Finally! After my 21 day fast I can share a little recap of my 2023 💛
💟My clear year
💟My baby turned 2
💟My oldest turned 12
💟A few family trips
💟Cuddles and cooking
💟Good health and love
💟More peace than I was expecting
22 days into 2024 and I have not felt this good about staring a new year in a long time. My Self-Love year 💗
original sound - Angie M Perez
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Our kids only learn from us. We are their role models. We are who they look up to. We pretty much set up their first schema to navigate through life. I have always thought of myself as a patient person but this second child of mine is by far my most challenging test. He loves “helping” in the kitchen and will always ask if he can “help mama” in the kitchen. I try my best to include him. Here he is helping me make chocolate chip cookies. He wants to do EVERYTHING by himself 🥹🩵 #mom #momlife #relatablemom #motherhoodunplugged #parenting #toddlermom #momsupportingmoms #parentingadvice #momtips #momadvice #positiveparenting #reels #relatable #perspective #parenthood #motherhoodrising #spreadpositivty
·2023-10-20Welcome 2025! 🎉🎆 2024 was a year of learning and building. I am grateful for the health and joyous moments with my family. Here is a quick recap of my personal highlights for each month 🪄 I tried to put the images in order or each month 😬 JANUARY: Mastered sourdough and felt confident enough to send loaves to family ❤️🍞 FEBRUARY: Finished my first book club book 📚🐛 MARCH: My littlest baby turned 3 🥹 APRIL: Welcomed the newest member of our family. My Aceeee girl 🐶🐾 MAY: The month in which I accepted the fact that I want to transition out of teaching 🙌🏼 JUNE: Started the process of enrolling kids back in school. Roberto wanted to socialize and Reece asked to go 🏫🤭 JULY: Mini photo shoot for my new business (attempt 1 of ?🤣) venture coming 🔜 AUGUST: Took a little trip to Pine Valley 🌲 📸 SEPTEMBER: I turned 40! 🥲 OCTOBER: Roberto got honor roll. Took Reece out of preschool because he no longer wanted to go due to some shady situations. We will try again this year 😌 NOVEMBER: Very chill month with lots of family time. DECEMBER: Cumple de mami ❤️🤗🎉 We went on a spa day to San Felipe 🧖♀️😌
·1-1This me! 💀🤣 If I have been M.I.A this is mainly why. I am currently functioning at the cognitive level of a 3 year old 😅 I can’t remember things, I can’t speak in complete sentences and I can only talk about how cute Garfield is and be mad and I why I can’t eat candy every day I am beyond burnt out 🤬🥵 Next mindset shift… loading 🔋⏰ #mindset #mentalhealthmatters
·2024-10-8Everyday keep your body in movement. Alghough this can be ao hard fo rme sometimes. I have to do it for myself, for my kids, for all the women out there that need to learn how to fight back. The world is messed up. Knowing how to defend yourself is no longer an option #fitness #workout #staystrong #fightback
·2024-9-19On the days he naps, I do fun stuff during my work breaks, like fold laundry 😃 Except wear clean shirts 🤭#workfromhome #workfromhomemom #workingmom #laundry
·2024-9-18This is my birthday month… I’m entering another decade of my life ❤️🔥 Botox here I come!!! 🤪🤣🙌🏼 ##septemberbaby #septemberbirthday #almost40club #birthday #botox
·2024-9-13He sees his daddy hit the tire as part of his workout. He wants to cooy him. So we model a way in which he can do it too. If you ever wonder why your kid is not doing a certain thing you want them to do, do it first. Most of the time they haven’t been exposed to it. Model first always #kidworkout #crossfitkid #exercise #parenting #parentingtips
·2024-9-11When you thought toys were only for kids… silly momma 🤣😂 #kidtoys #dogtoys #funnydog #funnypet #pethumor
·2024-9-10When little kids practice fine motor skills, such as cutting… this helps develop early literacy skills. So next time you wonder little kids cut and paste so much at school or why they try to snag scissors to cut anything 🤣 This is why… they are learning to read and write, my friends 🫶🏼 #teachersoftiktok #teacherhack #earlyliteracytips #earlyliteracyfun #momlife
·2024-9-8The missing limbs from the bunny is accuarate af 🤣😂 I try my best to be a montessori mom #threenagersbelike #threenagermom #momlife #momhumor
·2024-9-5So while running errands this Labor Day weekend, my little one wanted to go to petsmart (don’t ask me why, I really don’t know 😂) so this is my attempt at explaining why we can’t go to the stores he wants. It worked. A potential meltdown was averted 😅The store was actually open and I was praying the doors would not open while driving passed it 🤪🤣 #momproblems #threenager #labordayweekend #laborday #momhumor #momlife