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Toddlers like the familiar. They like the predictable. They like to feel in CONTROL. It's common for children to become more selective, or even a little anxious, around certain tastes, textures or presentations of food. See how the cheese crackers are always the same? You know exactly what you are getting. This is a big part of the appeal of shop bought, packaged snacks I believe! The raspberries... well you just don't know where you stand do you 😉. When little things like this are an issue it's easy to see how mealtimes can be daunting for children, especially those with sensory sensitivities. I do have a few tips for families with selective eaters:1. Keep eating times relaxed and fun with no pressure to eat anything. This can help to decrease anxiety for both you and your little one. 2. Separate main meals into their different components to avoid them being met with suspicion. Sectioned plates can help. 3. Talking about the flavours and textures of different foods as you eat them(even if you are the one eating it) "ooo these raspberries are juicy today!" and "these crackers are super crunchy - are yours crunchy?" 4. Encourage your little one to help with meal planning and cooking as early as you can to increase their confidence with a range of foods and to give them a sense of independence and control over what they are eating.5. Sensory play away from the table is really useful for selective eaters. Talk about textures, temperatures and smells. 6. By all means blitz veg into nutritious sauces but don't actively hide veg as your child needs to be able to trust that you are giving them what you say you are! For more info and tips see the toddler chapter in my book 📖#toddlers #toddlerea ting #mealtimes #fussytodd lers #sensorypl ay #weaning # intuitive eating #intuitive weaning #weaningad vice #twoyearol ds

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👋Just waddling along with three children stuck to my butt #motherhood #mummay #petsalive tsalive #senparentsoftiktok
📢TEAAACCHHEERRSSS It's Spring term and that means "growing" topics which MEANS it's possibly time for hEALtHY EatInG to crop up on your planner! If you search for resources, or even if you are following a paid for curriculum, you will likely come across food sorting activities from the dinosaur age. These have somehow become deeply embedded in many many school curriculums and do SO MUCH HARM 😭. GOOD NEWS! There's NOTHING in Ofsted, The National Curriculum or the EYFS to suggest we should be labelling foods, sorting them into good/bad or healthy/unhealthy or suggesting to children that they take ANY foods out of their diets. Look for yourself. Healthy and not healthy is NOT A THING. We can't reduce food to that! A healthy diet looks different from person to person. Cost of living, arfid, allergies and other barriers to a conventional balanced and varied diet are NEVER the fault of a child, so let's not start telling them their diets are all wrong! Talk about how food works, if appropriate. How food has different jobs in your body. Talk about adding things INto your diet, if appropriate. Look at pictures of meals. Talk about favourite foods (and value the responses you get!). Play cafes. Make menus. Get in the mud kitchen. Get in the real kitchen - cook! But, if you are a teacher, I URGE you not to do the classic healthy eating activities shown in the reel. We can do so much better than that 💪 #eyfs #teacher #earlyyears #childrensnutrition #intuitiveeating #beat
Something amazing happened in our garden today! Our very own rainbow. And I nearly stopped it! "Dinner time! Turn off the water now girls, It's time for dinner." "Mummy I made a rainbow" "Turn the water off, it's time for dinner now, you don't want it to go co- oh my god you made a rainbow!" I was so busy telling them it was dinner I didn't even hear what she said 😮 I almost missed this! I find myself rushing my children and missing things when I'm busy or stressed out. Some things are more important than being on time for dinner. I'm going to say that rainbows are one of them 🌈 #summer #rainbow #beautiful #parenting #outdoorplay #makingrainbows #feedingkids #intuitiveeating
Most parents new to weaning think of "baby food" as pouches, baby rice or baby cereal. Whilst commercial baby products are handy now and then, you don't NEED to buy them. It's cheaper to cook from scratch and beneficial for your baby to experience foods closer to their original form (so many more smells, colours and textures to experience!). These are my top foods for a beginner due to their texture, nutritional qualities and ease of self feeding, but it is by no means an exhaustive list! What would you add? #weaning #weaningtips #intuitiveweaning #startingsolids #babies #parenting #sixmonthsold #firstfoods #blw #blwideas
Every. Single. Time! I haven't sat for a whole meal in years. #toddlerlife #parenting #mealtimes #mumlife
It's sunny and the ice cream vans have been out our way! Of COURSE it's absolutely fine for toddlers to have real ice cream, but I'm hearing "MUMMY I WANT AN ICE CREEEAAAAAMM" a lot at the moment and it just isn't sustainable 🤣 Felix was absolutely delighted to be given this for dessert today (in fact he ate three cones!). He knows it isn't ice cream, but it's in a REAL LIFE ICE CREAM CONE and apparently that's all you really need! It's also a great alternative to ice cream for babies. You need the thick Greek stuff really. If you can be bothered, whip it up or follow one of my actual ice cream recipes, but honestly plonking it straight in works too! Dairy free yogurt can also be used. #toddlers #parentinghacks #icecream #kidssnacks #weaningrecipes #weaning #blwideas
