In 2024, im gonna make sure I eat a good breakfast. This was delicious. #homemade #homestead #homesteader #farm #countrylife #blackhomesteaders #blackfarmers #funonthefarm #cookingfromscratch
Groove Me - King Floyd
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I love my job sooo much. It’s my dream job. It never gave easy but it gave worth it and I’m so proud that I’ve built a business doing what I love. As a patient advocate/content creator, I have the opportunity to share my story, educate my audience on breast health and collaborate with brands and cancer organizations to share their messages. Over the past 3 years, I’ve seen the power of my story time and time again. I’ve seen it create change and honestly, save lives. It’s the most honorable work I could ever do and I’ve been blessed with so many opportunities because of it. If you’re reading this and you’ve ever considered becoming a patient advocate, I want to pull out a chair for you. There is room and great opportunity here! The work is very meaningful and it can yield great reward. When our stories align with the power of social media, GREAT things can happen because.. ..OUR STORIES ARE SO POWERFUL. But let me be clear when I say, you don’t have to create content to be a patient advocate!! Take inventory of your strengths and see how they apply to advocacy. If you’re good at speaking, then SPEAK. If you’re good at writing, then WRITE! This is your story and you can tell it how you want to. 💖 Once you know how you want to deliver your message, get really specific on your WHY! It will help lead your sail and propel you when you want to quit. . . . . . . . #patientadvocate #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancer #CancerSurvivor #breastcancersurvivor #Health #FightCancer #patientadvocacy #breastcancerbaddies #breastcancerwarrior #breastcancerawarenessmonth #breastcanceradvocate #breastcanceractivist
·2024-8-21Replying to @Cynthia Lockett living off the land and living with family, is the best thing that we ever decided to do. It won’t be easy and there will be plenty of challenges, but I believe there will be more reward. ##farmlife##land##homestead##survival
·2023-6-14Took sometime away from TikTok but I’m back and super excited to share this new chapter with you. It’s gonna be a fun ride. #homesteading #countrylife
·2023-1-25Happy New Year! 2025 is a great year to know your normal which means understanding how your breasts normally look and feel so you can detect possible signs of breast cancer. According to Know Your Lemons (an app I believe every woman should have), there are 12 symptoms of breast cancer. So check your breasts for…. - Hard lumps - Thick area - Dimple - Nipple crust - Red or hot area - Unexpected fluid - Skin sores - Bumps - Growing veins - Sunken nipples - New shape or size - Appears similar to an orange peel Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice these signs. Be sure to look at your breasts in the mirror and really get to know them this year. Early detection can SAVE YOUR LIFE. I was diagnosed when I was 30 years old and still wonder how different my treatment would have been if I had gone to the doctor sooner. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the education but I’m passing it on to you because when you know better you can do better. #BreastCancerAwareness
·1-12024 broke me over and over again but I saw the beauty in brokenness. My brokenness was an opportunity and a setup to see God’s faithfulness. It was a call to come home to myself and redetermine what I really wanted and that’s where I am right now..redefining it all. In 2024, I saw the fruit of my labor. I saw God move and answer prayers so quickly, my head spun. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be and I’m proud yet there is so much grief. I survived this year and I also thrived. If you’re reading this, THANK YOU!!!! Thank you for your support, love and prayer this year! I pray all your wildest dreams come in 2025 and you’re blessed beyond measure!! Much love. ❤️ #homesteader #goddid
·1-1An hour and a half in the kitchen on a Sunday saves so much time throughout the week. Here are the recipes - Granola - No Knead Bread - in my bio Bread machine bread - in my bio Kombucha - coming soon ☺️ My favorite Pizza dough recipe from @joyfoodsunshine Ingredients * 1 cup warm water (105 degrees F) * 1 Tablespoon granulated sugar * 1 Tablespoon active dry yeast * 1 Tablespoon olive oil * 2 to 2 ½ cups all-purpose flour* * 1 tsp fine sea salt Instructions * Preheat oven to 500 degrees F. Put a pizza stone in the oven while it preheats, and let it warm at 500 degrees F for at least 10 minutes.*
Make the Pizza Dough * Combine warm water, yeast and sugar in a large mixing bowl and stir to combine.
* Let mixture sit for 5 minutes, or until it becomes frothy and bubbles form. * Gently stir in olive oil.
* Add 2 cups of flour and salt and mix with a spatula until a ball begins to form (dough will still be slightly sticky). Add more flour as needed to form a dough ball.
* Transfer to a floured surface and knead into a smooth dough, adding up to ½ cup extra flour if needed.
* Optional. if desired, cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and let it rise for 10 minutes or up to 1 hour. #creatorsearchinsights #mealprep #cookingfromscratch
·2024-11-27I love everything about Sundays. It’s one of the only days of the week that we’re all home together, and while there is a lot of work that goes into preparing for the week, there are pockets of rest. We work hard but the work feels like rest because we love it. God is calling us into a season where great intention and discipline will be required for every single step. I pray the way I serve my family worships Him in every way. #homestead #homesteader #countrylife #blackfarmers #cookingfromscratch
·2024-11-26Replying to @Thejaxon5 Moving to the country is one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. It’s a deep peace that calms our nervous systems completely. The country life isn’t for everyone but it’s for us. Plus we still travel to the city almost daily. #countrylife #homestead #rurallife #homesteaders
·2024-11-26It’s already the last minute, might’d as well pick up your groceries so you don’t have to take time inside the store. Your welcome but do it right now, sis. Right now. Your future self will thank you. @ALDI USA pick up is elite and hasn’t failed me yet. #grocerypickup #foodprep
·2024-11-25Meeting the person who grew your food helps you know it’s real. Plus, you get to ask questions about their growing process and whether or not they use pesticides. The food quality is 10/10. ##farmersmarket##realfood
·2024-11-24Went through the fire and God was there the entire time. All glory to Him. #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivor @_djpatterson