A touch of blue soul, singing the gentleness of the forest.
Bluethroat (Luscinia svecica):
It is named for its distinctive blue throat and chin feathers, with a body size similar to a sparrow.
The bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush family Turdidae, but is now known to be an Old World flycatcher, in the family Muscicapidae. It, and similar small European species, are often called chats.
Dull gray above, but a head-on view reveals a stunning pattern of electric blue and orange on the throat (some variation in pattern across range). Females show fainter colors than males, sometimes lacking blue entirely, but are still very boldly patterned. On the dullest young females, look for bold white eyebrow and throat, necklace of dark streaks, and rufous on the base of the tail.
It is a migratory insectivorous species breeding in wet birch wood or bushy swamp in Europe and across the Palearctic with a foothold in western Alaska. It nests in tussocks or low in dense bushes. It winters in the Iberian Peninsula, the northern half of Africa, and in southern Asia (among others including the Indian subcontinent).
#bluethroat #birds #didyouknow
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On its head sits a noble blue "velvet," designed to attract fans. The Plush-crested Jay (Cyanocorax chrysops) is a striking and social bird native to South America, found in countries such as Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Known for its vibrant plumage, it features a deep blue body, a contrasting black head, and a distinctive crest of velvety feathers on its forehead. This intelligent and vocal species thrives in forests, woodlands, and savannas, often seen in noisy groups as they forage for fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. Highly adaptable and cooperative, the Plush-crested Jay is a fascinating example of the diversity and beauty of the corvid family. #plushcrestedjay #birds #didyouknow
·22h ago From the emerald green back to the vibrant orange belly, the colors of the motmot bird are as rich and vivid as an oil painting. #motmot #birds
·1d ago Little gray bird with red cheeks: Another day of trying hard to be the mascot for blush! The Orange-cheeked Waxbill (Estrilda melpoda) is a small, colorful passerine bird native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is easily recognized by its vibrant orange cheeks, which contrast with its grayish-brown body, red rump, and black tail. This species thrives in grasslands, savannas, and cultivated areas, often near water. Known for its social nature, it forms flocks and feeds primarily on grass seeds and small insects. Its cheerful chirps and active behavior make it a popular choice among bird enthusiasts and aviculturists. #waxbill #didyouknow #birds
·2d ago "i'm the most stylish bird of prey you've ever seen." Red eyeshadow, a noble crest, graceful steps, yet exuding an air of lethal elegance. Its crest resembles a burst of feathery popcorn swaying in the wind, making it a true punk star of the avian world. This is the Secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius), with 20 black crest feathers on its head that resemble quills tucked behind the ears of old-time scribes—hence its nickname, "the secretary bird." Secretarybird is a distinctive, tall, long-legged, crane-like raptor with unique quill-like plumes on its head and bright-red facial skin. In flight, the dark edge to the hind wing, diamond-shaped tail, and long spatulate tail feathers make it unmistakable. It prefers open rangeland and savanna, where it strides about hunting for reptiles, small mammals, and insects, which it bludgeons with its powerful legs. #secretarybird #birds #didyouknow
·3d ago Should I eat this bug myself, or give it to my mate? That is the question! The Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher (Ceyx rufidorsa) is a small, vibrantly colored bird belonging to the Alcedinidae family. Native to Southeast Asia, it inhabits lowland forests, mangroves, and riverine areas. This species is renowned for its striking plumage, featuring a bright rufous-orange back, a deep blue crown, and a contrasting white throat and underparts. Despite its vivid appearance, it is often elusive and difficult to spot due to its small size and preference for dense foliage. The Rufous-backed Dwarf-Kingfisher primarily feeds on insects, small fish, and crustaceans, which it catches with remarkable precision. Although not currently considered threatened, habitat loss poses a potential risk to its population. Its enchanting beauty and secretive nature make it a prized sighting for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. #kingfisher #didyouknow #birds
·4d ago The branch is my exclusive bar counter. With a red head and an auspicious color, this red-headed bird boasts a rare color scheme. The vibrant crimson feathers on its head form a natural crest, while its chest and belly are white. The Yellow-billed Cardinal (Paroaria capitata) is a striking songbird native to South America, particularly found in regions such as Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. It is easily recognizable by its vivid red head, contrasting sharply with its white underparts and black back. As its name suggests, it features a distinctive yellow bill, which adds to its vibrant appearance. This bird thrives in open habitats like grasslands, shrublands, and near water bodies. Known for its melodious song, the Yellow-billed Cardinal is a popular species among bird enthusiasts and is sometimes kept in aviculture. Despite its beauty, it is not considered globally threatened and maintains stable populations in its natural range. #birds #didyouknow #yellowbilledcardinal #cardinal
·5d ago A sandgrouse with desert camouflage, featuring a yellow body and a pure white belly. Pin-tailed Sandgrouse (Pterocles alchata): The pin-tailed sandgrouse is a robust, medium-sized bird about 31 to 39 centimetres (12 to 15 in) in length. The general colouring is cryptic, a blend of barred and flecked olive green, brown, buff, yellow, grey and black. The underparts and the feathered legs are dull white. In flight, the pin-tailed sandgrouse can be identified by its bright, white underparts and under-wing coverts, and the long feathers in the centre part of its tail. It is usually silent when on the ground but in the air communicates with other birds with a frequently uttered, loud "kattar-kattar", a nasal "ga-ga-ga" and a low-pitched "gang gang". #sandgrouse #didyouknow #birds
