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Sorry if u can hear me screaming from your own home !! @Dropout.tv @Um Actually ☝️ @ThomasSanders @Brian Morabito @Ify Nwadiwe
·1-8#stitch with @Alexis Nikole go back and watch Alexis’s video because as usual it is SO incredibly balanced and thoughtful, but since I’m seeing people stitching her vid and not engaging with it in good faith, I wanted to say a few words. Some herbalists I recommend: @Rosemary Gladstar @Juliet Blankespoor @Jovie |Pro-Science Plant Hag🌿 @Chubby Forager @jim mcdonald, herbalist @Yéilk’ @Skwalwen_botanicals #herbalism #plantmedicine #holisticmedicine #mushroomauntie #tiktokpartner
·1-5Shout out to indigenous american crops!! And the indigenous folks who spent millennia breeding them to be amazing!
·2024-11-28We made @Alexis Nikole’s famous magnolia syrup and cookies with our very own Maggie the Magnolia! Check out her recipe below! 🌸Magnolia Syrup 🌸 To use for flavoring cookies, cakes, and even adding some flair to savory dishes! The more scented the Magnolia, the stronger the flavor, so leave the less scent beans on the trees to look pretty, and harvest those ones you can smell from a block away! 1 cup water 1.5 cups sugar 4 cups of loosely packed, fragrant magnolia petals 🌸Magnolia Snap Cookies🌸 3.25 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup vegan butter (like Earth Balance) 1.5 cups of brown sugar ¾ cups of Magnolia Syrup 1 tablespoon baking soda 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract (or Nocino if you have some lying around! I prefer it!) 2 teaspoons of cinnamon Optional: 1 tablespoon frozen grated magnolia petals (freeze the unopened flowers whole and grate as needed!)
·2024-3-26Magnolia Flower Syrup 🌸 Did you know that magnolia flowers are edible? These flowers are some of the first flowers to bloom in spring. They smell similar to lilacs and taste like wild ginger. One way to preserve their delicate flavor is to make a magnolia syrup. Add equal parts sugar and water to a saucepan. I used one cup of each. Bring to a boil, then add in equal parts cleaned magnolia petals. Because the flowers are so large, it only takes 2 or 3 flowers to make a cup of petals. Adding a few hibiscus petals or a couple dried or frozen raspberries will give your syrup a more vibrant pink color without affecting the flavor. Simmer the syrup with the petals about 5 minutes, then turn the heat off, cover the pan, and let it infuse for at least 10 minutes. Strain into a clean jar and discard the petals. Use this magnolia syrup when you want to add a unique floral and ginger flavor to cocktails, mocktails, and desserts. You’ll need: 1 cup sugar 1 cup water 1 cup fresh magnolia flowers (about 2 large flowers) A couple dried hibiscus petals or frozen or dried raspberries, optional for color Find the full recipe at butterwitchbakes.com/recipe/magnolia-flower-syrup Or, find it under ‘Wild Food’ on butterwitchbakes.com #bakingvideo #aestheticbaking #foodtok #wildfoodforaging #wildcrafting #magnoliaflower #edibleflowers #seasonalbaking #desserttiktok #foraging
·2024-3-22Heute habe ich Magnolia Tatlisi für euch. Ein Milchdessert-Klassiker der wirklich immer geht 😍 Ramadan Tag 14 ✨🌙 Zutaten für 4 große Desserts: 600 ml Milch (3,5% FettI 400 ml Sahne 80 g Speisestärke 120 g Zucker 2 Pck. Vanillezucker 1 EL Butter Schokosauce: 100 g Vollmilchschokolade 100 ml heiße Sahne 200 g gemahlene Butterkekse Die Schokosauce erst über die Desserts verteilen, wenn diese nur noch zimmerwarm sind. Desserts vor dem Servieren mindestens 4 Stunden im Kühlschrank ziehen lassen. Natürlich könnt ihr Früchte, wie z.B. Erdbeeren oder Bananen zwischen die Lagen verteilen. Ich habe das Rezept spontan gedreht und hatte nichts passendes da. #magnoliatatlisi #glasdessert #ramadanrezepte #türkischerezepte #cookbakery
·2024-3-24I tried Joanna Gaines Vanilla Maple Syrup! And it was Delicious! Sweet and sugary, but what Maple Syrup isnt?! Recipe: 1c Granulated Sugar 2t Pure Vanilla Extract 2t Pure Maple Extract 1c Water Store in Mason Jar in the fridge for up to Two weeks. Reheat in saycepan over lowest hest setting before serving. Makes approximately 1 1/2 cups #recipesoftiktok #maplesyrup #delicious #easyrecipe #recipesforyou #sweetrecipes #magnolia #joannagaines #slowlivinglifestyle
·2024-1-3Magnolia blossoms stuffed with white chocolate vegan cheesecake, ginger and lemon. This white and pink variety, Magnolia x soulangeana, is perfect for this recipe as they are less bitter than other varieties with a delightful ginger flavour. The succulent fresh crunch of the petals with the cheesecake is a match made in heaven. 🌸✨ @milasapothecary #vegandesserts #recipeinspiration
·2023-4-25#SayYesToTheDress#weddingdress#wedding#marriage#foryou#bride#foryoupage❤️❤️#fypppppppppppppppppppppppp#America #US #unitedstates
·12h ago #thepriceisright #bobbarker #70sgameshows #70snostalgia #70sthrowback #70scars #genxkidswillremember
·1d ago