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Regulated Goods and Commercial Activities

Regulated Goods and Commercial Activities

Released April 17, 2024

Effective May 17, 2024

TikTok is a place where you may share or search for information about regulated goods or commercial activities. To ensure we provide a space for you to learn without undue risk of physical or financial harm, we moderate content that involves goods or activities that may be risky, addictive, dangerous, fraudulent, or otherwise require a higher degree of care. For certain goods and services (such as gambling and alcohol), we make limited exceptions for paid advertisements by advertisers with TikTok's explicit permission, if they are in compliance with all relevant age-targeting restrictions, laws, and regulations (learn more about our advertisement policy).


Many people around the world find entertainment through games of chance. We recognize that risking money in a game or on a bet may lead to potential harm for some people, including serious financial loss or mental health problems. We do not allow the facilitation or marketing of gambling or gambling-like activities.

We also recognize that gambling can put young people at a heightened risk of harm and may not be suitable for all audiences. Content is restricted (18 years and older) and ineligible for the FYF if it shows or glamorizes gambling or gambling-like activities.

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Gambling is betting money (including digital currencies, such as bitcoin) or something of monetary value on an event with an uncertain outcome, for a financial gain.

Gambling-like activities means activities that do not rise to the level of gambling, but are similar in behavior and carry similar risks, such as social casinos and gambling-related software.


  • Facilitating gambling or gambling-like activities, such as providing a link to a gambling service
  • Marketing of gambling or gambling-like activities, such as encouraging people to visit a website or providing a link

RESTRICTED (18 years and older)

  • Showing or glamorizing gambling or gambling-like activities, such as filming someone gambling or making any general positive statements about gambling


  • Showing or glamorizing gambling or gambling-like activities, such as filming someone gambling or making any general positive statements about gambling


  • Limited exceptions for paid advertisements, in compliance with all of TikTok's requirements, and all relevant age-targeting restrictions, laws, and regulations.

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs

While adults make personal choices about how they engage with alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, we recognize that there are risks connected to trading and using these substances. We do not allow the trade of alcohol, tobacco products, and or drugs. We also do not allow showing, possessing, or using drugs.

We recognize that these substances can put young people at a heightened risk of harm. We do not allow showing young people possessing or using with alcohol, tobacco products, or drugs.

Content is restricted (18 years and older) and ineligible for the FYF if it discusses drugs or other regulated substances, shows adults using excessive amounts of alcohol, or promotes tobacco products. Content is restricted (18 years and older) if it shows adults using tobacco products.

Learn more about substance use and find information for treatment, support and recovery resources.

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Tobacco products include vaping products, smokeless or combustible tobacco products, synthetic nicotine products, E-cigarettes, and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems.

Regulated substances include prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, compressed air canisters (whippets), and nitrite poppers.


  • Facilitating the trade of alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, or other regulated substances
  • Marketing tobacco products, drugs, or other regulated substances
  • Providing instructions on how to make homemade spirits, drugs, or other regulated substances
  • Showing, possessing, or using drugs or other regulated substances recreationally, including signs of being under the influence
  • Showing young people possessing or using alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, or other regulated substances
  • Showing the misuse of common household items or over-the-counter products to get intoxicated, such as antihistamines, nutmeg, nitrous oxide canisters, or sniffing glue

RESTRICTED (18 years and older)

  • Discussing drugs or other regulated substances (as long as the substances are not being used or shown)
  • Showing the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol by adults
  • Promoting tobacco products
  • Showing the consumption of tobacco products by adults
  • Promoting alcohol products


  • Discussing drugs or other regulated substances (as long as the substances are not being used or shown)
  • Showing the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol by adults
  • Promoting tobacco products


  • Raising awareness about substance misuse and sharing recovery stories
  • Advocating for the reform of drug policies and regulations

Firearms and Dangerous Weapons

TikTok is a place where you may share or search for information about the responsible use and ownership of weapons, as well as the associated potential for serious harm. Firearms and explosive weapons can cause severe injury or death, especially when used in an unsafe manner. We do not allow the trade or marketing of firearms or explosive weapons, or content showing or promoting them if they are not used in a safe or appropriate setting.

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Firearms include professionally manufactured firearms, improvised firearms (such as ghost guns or 3D printed guns), firearm accessories, and ammunition.

Safe or appropriate settings include professional contexts (such as military and police), recreational environments (such as shooting ranges and hunting), educational contexts, and fictional settings.