·6d ago It is affectionately nicknamed the "Zorro Bird" due to its bold, black eye mask, reminiscent of the masked hero Zorro. Despite its striking appearance, this bird is known for singing the gentlest songs while engaging in the fiercest acts. Its unique hunting techniques are both impressive and ruthless, showcasing its dual nature as a master of both melody and predation. The Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach) is a striking and versatile bird known for its distinctive appearance and behavior. Found across a wide range of habitats in Asia, from open grasslands to agricultural areas, this medium-sized shrike is easily recognized by its long tail, black mask, and contrasting plumage of gray, white, and rufous. Known for its predatory nature, it perches prominently to hunt insects, small reptiles, and even other birds, often impaling its prey on thorns or barbed wire—a behavior that earned it the nickname "butcher bird." Its adaptability and bold personality make it a fascinating species to observe in the wild. #shrike #longtailedshrike #birds #didyouknow
·1w ago They are glowing! The white-tailed lapwings forage in the shimmering light, as if to proclaim: light and life are one, transcending all emptiness together. White-tailed Lapwing (Vanellus leucurus) #lapwing #birds
·2-28The "sapphire" of the wilderness, a blue poem on the branches. Its azure feathers are like fragments of the sky, as the European Roller perches on the branch, softly chirping, as if telling the tales of the vast Xinjiang land. The European Roller (Coracias garrulus) is a strikingly colorful bird known for its vibrant plumage, featuring shades of blue, turquoise, and chestnut. Found across Europe, Central Asia, and parts of North Africa, this medium-sized bird prefers open landscapes such as farmlands, grasslands, and wooded steppes. Known for its acrobatic flight and distinctive rolling display during courtship, the European Roller feeds on insects, small reptiles, and amphibians. Despite its beauty, it faces threats from habitat loss and is considered near-threatened, making conservation efforts crucial for its survival. #europeanroller #birds #didyouknow
·2-27"Come and try mom's extra-large spoon—every bite is guaranteed to be unique!" Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) is a wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae, native to Europe, Africa and Asia. The species is partially migratory with the more northerly breeding populations mostly migrating south for the winter. Distinctive, large white wading bird with a spatula for a bill. Adult has short crest, yellowish breast patch. First year has paler bill, with fine black wingtips visible in flight. Sleeping birds have horizontal posture and bulging neck, vs. more vertical stance of egrets. Found in wetlands with shallow water (including tidal flats), where feeds by sweeping its bill side-to-side for crustaceans and small fish. May be confused with egrets when sleeping, but note stockier, more thickset overall appearance. #spoonbill #birds #didyouknow
·2-25The Little Duck's 'Delicacy on the Tip of the Tongue': An Insect Feast in Slow Motion! Watch how this little duck savors its "meal"—every bite is full of charm in slow motion. #birds #duck
·2-24Look left, look right—the bunting's daily routine: making sure no French chef is following me, right? The Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) is a small passerine bird belonging to the bunting family, Emberizidae. It is known for its distinctive plumage, featuring a grayish head, olive-brown back, and yellow throat, with a pinkish bill. This migratory bird breeds across Europe and western Asia, favoring open landscapes such as farmland, scrublands, and grasslands. During winter, it migrates to sub-Saharan Africa. The Ortolan Bunting is omnivorous, feeding on seeds, insects, and other small invertebrates. Unfortunately, it has faced population declines due to habitat loss and illegal hunting, particularly in France, where it is controversially considered a delicacy. Conservation efforts are ongoing to protect this unique and culturally significant species. #ortolanbunting #didyouknow #birds
·2-23I'm not a balloon, I'm a love signal light! Female bird: "What kind of weird move is this?" Male bird: "This is the expansion of love!" The frigate bird (genus Fregata) is a remarkable seabird known for its striking appearance and impressive flying abilities. With its long, pointed wings and deeply forked tail, it is built for soaring, and it can stay aloft for hours or even days at a time. Frigate birds are also famous for their unique courtship behavior, particularly the male’s bright red throat pouch, which inflates like a balloon to attract females. They are skilled aerial hunters, often stealing food from other birds in mid-flight. Found primarily in tropical and subtropical regions, frigate birds are excellent gliders, rarely touching the water except to drink or rest. #frigatebird #birds #didyouknow
·2-22Report to headquarters! Unidentified flying object detected! Is this little bird a drama queen or what? That look, that expression, the Oscars owe it a little golden statue! Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) #owl #burrowingowl #birds
·2-21Scarlet gaze, frost-like wings, a raptor's elegant feast—perched on a branch, it savors its hard-won prize. The Black-shouldered Kite (Elanus axillaris) is a small, graceful raptor native to Australia. It is known for its striking appearance, featuring white and soft gray plumage, bold black patches on its wings, and piercing red eyes. This bird of prey is an expert hunter, often seen hovering in midair before swooping down to capture small mammals, insects, and reptiles. Black-shouldered Kites are highly agile and primarily active during dawn and dusk. They are commonly found in open grasslands, woodlands, and farmlands, where they skillfully patrol for prey. Their silent flight and sharp vision make them formidable aerial predators. #blackshoulderedkite #birds #didyouknow