Zeppelinfeld 🇩🇪
The Zeppelinfeld in Nuremberg was built to host Nazi party rallies and demonstrate the regime’s power and unity. Its vast, imposing architecture was designed to impress and control, with towering stands and a massive arena. Despite its historical significance, the site now stands as a grim reminder of the propaganda machine behind Hitler’s rule. Today, it remains a place of reflection on the dark chapter of the Second World War.
#ww2 #nueremberg
Hvitserk's choice - Trevor Morris
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·2-23Eva Braun’s Beach House – A Hidden Legacy Eva Braun’s beach house was a private retreat during the 1930s, offering an exclusive and luxurious atmosphere. With panoramic sea views and private beach access, it was a place for relaxation and secret gatherings among Nazi leadership. Over time, the house became a hidden symbol of Braun’s life away from politics. After World War II, it was abandoned and slowly deteriorated, yet it remains a place of dark historical intrigue. #1930s#thenvsnow#ww2#explore
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·2-21Alyosha Monument – A Symbol of Soviet Resistance in WWII The Alyosha Monument in Murmansk, Russia, stands as a towering tribute to the Soviet soldiers who defended the Arctic during World War II. Erected in 1974, this 35.5-meter-high statue depicts a solemn soldier gazing over the city, symbolizing vigilance and sacrifice. During the war, Murmansk was a crucial supply port for the Allies, targeted by relentless German air raids in an attempt to sever vital Arctic convoys. Despite the devastation, Soviet forces held the city, making it one of the few in the USSR to earn the title “Hero City.” Today, the Alyosha Monument remains one of Russia’s most significant war memorials, visited by thousands who honor the resilience of those who fought in one of the harshest battlefronts of WWII. @Полярная Станция is a photographer and urban explorer from Russia. He travels around the country and shoots architecture, abandoned places and life in post-soviet world- Follow him ✅