  • Facilitating the trade of, or offering instructions on how to make, firearms or explosive weapons
  • Marketing of firearms or explosive weapons
  • Showing or promoting firearms or explosive weapons that are not used in a safe or appropriate setting

Trade of Regulated Goods and Services

Regulated goods and services often play an important and essential role. And it is important to understand that these items are regulated for a reason. TikTok is not a place for illegal traffic or trade, or an unofficial market (Black or Gray markets). We do not allow the trade or marketing of regulated, prohibited, or high-risk goods and services. This includes alcohol, tobacco products, regulated substances, firearms and other dangerous weapons, sexual services, animals, counterfeit goods, and instructions on how to manufacture regulated substances or firearms.

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Trade includes the sale, purchase, redirection, exchange, and giveaway of goods and services. This includes providing webpages or physical locations, sharing contact information, and redirecting people to interact on or off-platform (including direct messaging).

Tobacco products include vaping products, smokeless and combustible tobacco products, synthetic nicotine products, E-cigarettes, and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems.

Regulated substances include prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, compressed air canisters (whippets), and nitrite poppers.

Firearms include professionally manufactured firearms, improvised firearms (such as ghost guns or 3D printed guns), firearm accessories, and ammunition.


  • Facilitating the trade or marketing of regulated, prohibited, or high-risk goods and services, including:
    • Gambling or gambling-like activities
    • Alcohol and tobacco products
    • Illegal drugs, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, weight loss or muscle gain products, and other regulated substances
    • Firearms and explosive weapons
    • Counterfeit products, such as luxury goods
    • Fake currency, documents, and stolen information
    • Services that artificially increase engagement
    • Sexual services, including offering or asking for sexual acts (solicitation), sexual chats, imagery, pornography, member exclusive content, and streaming of adult content through a webcam, such as stripping, nude modeling, or masturbation (sexcamming)
    • Live animals, and any part of an endangered animal, such as products and medicine made from elephant ivory, tiger bones, rhinoceros horns, or sea turtle shells
    • Any items that promote hate speech, hateful ideologies, or hateful organizations, such as books or clothing with hateful logos

Commercial Disclosure and Paid Marketing

We value authentic viewpoints and want discussions on TikTok about products and services to be open and honest. To avoid misleading people, it is important to acknowledge any material relationship that may be relevant to the crediblity of your statements. If you market a business, product, or service you must disclose it using the content disclosure setting. This includes marketing for yourself, or a third party brand, product, or service in exchange for payment or other incentive. Marketing content is ineligible for the FYF if it is not disclosed using the content disclosure setting. For other types of material relationships, you must make a clear disclosure about such connections.

We do not allow any form of paid political marketing on TikTok. Learn more about our policy regarding Government, Politician and Political Party accounts.

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Material relationship means a relationship that may have a significant impact on the credibility of any representation or endorsement. This may include personal, family, employment, and financial relationships.

Disclosures are clear statements that explain the commercial nature of your content or your relationship to a third party.

Payment or other incentive may refer to cash payments, free products, store credit, discounts, and special access to products, services, or events.

REQUIRED DISCLOSURE (using the content disclosure setting)

  • Content marketing your business, product, or service
  • Content marketing a third party brand or its business, product, or service in exchange for payment or any other incentive
  • Other material relationships, such as research about a product, service, or industry when you have a relationship or connection with a company or industry involved in the manufacture or sale of that product or service, by making a clear disclosure in a caption, watermark, or sticker


  • Marketing content that is not disclosed using the content disclosure setting

Frauds and Scams

We want you to be able to use TikTok to learn about ways to be financially responsible and consider economic transactions or investment opportunities, without worrying about scams or financial exploitation. We do not allow attempts to defraud or scam members of our community.

Learn more about how to identify online scams and protect yourself.

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Frauds and scams are deceitful and deceptive acts that often exploit others for financial gain or to obtain an individual’s personal information.


  • Facilitating financial and individual-targeted scams, identity theft or phishing scams, and scams related to investments, financial transactions, or jobs
  • Coordinating, facilitating, or instructing on how to carry out scams
  • Facilitating organizational fraud, such as money laundering or moving illegally acquired money for someone else (money muling)
  • Recruiting for companies that sell products or services in a pyramid structure through independent distributors (multi-level marketing or MLM)
  • Facilitating the trade of fake currency, documents, and stolen information