Not to mention work, appointments, life admin, looking after your mental and physical health, running older kids from club to club, building a house (oh, that's just me 🤣) But seriously. Sometimes food is really not the first thing on your mind. Don't stress about it. The kids had scrambled egg and toast for dinner and I had a reduced chicken salad from the Co-op 🙌🙌. Cook when you can. Don't tie yourself in knots trying to create perfect meals every day. Stay real! #parentinglife #feedingkids #feedingyourfamily #mumlife #instagramvsreality
Five year olds are very honest 🤣 We are back on the dairy free train and working out what to buy and what not to buy. Thought we would share this with you because dairy free foods can be EXPENSIVE and as they vary a lot in their taste and texture you don't want to end up wasting your money. So far we have tried... Violife slices: I like these, Nina does NOT. Violife mature cheddar style. We both liked this one. Morrisons mature cheddar style and their garlic and herb soft cheese. She was not a fan. Sorry Morrisons. Applewood vegan smoked mini cheeses were a hit! These were my favourite. Violife feta style... I didn't mind it. Hard no from Nina . I'm trying to get hold of some Cathedral City vegan cheddar, but what else would you recommend we try? Note... check salt levels and overall nutrition in dairy free cheeses. Many are much lower in protein, calcium and b vits but some are fortified. Just things worth considering when you are shopping. I'm also going to have a go at making some kind of creamy/cheese-ish based spread - wish me luck 🤣🙈 #vegancheese #dairyfreecheese #cmpa #tastetest #dairyfreerecipes
Chelsea Dreamtopia DreamCake 👑💍🍥🌺 As if my biggest girl is seven tomorrow. I hope she likes it! What do you think?! #cake #barbie #barbiecake #kidsbirthdaycake #prettygirls #birthdaycake
Having three babies has given me the amazing gift of hindsight! I am a very anxious person. I was a very anxious mum with my first, overthinking every tiny parenting decision I made. Agonising over her sleep, what classes we went to, how I fed her... all sorts. I was so scared of fucking it/her up 🙈. I know I'm not the only person who has felt like this. Social media (and, gulp, parenting books) can sometimes perpetuate this parental anxiety. BUT... have you ever found yourself worrying about an element of parenting that actually turned out ok in the end?! This happens to me A LOT. Weaning is one of these potential moments. A lot of the time, the answer to questions such as "my baby won't chew!", "my baby spits out her food!" "my toddler throws EVERYTHING" is... wait. And know that it's normal and that they will get there. Calmness and patience will help, on the days that you have it. #motherhood #weaning #intuitiveweaning #startingsolids #mumlife #parenting #babies #toddlers #anxiety #maternalmentalhealth
I talk a lot about having "calm" at the dinner table. It is absolutely 100% NOT achievable to have a calm baby at the table every time. However, if you keep in mind your baby's needs and watch out for changing moods you can maximise your chances of a happy meal time, which in the long run will help them to feel safe and confident with their eating. "Happy meal time" for babies DOESN'T= lots of food eaten by the way, it's more about whether they interacted positively with the food through touching, smelling and possibly tasting and eating. They are much more likely to do this if they come to the table well rested and somewhere in between super hungry and completely full. If it's lunch time in your mind but your baby is tired or ravenous for milk... just hold off until they are ready. #weaning #weaningtips #startingsolids #feedingbabies #introducingsolids #babies #parenting #weaningbook #intuitiveweaning
@Tonic Health 🍊 stooppp 🙈 I have no idea how set up this shopping situation is or isn't BUT I would be very happy to discuss the many reasons why a parent might choose a certain food when they are shopping. Reasons include cost, convenience, likes/dislikes, special occasions AND nutritional content. Looks like the mum in this video was happy to take part however you have still managed to shame a LOT of people who also buy convenience foods. Open your eyes a little to the lives of others rather than pushing your own agenda and judging others. #feedingyourfamily #parenting #nutrition #weaning #costofliving
On Fridays we like to match our snacks 💁 Pink pink PINK beetroot and cream cheese pinwheels. Beetroot. Cream cheese. Blend. Spread thinly on ready roll puff. You know the rest. PINK 4EVA! Suitable from 6 months. Suitable for freezing. #pink #pinwheels #weaningideas #weaningrecipes #weaning #easyrecipes #lunchboxideas #blw
Because Shrove Tuesday is always... on a Tuesday. Which is a working day for many. And making pancakes can actually be a faff. And because your baby 100% will still love you if you don't manage homemade pancakes, or in fact ANY pancakes, today! #pancakeday #weaning #parenting #babies #dontworry #pancakes #mumlife #reallife #ukmums #6monthsold
Make my Apricot And Almond Breakfast Balls! They are so easy. You just need one Weetabix, 3 tbsp of ground almonds, 2 tbsp chopped dried apricots and just a little milk to combine. Full recipe (and loads more baby breakfast recipes!) in Intuitive Weaning. Note - my guys are bigger now but still enjoy making these as a snack 👍 #kidsrecipes #weaningrecipes #babybreakfast #weaning #blwideas #weetabix #blissballs #babyrecipes #6months