers along with the ride. I dont know how much money he is actually making. The numbers i stated were an educated guess. If you want more in-depth Marketing breakdowns like this... Follow my newsletter!
·2023-10-4Your hook, script, video editing, aniamtions and whatever else you add to the video doesn’t matter unless you have a good idea. If your idea is not primed to go perform well. Then having a great hook is like putting icing on a crapy cake.
·2023-9-26Michelin tires had the perfect marketing funnel that helped launch their brand and product to billions in sales. Apply this concept to your social funnels is crucial. Lead with value and let the trust you gain from that turn into sales. If your interested in stories and marketing advice checkout my newsletter!
·2023-9-21Here is the power of great branding and marketing. Using the example of Fiji and Liquid Death you obviously point out the differences between their branding. Understanding who you targeted audience is allows you to make the corrected branding and messaging choices. Figure out how to brand your product, service, or even yourself so you are no longer competing with anyone else on the market.
·2023-9-14This is the most important part of video editing that no one talks about! Mastering the flow of the video is essential as a video editor… It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the highest quality if edits and assets being used. If you can master a smooth viewing experience through the tools/skills you have as an editor. Then the video will be engaging.
·2023-9-13Here are a couple of editing tips I’ve learned throghout my time on social media. If you want more tips/videos like this. Let me know!
·2023-8-19I haven’t seen one B2B company doing social media right. Salesforce isnt the only one. I don’t mean to hate on them as they are a great company, but their social content sucks.
·2023-8-17Cant go anywhere without seeing a Stanley mug. Literally everyone has one, and so do I 👀. It was interesting to see how these came onto the market in the past year. Literally out of the blue.